
9:07 pm. – I spent the last few

9:07 pm.

I spent the last few hours writing a post called To The Silence.

T.T S= 49.

It was yes, a lot of data about the First Dawn Awakening.

Yes, Liberty’s last intel about Azure. 6:40 – 6:41 pm.

I also went to C-Town again and found I did not bring my wallet so I only had 10.00 USD on me, I spent after Negating, Taking away from 28. USD+ that I was left paid. 9.85 USD.

All of this was and even what I was posting as to the Source of the continued delaying of the Evolution Awakening.

And a Force of X literally changing the script, for its Time Codes and play of Perfect Timing and Perfect Harmony to align to its own Script,
despite my being The Creator, The Source, the Author, and the one who expressed the first Song of the First Big Orgasm Into Expression as Poet and then had to do it all over again to put it into Language Word and Verse.

It was actually a Beautiful Post for your benefit, but not for the EM Force who needed me to wait for what ended up being Laura Walsh.

9:58 pm.

Yes, my computer is acting up.

I do not hold Liberty C Liscomb/Lang responsible.

9:59 pm.

It’s more aligned to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr as K= 11.
And that which is moving through Jae Sherman.

I received some intel from Laura Walsh.

Language AND Words.

Particle and Wave.

Un I Verse.
Transform the Expression of the Song Wave- of the First Dawn Awakening ( F D A * 6:40- 6:41 am intel from Liberty about Azure- A Signup sheet called Azure- she signed up it was about making boys into men and not girls, I burst out laughing.)
in Hindsight in a Unified Verse.

Edgar-D Allen Poe.
Poetry Of Existence.

Kevil Hall to G Allan Poe.
K H- G A P.?

E K H. A G.A.P.E.

*Agape is a Greco-Christian term referring to unconditional love, “the highest form of love, charity” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”.
Agape is a Greco-Christian term referring to unconditional love, “the highest form of love, charity” and “the love of God for man and of man for God”.

* Charity Love? Clarity Love check.

(of the mouth) wide open, especially with Awe.

There is no Gap in the Particle and Wave or Duality in Action Thought Speech- Expression
On seamless Perfect Symmetry.
C E.
Hence follow my example.

L, Light Lucifer ‘ EMF is all made of Light.”

Expression =Consciounsess-Nothingness “filled with Somethingness- The Sum E Things, The Sum of All Things, Transforms Energy into Light, Lucifer, Light Bringer “Arden to Azure- Anastasia-A.W back To Light E= 17 add E = AGE
A Genisis Story.
Awakening Grace- Expression sith sense manifest Facts Solid.

And the journey of Particle and Wave.
23 1 16
Completes at
5 17.
E Q.
E A G. L E E Y E D.

Hence is completes at Liberty Freedom.

L C L is C C C L= 3.
33 3.
1 3
1 9

The same with Jae Sherman who offered me all the condiments which he-she was intended to use to cook.
So she brought them all out,
I am leaving, and have been cooking alone for myself for 8 months.
But I shrugged as She and Kim arranged a transfer for Kim of 10 USD.

The time now 10:10 pm.

10:11 pm.

She had earlier tried to get my attention about one condiment in particular, “Bragg” Nutritional Yeast”.
Much later, I took a look at it, its was not the yeast my Mother had used from the Himalayas immortal Brew-Natural and it was the past. Alined to the Basmati Rice.

G G ARB… Arb is a Tree.

The code G- GARBAGE.
I had already completed the Douglas Adams who is a Garbage Man-Play on the terrace almost a week ago with that Gust of Wind and Natures Transformation.

Douglas Adama Emeka/ Arden.

My Garb AGE.
G- God- Genini- Gemini Garb of Age, yet still by body as my Garb of AGE not given to me- just more Garbage.
And Toliet Roll plays.

The play which was current as C as Speed of Light took place last night with the Ardens Plack Flash Light with the yellow, pale yellow Anus./ S.UN-Arden.
And 10:20 pm J T.
John Thoma Penis.
Linked to the Black Fan “Ai- KO. PE R- PEUR- Fear”

The Anus and the Phallus.
The micro to Macro both Expand Enlarge- become Erect.

