
9:11 P.M

9:11 P.M




I have a new Facebook Friend

Welcome Lady in Blue ..


Jane Frances…

335 Facebook Friend…


3+3+5=11…K.. A.A…1 A.

I wrote a Beautiful long Equation on the relevance and the importance and signifance of my latest FaceBook friend based on the ph-one

69- 96 Ying Yang play…

(9+6=12..3….9-6=3..C.. 9+6=15 letter O, representing the Full Circle Chris Franco..Bearer of the annointed is the Freeman 6×9=54…The Mitchondria D N.A – The Bean…)

And the alignment of ROYGB being the Full Circle and I.V representing Being I.V..

Being of Individual Victorious 5th Dimension called Expression…

And how the meaning of Jane is the Feminine version of the name John…

And Frances which means Free person

Which aligned to Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell as both being 1 yet also V…and VII meaning they are one and the Same 1, Married V yet each Individual II..

Represented literally in my last three Facebook Friends..

John Obi…Jonn

Enika Olah….Emeka

Jane Freeman… Donna…

And of Course I..C….the Gala XY 6O X I.C..


Meaning Jedi Knights are the Cee

And I.D.. E.J…

Code Evan ALexander Judson…

E is Alexander Defender of Man Judesin Son-G of Praise…

Emeka also means Praise

Meaning we were representative of the Line of JEDI Warriors in a play Unseen but Seen of Star wars of all those wished to be seen as Stars…

While we remained unknown, anonymous doing the real work undercover in the Trenches…

And are now I.D ..E.J…Elegance Grace Unique Rare Olah meaning.. Wave H.I, Sine A.M…Eye of RAH.. Lotus Blossom in Shit inside and out, in the Body as Shit (instead of Aquarius Water Vessel which we converted a Body made out of Flesh and Shit into) and the realities we lived (representing all who lived this equation of transformation while others sought glory and competed contrived controlled bullied dominates and sought to proclaim themselves the Sun God’s)

We are the Emmanuel Luna Line. .

Moved by the waves of the See and C of Everything…

I wrote a Beautiful Equation of the play of how first contact was made already from within, and how it occurred right before your eyes and two the two representatives J.D/D J…

With Michael O’Donnell Aryana Luna Leone, Brooke Banwer, Andrese Harris Burton Christine Baluba and others being the supporting actors of this last play..cast in a Story created before this Existence began but whose outcome was based on their ancestors and thier own choices of yes no yes no…

I was going to point out the alignment of Joins Birthday Tomorrow as 5-8/8-5..


E Harmony and how the Equation keeps moving to the code name Jonn..

Which means The Creator is Gracious.. or Grace is Freedom…

And to the The Blue Dress which Jane is Wearing which is Symbolic of Space as Navy Blue..

And T for Twins Transparency (Jonn Jane J.J forms 1O+1O.. 2O letter T…Time…

Ah Tom Sphere..

AH is 1-8


1-89…Twins Sphere (Not Fear)

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula

Ogech Ogechukwukama Ifediorama Ngozichukwa..

Both names meaning Time is in the Creators Hands and Awareness..

And how Universe is both 1 and 9..

And how It is Filled Space with light shed from the past…the Suns Light reaches us 8 secs after it has been shed so that it creates the Illusion of our never catching up with RA the Sun if we use only two eyes to see..

But if we use 3 eyes (4 Eyes ROYG) you can actually see that we Cee from a Light not outside but within…And that is the only way to align True Sight not to Space as the Past but Harmony here in the Atmosphere of the Twins in 1 as E.H ..

Earth Heaven?

E H..

Expressing Harmony ..

That Donna has the code 58…

And I am the code 58-85 and Jonn is born on the code 8-5..

Which creates 8+5=13…




4 is Green.

G is Number 7…



God is Grace

Do NNA is First Note

Doe a Deer…A Female Deer


NNA means Father

The 1st Note of Existence Manifest is Father..

Utilizing the Sacred Feminine principle which is not encased in form but Informed Creativity..


Thus 1 is Father 9 is I…



Is I.F..F.I.

I Father..A.M.

Father I .. B.E

April 5..45..1969 my Brother Nnamdi who is I…

Father 9+6=15= letter O Perfect Symmetry

Pamela Stefaniotis…

6..F.. Fritz Venneiq…

Sixth Sense/Age of Reason

69 the Past.

96 the present…

9×6=54…The Bean Mitochondrial D.N.A..

The True Power house and Source D N.E which moves all living things as well as Everything.

I was about to go on about

Jonn Blackwell…. John Obi (Heart)..J.H (1O8..9

Emeka .C Kolo… Enika Olah…E.O…(5O…515..11

Donna O’Sullivan…. Jane Freeman (J.F..K)..1O6..7…



Keith Grant..I




And all the codes so delightful uncovered..

But the post disappeared…

Universal Nature Existence is the Matrix to Cross and it represents Fate Destiny the Blue Print of Existence…

To go Beyond Existence Known you must step out of a Known Existence experienced by you…

And enter into No mans Land..

That is where you will find the E..

The Expression of Eternity

The Eternal One…


And his Manifest Expression

Which existed before this Universe Andromeda Milky Way A.M.W….Even Began….

A.M..E….where 2+2= 5..B.I.V…

Being Individual Victorious Expression Beautiful Realm Of E



French Igbo..




He Fact.

S.He Fact..

An E.T..Knight

A Gentle Man Knight

And a Lady Knight

All in Luminous Lunar Shinning Armor of Amour

Called Cee..Inside

C Within

Cecilia Wiebers…

1O:13 pm…

Oh well.



Espirit Supreme O1-1O



Yonathan Yohannes

J.O.Y is the Father the Guide the racing Winds friends of Espirit..

Now E Three


1O:15 pm



John Obi.

Gracious Heart.

G H.


That is The True Expression of God.

The Passed….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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