
9:13 p.m.

9:13 p.m.

I M…

I Manifest

Infinite Manifestation…

E E T R..U E… E E T R E…. Eternal Transparent Rue.. Street of Desire …

E .. ETRE… E Being.. E B.

5 2… 26 coffee Twice … 26 26.. 52…

I find it hard to believe that I am still standing and that I went this far…

It is Done though…

Billy Hung arrival signals that but I do not have the energy to explain any longer.

American Indian Spirits .. African American Spirits…

Jace Horsford showed me a drum which linked to Nnamdi and the sacred portal 121….

But I am not Nnamdi nor does Nnamdi exist any more…

Only I.D… MANN….And NN…A.M..D.I… ( NN 14 14… 28..) 28…B.H…A M..D.I… Being HAM DI… Not the story of Ham and the mark of Cain…

But of Beings of HarmonioUS Awareness Manifesting Desires individually to Awaken to their IDENTITY… I.D.. Of Infinite Divine Manifest Aware Naturally of Nothingness be the Source of the Being…

Nothing is the Matter…

Its all Ecstasy Bliss..

E B..

And that is the meaning of Dawn Piercy David Powers ( Beloved Powers) and Mallam Powers… The Scholar Powers…

Dawn is Clarity Cherished Beloved …. Scholarship…

That is what powers Existence Beyond…

And that is what bring E.B…

The Feelings sensational of at last understanding Y…

not Why… but the Road.. the YA! Y..AH!!! WAY of E… To Eternity…


9:30 p.m.



I believe it is Done… and I must must truly rest.

9;31 P.m

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