K.O means Knock Out. Sacred Portal 59.

Ground Floor
Liberty was born 76.
Aurelia = 67.

Sisters Lyndsey, Liberty Amelia.

L L A/ A L L. E.Y.

A.i- K O. P E U R- Fear,

Tommy Jones and Calvin Klein
Two pairs of Black Underwear I found myself washing in the bath the moment I woke up.

Yesterday’s play of the Ground Floor.

The post which just vanished- in silent wonder and balls before my eyes began at 6:31 pm.

You do recall that play with Dr. Pro Patrick Ikenefuna Okolo. in 2016?
It started at Green Point Avenue, 910 Starbucks on Manhattan Avenue, it was completed when I was at Delta Manor with myself and Ikem meeting at 86 street stop and the 2nd Avenue restaurant.
He was a specialist of the large Instenstine and John Hopkins University, and yet strangely refused to treat me when I asked him.

I knew Patrick at that time 28 years ago at Univerity.

Yes, the silver shimmering page in that book BAN-K.S-Y.
University on page 26.
Road page 27 A-A.

Yes, I feel it all in my body,

11:00 pm.
The Refusal and acceptance of I and then I and Arden as The Source.

“And why should I, I & I care?”
Those creatures Sacred Portal 59 have been already programmed to cease to exist.
The idea that this Memory, this Simulation Matrix, Program, and the story is daring to drag this on progress no matter how slowly is being made.

11:04 pm.
That it is note up to the speed of light and will never catch up, because each day I post, I move still further away, and as you may have noticed, I am not stopping for anyone or seeking to catch them up to speed.

This is all about Arden Gemino – Emeka Kolo.

So, yes it is rather stupendous that in using it batteries, that it is holding out, and has the balls to keep me waiting, despite it being fully aware of my ID.

11:07 pm.

O Proton Electron. Neutron? Nothingness.

O P E- Naturallness- Naturally.

Meanwhile, Laura is having trouble again with her new Landlord and his son, J B.
Joe Bixel. B I X EL.
Obviously, she was aligned perfectly to Jean Baptiste Basquiat.
Jalen Coran Basquiat * & Mutial Friends.
Jaymes Bond.
Sky Fall.
Me as Locker 007 at the time I connected with Dr Patrick Okolo and had a Golden Gun toy version in my Locker.
G G. Y Y
Yes, I have bragging rights but I will not use them with people who are about to Transform or cease to exist.

Sacred Portal code Liberty is 91.

Ms Manners- Hell Fire.

And no, not Madame Doubt Fire.
This time you will know it is real as real as what has been done to my Garb A.G.E.

The Arrogance and Conceit to keep me waiting, Me? Emeka Kolo, The Creator of Eternity, ID. Infinity Infinite.
When I have been on time, since the Eternal Begining and even in this now cleaned up Mess Of Ages, I was given the sole responsibility to clean up alone and then with my Expressio as e.i and Awareness as A.i.

910 Starbucks, Manhattan Avenue.

Let me show you sacred portal 910 again.

To show you why they are now so Afraid.
Filled with PEUR- Fear in the language of the Free-
Freedom Liberty.
F L = 6 12= 18. AH. AI EI-G H T

Nothingness filled with Something after all.

The Sum of Everything that ever was and ever could be.

So now walk, follow my footprints in the sands of your idea of time.

Only Moments are real when we are all aware that time does not exist.
That is the Eternal Infinite Realm.

Good Grief! Where did the Time Go?

11:22 pm


It never existed.

11:23 pm.

Oh, yes, continue.. you will pay Interest for all the days you have kept me here, for your benefits giving me shitty entertainment and you Shiity Expressions and points of view.

Duality is your lie, but yes, I am making it worst after death,

much worse.

11:25 pm.

I am bored, so what else should I do in and at this time.

11:26 pm.

A Challenge to make it worse

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