
9:10 p.m.

9:10 p.m.


I O.A.




T= 20…O= 15… E=5

The One Existence….

To E

End of Times…

*The end time is a future time-period described variously in the eschatologies of several world religions, which believe that world events will achieve a final climax.

The word arises from the Greek ?s?at?? eschatos meaning last and -logy meaning the study of, first used in English around 1844. The Oxford English Dictionary defines eschatology as the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.

T O E… T=20, O=15, E=5.

2015 5..E..

In 2015, I was moved by this play, which I call the Univeral Simulation Play of the Evolution Awakening ( E.A 5 1.. Yes, the 5 and the 1 usd bills posted yesterday code 121 and 130 marked on them)

I was moved to go to B.R.C Assessment Shelter, where i was assigned Bed 49.

49 is 24+ 25… 24 is letter X and 25 is Y… As in Male and Female Chromosome and as in GA LA XY…

I met a person called Keith Grant the very first day who I recognized immedtaily as the Energy of my First Line of Father in Time, represnted in my life time by my grandfather’s older brother who was called Papa Mbwede, meaning ‘Father of the Descent, while my Grandather was called Papa Mbwugo meaning ‘Ascend.

M M… 13 13 26…

A.D…Which is represented here and confimed by the presence of Angela Dawn A.D…

And which was played out when I recounted how I met my grandfather in vision during 911 while living with a Man who had suffered double total Amenesia, called Donald and who had managed to achieve total recall twice.

It was 2001, and I recounted how my Grandfather had appeared at the bottom of a great stair well and gestured joyously for me to Ascend.

14 Years later I met Keith Grant who aligned to Eric Lile Brown and who told me that we were in the Black Hole.

E.O.T… E.N.D Of Times…

5 15 20… That was the code of the 20 usd, the play which took place yesterday, with Brenda Booth.

Recall she said she had 20 usd and I took 5 from here which had the code 130 written on it and returned 15 to Brenda..

Thus, 20 15 5…./ 5 15 02/20…

Please recall that my last sacred portal is 155 and it shows Two Men as the portal moving backwards backwards to the the Eternal Beining of the One.. The Flower of Life of Fractals-Light moving outwards and then backwards to it Original Expression.. O.E.

5-15 you may recall is the birthday of Jose A Roq who was bed 5-004 Next to me in bed 5-006 ..54.. 56 who then was moved to bed 5-017… E.O. Q

And was born 5-15- 69.

Recall that bed 5-017 was the bed I was originally assigned the first day I arrived at Delta Manor and which I was suddenly re-assigned after a long discussion in the office outside of my hearing which dsturbed Theo the night supervisor.

And recall that Derrick is now bed 4-017 formerly The bed of David Dawn.

Jose A Roq has since left the play but was the one who occuppied beds 5 04… E OD.. and 5 017.. E OQ.. Both which really are linked to me.

But Lorenzo occupies the same bed I occupied in the past, and is perfectly aligned to the E play… but as the End of Times….

I Have passed that fnished and completed that play and returned to my portal of Origins TO..E.. Home.. represented in my awareness by the Two Male mannequins in my Locker and by the play in room 4A..

10;43 a,m…

Tom M… Bed 4-012..

Allen Murray bed 4-012.. D.O.L..

Door Of Life… Sacred portal 43.

*I will like to note that bed 4-003 and bed 4-005 The two beds directly across from me where absent last night..

Both are called William.. one Will P And the other William ( Walle) B… WW.. P.B..

Only one returned, Bed 4-005. He had been taken to the hospital he told me ( Hernia) while the other..4-003 his bed has been striped bare.

Hello… I am going to make this as brief as possible because I did not sleep and was in the final play of the sacred portal 9.00 which I posted yesterday, and can see for yourself if you scroll down.

I received the Confirmation that it is Done.

After completing the post and code of Lorenzo who is occupying the bed, I once occupied, bed 4-016 who is the one who has lived here in Dellta Manor the longest, a record breaking 5 years.

An educated and son of some prominent political figure and himself a Father of grown up and very successful children.

He has been speaking about this place, calling it out, the evil, the witchcraft and all the things going on.

Turns out the this man seemingly absurd and mad as totally correct.

And for the past few weeks he has been making comments to me, as if recognizing me truly for the first time.

There is no doubt in my mind now that he is being moved by the Divine.

Ah I just saw Angela Dawn liked something…

It is not by chance that she appeared in perfect harmony as what took place in the Dormitory began about 3- 4 in the morning and continued, ending at Dawn.

I had stated that I had identified that Delta Manor is the center of the play of the World.

And that they key players, where the final representations of a Cosmic Chess Match aligned to the play going on my Face Book page and with certain Face Book Friends..

