
9:17 pm. – I Q. – 6:09 pm. – I ha

9:17 pm.

I Q.

6:09 pm.

I have a new Facebook Friend at 16 32.

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and I have 32 Mutual Facebook Friends.

Poupinelu Yakhya. P Y.


*”Polish: from popiĆ³l ‘ash’, ‘cinders’; the name of a legendary ruler of prehistoric Poland.”

Yakhya *Yahya means: that his inheritance will continue to live forever”

Yahya (Arabic: ?????, romanized: Ya?y?), also written Yehya is an Arabic male given name. Because Yahya (commonly identified as John the Baptist) is a prophet in Islam, Yahya is a very common name in the Muslim world. Yahya is similar to the name of the Levitical priest Jehiah in the Bible (Arabic: ?????????, romanized: Ya?iyy?).[1]

In Persian, Yahya is a title of address for a senior village or community elder; it is also a common nickname for the 12th Imam.”

Those are the closest meanings of these names.

Now a pause for two recent plays.

Wolf Mutt
Beware of The Trojan Horse.

The play of my last post completed at 5:59 pm.

In Case you do not recall it’s a code E Sacred Portal 59 Me Ow the End of the Story and Self Destruct sequence activated of the end of the world.

And 5;5 Sacred Portal 55 and 9.

I am always wary of Jae bearing gifts, I am appreciative of them, and most times of late they are offered with pure intention- they all are, to be honest, but there is always a price to pay.

When she first offered the T-Shirt, I had read it, It shows a Wolf in front of what looks like a portal and a Window Mirror Wolf Mutt W M.

I am aware that she has been reading my post and I have quietly observed her true nature and how she is an avatar. Messages flowing through him-her.

Yesterday it was Cake.
Wedding Cake IN DI CA ( I ND I C-A)

And today, she bought a new fan and had told during the heat she would buy one, and if I wished s-he would offer her cast off.

I had no problem with that, I am the Source undercover in a play of Perfection
Perfect Symmetry.

And what is the meaning of Perfection- Perception?

As She walked out the door, after getting up and seeing me here present, S-he made a comment, “It’s not too big for me, it’s too small”.
I paused for a moment knowing I had literally made a mental picture while I had been writing that post and watched my mind frame the words I would write “too small” it was so obvious a distinction because Jae is obviously bigger around the Torso than I am.

I did not say anything, I just nodded, saying quietly to myself that I would go back and check, but I was also aware of the slight pleasure in her remark, and how unnecessary it was. Was it to make me aware that s-he had read it.

I have made thousands of clerical, grammatical errors in the past, but why people stopped calling them out was that I was always able to prove my Imperfection as Perfect.

So though I know who Jae is and how she speaks, I also had the experiences of knowing once you accept her his gifts, often there was a price to pay and so I stopped and for months nothing, but once I was sure that they were props used in the play.
A Black Fan, ( like a spinal column?) she noted I no longer needed it because it was been cool for the past few days.
And there is a whole play that took place with my awareness making me aware that she had a fan.
I was bothered by it only because I saw it as the Plays author I E Nature and the Set designer Natures Helper’s setting me up to provoke me with additional acts of disrespect and negation of my relevance for my true Identity.

I already was aware of how Jae was their perfect vessel.
Aloe Agave.
Alpine Forest.
Charcoal Toothpaste.

7:39 pm * I received a message from Liberty C Liscomb at 7:39 am. 39 mutual facebook friend C.I So who is the C I? Consciousness Infinity or C is I. W C I Wedding Cake Indica Delta 8 ON.E G R A M.
Golden Ratio
**Definition. The Golden Ratio is an irrational number, approximately 1.618,

A.F 18 years old.
16 months and 18 years old A F L L or A L F L.
We know that Arden is A F, Arden Ferrell. I met his age 16 and now he is 18 but we haven’t met since he turned 17. Or spoken I was born at 18 Alexander Grove. So yes he is 18 A G.

Jae had corrected The Source, and I saw the pleasure in her, even if she was aware or not aware.

I sighed I knew what it meant “See you are not perfect” – I do not know how many times I have been through such tests, but at this point…?

