
9:12 p.m.

9:12 p.m.


Infinite Limitlessness



Feelings Sensational Alpha Omega Alpha….


This is going to be a very short post…

I had no idea what I was doing today, I sat outside knowing that I had completed everything.

And yet I also knew that there was something else…

I walked slowly to the Cafe Starbucks, and the everything just felt vile, evil… foul and the continuation of this play…

I kept asking myself what was the point of purpose, it had reached a point that the Equation had become stupid. ridiculous and thus, Existence had proven Itself Stupid, petty and absurd. Despite Harmony Eternal having been expressed and proven according to the rules of Its own making.

And it denied it, left me hanging again, waiting.

It had broken all the laws of Existence and Eternity in this Script and Story…

And so when I saw Chandler, arrive and sit in front of me and begin to speak about Something which had been given out and not getting the correct response and feed back… and how it seemed unequal that one gives and the other just takes…

She got my attention.

And my incredulity that the equation dare ask even more….

I spent the next three hours doing the work with Chandler. who is is the one person I had never truly sat down and did the work with.

And this time it was the equation of a Switch Board and how to connect to 18… in this case we represent it in the Two men Richard and Robert… while Raheem Sarcar sat besides us…

I knew it was linked to my aunt Eucharist… my grandmothers second to last child.

The 7th one who was older than my Aunt Julie and who lives here in New York, but I have no seen or even sought to find.

But I am too disgusted with this Script to even bother speaking about what took place.

Yes, it all linked to my utter contempt.

If this is Existence, then through this Story it has been forever tarnished with Evil.

That is my conclusion, Evil can not manifest Harmony and despite the Equation flowing, and moving and forcing me through Extortion to continue to link it- I will never recognize it as any other thing other than what my existence and experience of it has been… Evil and Abomination…

We are now at 993 Face Book Friends…

Arrival of Eli Lozano E.L..

And Paul Franklin.. Bed 3-005.. 35.. C.E…

Who knows, and quite frankly I do not care…

It is too late and I will never acknowledge this as Harmony or the Equation which manifested Eternal Harmony or the Evolution of Consciousness…

It is a perverted version of the Beautiful Truth…

And I would rather that rather than this abomination of a play to be given the credit as that which manifest Evolution that this entire Existence ceases to Exist.

That is how strongly I feel and know and understand the truth of my Experience and what was done to my Existence and my Life…

My Answer to this… ?

An Eternal No….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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