
9:09 p.m

9:09 p.m


Sacred Portal 99.

Victor.. again as Sacred portal 86.

680 usd… 11 22 68… 11 22 47..

David Cecilia… My Mother and my brother….

They tested the line of John Jason Lee.. J J L.. 32…

56 Elgin Avenue Maida Vale..

18 Mountain View..M.V.

Valdrino Meta… V.M/ M V.

M V.. MO V E… Movement Exodus…

M.V.. M 5.. M.E..

To ME.. To Me….

To Manifest Expression as I know how to do…

But first you must understand the Principles of Father And Mother. Mother And Father…

F A.M… Facts A.M… F A M …Infinite Limitless Youth.. Y Chromosome.. Y.C.. Yeshua Christ.. Yes Hues Ah. W.A.V.E.S…

F A M I L Y… Who do not hold grudge but speak up so as to clear the Air.

By doing the M.A.F… M..A F A..

Presidents Donald J Trump spoke of a Bill of Love…

Axel Anderson.. AA… Axel Love.. A.L/ L.A..

1 12/ 1 12… 13 13.. M M… 26/ 62..

620.00 usd is where Joseph Carey line representing the sum total of the Truth of that line of the Babies grown up to reach almost David.. DA VIDE… As the Beloved or as the DA.VIDE..

Vide means the Emptiness the Vacum the black Hole…

It does not Exist… And so those who hold onto that frequency do not Exist…

DA.. 41.. V I … D E… I… The meaning of David is Beloved

D.B…Doing is Being.. BE..Loved.. 25.. L..O…12 15.. 126..

Y..A Z…

B.L..A.IR… G.. Andrews.. I have already reached the end..

The Money codes are not the Play as you can see, that the play moved on without me getting the 60 usd..

I am David.. 68/ 86…

It was for Joseph Carey meaning Add the Black to pass through. The Black is simply the Density.. the Flesh.. the Mystery which is simply Dark Matters should always be made Transparent..


Not holding grudges in Silence…

Speak Up!.

S.U.. E..

Joseph is Jon…J.L… 10 12.. J A I L… or 1012.. 22…V..

Victorious.. Pure Entities no matter how much you are provoked…

Peter Nyarkô is here age 22…

He is here with Leo age 17..Mia..age 25..

LEO…L E..O…/ O E..L… Mia/ AIM..


She has since left and only L.P.. 17 ..22.. 39.. Remain..


My Coffee… refill is 619.. F S… Feeling Sensational..


The First Sensation of Coming into my Existence.. your when you evolve to it..access it..




Release.. O.A.. / A O…

J.. A O…/ O A.. J.. 10.. Entrance into the Awareness Matrix.

F A .I…/ I.A…F…. Icon Apparel Fact.. Knit black Stylish cardigan…

I know how to Link..And / DNA… Weave… Which is what Knitting Energy Weaving is all about…

K.E.W… Gardens.

2012… My portal.. Holy of Holies…

New York Times…Art Section..

Let Me Tell you a Story…… I just did.. Dawn Piercy..

Here, Fake and Real Aren’t very Far Apart…

Tiny Crimes of the Heart

9:36 p.m.

These are the three Headlines I share with you from the Art Section…

Blair G Andrews..

B G A… 2 7 1… Being of 7-1… A To G…


8 is the Constant… 8 5..H.E… Harmony Eternity.. you just had to reach 7 and see the Vision.. and then take your cues.. as I did.

Even in this Script of Seers and Spectrum…S S.. David Cecilia…

But I told the Seers and the Spectrum.. Devi and Clara principles that you have to come down from that ascended place, enter a body by being born in one.. Not possessing one, to full experience what it is to be in Existence and see the true point of View and experience all are going through..

Before you can get the full picture…

To Observe from up above may give you the full view but only by experiencing the body.. sensation.. color and Clarity below and within the play can you truly see that you have to refine your view and see why the portal O.E.. O H E… is down here in the Play but through being complete with a body.

Yes.. It is complete…

L.. 12… 3.. C… E… H… O… M .. E…

9:42 p.m

Planet Earth..

Plan E.T.. Eternal ART.. Harmony.. E…

9:43 P.M

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