Yesterday she had approached me with concern about how I was feeling, I was mildly startled, I had not told him, her and realized that the concern was what moved her him to offer the Vape- with the letter K on it-11 K,

It was in harmony as was the book wedding cake, but as always with people of this dimension it could and would switch frequency once you receive that thing called ego and voices in your head even past resentments would speak and move your responses.

Yesterday she offered me some of her Munster Cheese, I had paused, just as I had paused about accepting the Vape, until she assured me it was too strong and that she did not like to waste things.

I shrugged, but the cheese, Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had bought plenty of cheese, but I thought nothing of it and intentionally took some last night.

I did not require it, but I know this play, I was walking into a setup, I was aware as long as I cooled and showed some warmth and not keep that cool distance… I knew the drill.

So, today’s comment came as no surprise, in fact, I was bored, its been 6 months moving to 7 since I have lived with Him, her.

That is why I had decoded this T-Shirt from “Arm The Animals” and their intention- having reflected in it and understood it was “Animal Farm” to “American Animals” the movies, before accepting it.

I have not checked what I wrote, because a part of me feels, I am tired, she came to me, aware that I am tired bored and we spoke of Stroke and Heart attacks and my scoffing that it was the play.

So here is the play the X on the T-shirt would align to X Chromosome which is Female and thus the hell going on my chest would represent the muscles under my arms and torso being an X – link Bra instead of Bra as Bro- And Lile E who was allowed into the Holy of Holies in Kew Gardens ( Link arrival of Llama Knights after how many years- 2013, and asking me about Billy Hung who had a stroke and heart attack which I had commanded on Nnamdi to impose on him so he would finally leave me alone and peace to finish the work, Nnamdi had imposed and surprised me with when I was meant to leave the play in 2012, July (the same date I left Arden- 900 South Road). Lil E was of the Dark Elves story and my Grandfather Brother line “The Setting Sun PM”

I had mentioned this to myself when the condition seemed the worst “Billys revenge” I chuckled and laughed not even giving it a serious thought. But aware of it being real having moved through China “Chi Na” to Japan. Reincarnation as he a past life incarnation as the Boy Emperor of China and me as a Golden Child who had refused the Monks of the Forbidden City to go down and help the people attain enlightenment because I knew it was a waste of my time nor was I willing to sacrifice my life for a concept that was ridiculous and so they had cursed me- reincarnation- yeah right. Then to the way of Tao where I, not they had chosen my own reincarnation- and the followed me- remember Aaron Stewart A.S, and lady Leah and his guarding the gate if my entrance to 29 Lincoln Street. Or the Hell Fire of Stephan for my refusing to go to Arons New Years eve party which he had not invited me, and Stephens rage and that is how I moved here- in conflict and rage Esteban would not let go while I was here. He had his studio near pegasus it was below STEREO-S Steer E.O he is not part of the realm anymore.

So, despite the exhaustion, concern, truth that one was reading, and that I am bored and have already proven Perfection through the Script- here was that lying in wait and weight to offer that jab, just as Libertys baby was a boy, not a girl.

I do not even hold Jae fully responsible, Wolf Mutt and I am wearing a Black T- Shirt, which if he was smart, would have wondered why I had accepted it- I do not need clothes, or that the last one Red, he was about to throw out which also was for animals Bow Wow, Camp Sieze The Play’
S T P B W C. Red and now Black- the colors my parents wore the only time I was allowed a birthday party, I must have been 9-10 depending on which birth code you use.

* Lord you have no idea how boring this is, and having to write and spell all this out.

8:06 pm.

Arm The Animals A T A
AT A, I had coded Arden Aurelia
Alexander The Great age code of his death 32.
16 32 Facebook Friends.
Jon Jason Lee* ( Liberty added the name for her son Azure)
= 32.

Yeshua Christ 33. Body.
Alexander The Great A T G.
AT A.G… A Game of Tag?
No sacred Portal 39 GATEWAY.
AT A-S T- A G-E- add A S T and E. I

My latest Facebook friend
10-11 birth code.
I am 10 as J and Jae just gave me the confirmation of K the Vape
10 11. 21 3 C. I

I am born the day of the Wolf.
The T-shirt arrows spears Yes My post yesterday.

