
9:08 p.m.

9:08 p.m.


I.H… Infinity is Harmony.

..You might have noticed that I am now at 1056 Facebook Friends.

Brittany Angelornah… B.A.

Tochukwu Abafor.. T.A.

Pepi L’Faith P.F.

Nkasi Sainti Chukwumgborie N.A.C.

B.T.P.N… A A F C….

Beautiful Truth Perfection Naturalness…

A-A. Awareness Attained Full Circle First Contact…

Brittany means The name Brittany is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brittany is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France to become the Bretons of England.

Angel or Nah… means Be the Pure Messenger or Not… then go home…

Tochukwu means The Gift of the Creator…

Agbafor… means The Color and sound of the Truth

Pepi means The Preservant One…Add from Joseph meaning The Creator will Add…

to the one who has Faith.. and Faith is To Know – Which All Know… this has been proven.

Nkasi means The Comforter…. Holy E-Spirit

This was the subject of the beginning of my conversation with Lorenzo in bed 4-015… He said that he is Holy Espirit.. and that it is moving through him.

This was the same man who was the one whose E-Spirit had arranged to keep the T.V room open until 3 in the morning which prompted the 25 years Taylor Terrel to Law to come in to the TV Just before 3… seeking comfort.

He had ignored Loernzo and came an sat besides me.

I had not summoned him, nor did I feel any desire to ask him if what he required, even though I sensed it but after his choice and betrayal using race, in the room when he occupied bed 5-009, I felt no responsibility…

Despite still defending him during his love affair with Lawrence…

He later jumped off from a building plunging to his death…

He spoke about the Trinity to me, despite my explaining the 1O… Came before the 3 3 3… 3 6 9.. 9 6 3….

Saint means Saint… Pure

Chkwumgborie means My Creator is Orie.. one of the Igbo Market days and cardinal directions…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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