
9:16 p.m – I P. – I P Address. – I

9:16 p.m

I P.
I P Address.

I.P Man.


When I was sent deep, deep down undercover to you all despite my posting full exposed openly via the 27 months I was at Delta Manor Shelter.
Dark Matter Expression

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr almost immediately after this afternoon’s play
Where I found myself talking to the Silence aloud, aware that he was present but not sure if he was awake aware or asleep as I solved the riddle of the line of Alicia Norris and F R.A.N.K.
And Kim A.H.J.

He came out a bit latter and gave me Perfect Symmetry in 2020 Vision describing the intel he gathered while watching T V
An Anime
Which was the code to perfection to my Thoufgrs Spoken Refflected out outside from Inside.

Right to David Stephen Johnson as Samurai ( Samuel)
And Nnamdi Ninja.

To the code 23 on the Exioe Ender T-Shirt
And the Word “GOD” on it.

Please recall that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr.
Was present just in the nick of time +
To return here from his trip South with Team Kamora Herrington from the deep south to the OBA ( Oba MA… Bahamas)
Yoruba clean Portal to here on
The 26th, 2020
Thanksgiving Dat.
20 4.
2004 Stephen Johnson

Witness Stephen Popiotek

2004 play of Stephen Johnson

24. X. Xfinity

24 not to 6
But through a being myself as representing 67.

Hence, 247. 25 39.

Our telephone number
In 1972-1977.
105 Wiltshire Bay Winnipeg Canada, Windsor Park
To 8 Hampshire Bay.

And all the way back to 18 Alexander Grove London England.

This is the completion of the Play Script which Liberty C
C Line
With Alucia..
Remember the play of my proving I truly could see Liberty Liscomb
And why she transformed her name to her middle name Liberty C…?

It was I was able to pin point publicly my true Love for her via my Cee, which was by Indentifying her as a Beautiful Tall American Indian aligned to Pocahontas
The E Version.
Arch of the Covenant and how I noted via the Script how she appeared to be waiting for Alicia Norris.

9:42 pm.

I moved here 10-23-2020.

Tomorrow is 4-23- 2022

D W.
D.VV- T.V.

Fritz Venneiq

9:45 pm


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