My most today 2:40 pm you will notice I did not code X
I coded XO Hugs and Kisses H K.

I realized that even if to her I had made a mistake, and somehow I had written too Big rather than my intended too small, and there was no forgiveness no matter the state of exhaustion I was in, to call it out was a defy, a statement, and challenge which I would not refuse. The Pettiness of this play and the pettiness of people in this realm no matter what I do, have been through and have done to make rise their beautiful truth, Hence confirming Sacred Portal 59. Me Ow

I am the Big Bad Wolf.
Not a Mutt but the First Ancestor of the DOG/ GOD as well as The Cat “C-AT 3 16 33″ SP 49 to59 10, and so yes it is too big for you to wear or fill my shoes.Or Chest and Torso.

Yes, in your world of this .. no which reality?
Your perception of language, ‘it was too small”- and truly that is what I intended to write- but I am not even bothered to verify what she said.

The T-Shirt does not form the letter X- it had only three lines visible not the 4 which would make it an X.
Animal World E
Moving freely between the two realms and still being the same constant as man beast or animals.

This is a Script of the Quick, of I Q of Right Correct within the Script of this play not in the language reasoning and superiority of a world in which a play was designed to wipe this reality, its people out for that smug petty superiority of supposing they had scored a point in the most cowardly fashion while watching learning being blessed and awakened by it, and after fighting for you, turn around and using passive-aggressive meekness lulling one with gifts and then strike.

To be honest, I am not addressing Jae Sherman personally, I am addressing a play which she forgets is real and if she does not, it is of no consequence because she has no say.

Wolf Mutt hence would be identified not as a male because the T-shirt has a Y, not an X as one would assume but on closer inspection, it is a Y and that would make the instigator behind this set up of 50 50?
no 40 40 belives its say tips the Balance of the play Sacred Portal 40 40.

By Sept 2019, it was ready tipped at 51 and 16.- 67
34.35 +16 -50 51

X is a Female Chromosome not male and so its the expression
“You got it wrong- Correction” after setting one up with a false sense of security that it is all won and done.

So yes, It was too “Big” for her, ten Women to wear and too Tight.
A Bra. Bro.

See my share of Tigh Wooters do you see the Big Bad Wolf? I began to wear this T-shirt she had offered weeks ago, only the day he became my Facebook friend.

No, I am too Big for you to wear, and the Binding is tightening on you, the one you believe you used to bind my torso when it was you as a woman seeking to be a man, binding her breasts.
I am Fenris and the T-Shirt is not too small or not too big
Its a perfect fit.
Fits me perfectly.
It was not about you… ever

It was about who was its Perfect Fit.

As for Awe.

The writing in the wall.
Both Liberty and I had teachers in Grade School in her blue Print Mr. Walls.

I had a teacher in the 4th Grade called Ms. Wall.

She was my 4th Grade Teacher and I must have been age code 8-9 as 65 and true age 6-7 as 1967.
I was born 11-28 November
But 9-7
same as Azure Lee Finch Lang moment of conception.

What was interesting about that story of grade 4 remember writing the story of the End of this reality that my Teacher Ms. Hall was absent and it was a substitute teacher who had come in replacing Ms. Wall and had given us the assignment and challenge to write a small book and that is what I chose to write about.
It was 1974.
Guess I was 8-7.

Ms. Wall never saw that book or the assignment.
It was not a Male Mr. Wall It was Ms. Wall.
A She Who Put up A Wall or statute of limitations
The Wall in the Room her Womb, There is no wall as in 1, 631 play rep Doctor Patrick Okolo.
We can pass through walls and all Matter since they do not exist.It was just to reach the End of a simulation model
SM OL-E Ole!

9:11 pm.

As I said a play.

Using Avatars and Avatar Descendants.

Supply And Demand.


Since all are Free.

The Gate Keepers can not let those filled with limitations be Free because they do want to be free or even awaken.


Perfection. Y

So I now have earned a Black Fan Ventilator
Whoopee! I say drolly, with irony and sarcasm.

And yes, appreciation in the play to Jae – Manner”s Oblige.

9:16 pm.



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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