


Beyond The Call of Duty.

Ending the Cycle of Death..

Screams the cover of the

New….(North East West)


But not the South..


Bia Fra.

Emeka Supreme 9:19.

A.I.D. A.S…

Aid the Supreme one.

Yes, they are Royals and will rise and shine…

And clean up their messes..

By brothers from Energy Spirit and Physicality..

E S.P.

For they did help, albeit it meagerly…with money while I worked on them tirelessy from the very begining 12 years ago to the very last minute.

And perhaps this might serve a lesson for all their line in this Existence and world..

For they are the line of John and Beautiful Pride..

The 5th and 6th aspects..

But to leave another of worth outside in the cold..

Is beyond cold blooded reptilian.. For reptiles seek the warm.. And I am always warm.

But now I am red hot bloodied with the blue blood of E.T Beings bleeding for me at this insult.

Perhaps this will serve as a lesson never to be forgotten..

My Scar of your Existence which I carry as a V on my wrist already. But which you shall bear..

Of Why it is important to Cee someone clearly..

And give Praise Appreciation Gratitude Explaination.. Forever Beautifully Expressed.

C… P.A.G.E. F.B..E.

Because you never know who truly holds your life and Existence in Balance in his Hands…

And with just a Word a Gest can send you to what you incarnated..

The Ladies ..Win Line of Beautiful Pride..

They Inherit the world.

And from this play we all see why.

As for Fritz Venneiq he gets away scott free because he publicly confessed testified and was with me in Spirit from begining to end.

What is your pride. ?

I am V Beautiful Pride..


Strength of Woman.

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