And a third venue, the Starbucks Cafe in Parchester, 1385 Metropolitain Woods. MW87 as classified by Nasa.

it is the 77450 Starbucks… 77 45 O

It does not take a genuis to figure out that Delta Manor at

1530 Beach Street

And 280 billionFace Book offices

Address. 770 Broadway; New York, New York 10003 …

and 1385 MW, the 77450 Starbucks represent Sky (Heavens) Sea (Purgatory) and Earth ( Hell)

Actually it is Heaven Hades Hell…Space Sheol Shade

HHH…888…SSS 191919…. 24 57….

One Day 24 hours and 57 E.G…Enders Game represented and completed with Code of 24 as X, and the intel from Angela Dawn of Benedict Allen who is 57…and the play of which I had to Manifest the Truth of the X not being the female chromosome by the Male… XY.. 24 25.. 49…

Last night, after writing the last post, once more I felt incredulous and indifferent at the same time, what was the point? What is your point I asked the still night…

Do you realy think that after all this, and even right now that I would ever forgive this play or that it was allowed…?

Shrugging and not even bothering to concernt myself I went upstairs to bed.

10:51 p.m.

The room was dark and quiet but the moment I lay down ready to sleep, the snores from Bed 4-008 began.

I had noticed that, whenever I was about to sleep that he would start snoring. He was not aware, I knew that, but I saw the timing and each night I was the only one who spoke up or did something to at least subdue the noise.

But last night the noise was so loud, and still no one did anything, said anything..

The Bully in the room was sound Noise.. Torture and torment which the staff were aware of but did not care, they did not care because many of them were just after a pay check and felt a contempt for the men, who in a way I observed many deserved.

I got up and finally kicked his bed, waking him, he was startled, he is a big Jamaican guy who is a professional boxer who has let himself go.

They were afraid of him, and would rather suffer in silence, and feel jealousy anger resentment which they lashed out on each other creatiing a viscous cycle.

Only Allen Murray had spoken out after I had.. but no one else…

The Puerto Ricans used guile and hypocrisy while hiding their anger just like Puerto Rico and the United States…Dominic Edwin…

*Dominic is a name common among Roman Catholics and other Latin-Romans as a boys name. Originally from the late Roman-Italic name Dominicus its translation means, Lordly, Belonging to God or of the Master.

The name Edwin means rich friend. It comes from the Old English elements ead (rich, blessed) and wine (friend). The original Anglo-Saxon form is Eadwine, which is also found for Anglo-Saxon figures.

Their Lordly master was the United States not God..

USA is thier rich friend whom they despise but Brown Nose…

Nicholas the Jamiacan was the Carribean, the Slave Trade, the middle passage.. the Snores so Loud were awful sounds.. like Demons of Rage which he could not express in conscious life… just whine and sleep… But do nothing.. and I saw the simering rage of the those who had endured the middle passage and escaped yet had still been enslaved.


And then the White man Tom M.. and another one now in bed 4-011.. one befriended that which despised him, the one in 4-011 who is more Spanish looking acts indifferent to the room…

I was looking at Texas…and Florida- Keys… all ravaged by Katrina..

Then i thought about St Louis and my Case Manager Nicole M.. and her efforts.. to prove something but quite frankly so far achieving nothing really, but having the desire and the outrage…

There is a tall slim Louis who works at Starbucks.. I like him.

And so, i began speaking outloud.. Nicholas got up and I paced the room..and then lay down, people were awake they were listening as I began to solve the riddle outloud…

Caribbeans had been destroyed.. Puetro Rico Dominican Republic.. D.R.. David Rothschild..

Nicholas I said aloud means victory of the people. but the people do nothing, the are Selfish, this man could have done something about his sleep apnea.. Carton had the same problem but used an oxygen mask..

He was so selfish so inconsiderate so mannerless because of his contempt for the people in the Shelter.. but he could not see himself as the exact same thing.

No wonder many of the staff treat you like filth it is because you act that way… they are evil but that is because you are… you ony care about what you can get..

Wallee calls things out as does A.m but he is a business man..

Ah that is why he was spared…

Allen means Harmony…

He is the only man decent and he linked to Walle. 4-005 who is deep within decent…

Alive.. but the rest they do not exist, I told them, you do no exis there is no People.. Victory of the People you are Evil, you do nothing as long as you get only what you want.. You let others speak up for you, suffer for you.. Each night it is my action to sleep to create quiet to battle with the fear they have this Boxer.. who is smart because he is more afraid of me or what I represent…

I roar and you benefit and get to sleep…

Ah… I told them this is America, this is the World…

Complacent each to their own..

You do not Exist.. Just as Evil does not exist and you are Evil..

So go to hell I said, literally burn there because they only thing which does exists is Harmony …

11:22 AM… 11 23 am

Paul bed 4-002 the Mute is seated besides me…

Silence does and can make a sound…

And so when I solved the riddle…the room went quiet

Nicholas stopped snoring… he had gone back to bed… but woke up again..

I was heard…

You all deserve what you get… you are the America the World.. Evil IS Selfishness…

And the Viscous Cycle is you…

And so it is Done.

11/19… 2017.. ( 019) code Angela Dawn message sent 10:54 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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