
9:17 p.m – 9:18 pm – I.Q – I Quant

9:17 p.m – 9:18 pm – I.Q – I Quant

9:17 p.m

9:18 pm

I Quantum

I R.

I Response

I went to get some sugar from the Local C.V.S

I was contemplating the intense quiet heart ache and Sadness of being driven to post the contest of my Mother silently waged against my Existence Existence Truth
Expression Trust.

Not like this.. not like this.

Then from 49 85 Facebook Friends
Thomas Lang
Jeron & Azure’s Bio Farher with Liberty C
Date of Birth 4-7-19 85

1385 Metropolitan Woods
I was moved from New York City to Connecticut and the Woods.

Steve Woods
Rebecca Harper Wood
Anita Woods
Will Woods bedv37 R 3A. Delta Manor
Jay Woods

58 85 was the equation for M &M.
But 58 which is Sacred Portal 58 “Spirited Away the Right and Correct way. I have been held up and denied it completion of Saxred Portal 85. Devi Devoted Crowns Spirit E.A. Expression Awarenees for Demystifying the C of Consciousness ”

M.M.= 1 26.


All because of Sacred Portal 52.


Woman Maiden Wise Woman.

As I walked not knowing where to go, just an overwhelming desire for privacy to be in my space to express the Beautiful Sadness and to hold back the tears which no one here in this realm has the right to see me shed.

I was thinking and contemplating my usual Tobbacco I used to buy in Europe and how I found it here and would spoke it out of a Beautiful tobacco box with an image of a painting of Aphrodite and Cupid surrounded by Opium fumes from her pipe, at 80 Spring Street Balthazar New York Manhattan

It was called Golden Virginia.
And that is the Beautiful Past.
I am Silver. Ag.
Lucifer Light.
My past is Gold

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Kim means “Gold”
Aurelia means ” Golden One”

The Past

While Leabder Looking Glass
was in Virginia and is back in the Preent as Connecticut the 5th state with his brother’s
Ferrill and Arden as the Present.

The Goddess was the First Earth Story..not necessarily it Actual Truth.

Mother Earth.
Mother Nature
was actually always a Man.
But The Mother Cult soon took over in that Belief that it is Woman Mother who brings Life.

Men as Lucifer bring Light.

Marina Frances M.F. Mother Father?

Masculine Feminine.

I spent 369.USD on what I realized was Goldeb Emblem Sugar…White.

I smiled quietly. .
Hence the photo I shared on the Door Frame.

F.M = 19.

That is where the Microwave just stopped after heating my coffee.

As I walked back, I passed the Pizza place across the road and once again I saw a card board piece of paper and could not help but pick it up.

9:52 pm

I will show you what it says and why only after that post.and reading the intel from Alicia Norris about the Nuclear Family and it denise…

9:54 pm

I Age code 54.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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