
9:07 p.m

9:07 p.m

Wiseken Ugoh Donald… W.U..D

Ancient Man Onye Gbo Igbo… A.M…O.G…I..

James Echols J.E…

Torii Dwr T.D.

Lauren Pelletier L.P.

W U D A.M O G I .J E.T ..D L …P… ( Desire Love 4 12.. 16 =P Planet)


P L… D T…E J I.. GO M.A…. ( Go MA T R IX… 9:17 p,m I.Q.

A Play took place with my contacting 3 people Jean Dortch.. Amoza Born / Anthony Bienke.. J.D S.P 104..Terrible Death,,,

Lisa Natalie Johnson 46-47.. Age code.. Now linked to Edwin Dominic Dominator bed 4-007 The Cause and Effect of Nicholas formerly of bed 4-008 as Selfishness allowed to go to Far manifests Pure Evil… P.E…Planet Earth…?

Physical Education…?

Pure Evil… Selfishness …

Only Fritz Venneiq responded who lives in a Village without much amenites in Jamaica… Nicholas Fritz link…

N F/ F N…

Neil Furby…

I U… I F U N… I FUN N AN Y ALL.. I see All but I did not see you, the when I did.. I felt Envie.. Envy.. Desire.. but It did not go as far as to become Evil.. Jealousy… E.J…

Proof is in the appearance of James Echols.. who made contact… J E.. 10 5.. Wiltshire Bay, Winnipeg Canada.. 1972-1977… 5 Years.. E…

He came with the code A B..C.K.. F R ..EE.. R…A Y E

My second coffee from Yarsoy… 619…6 19… F.S…

Fact Supreme.. the Y…

Fritz Venneiq was given an Ultimatum as was I gave Lisa Natalie Johnson.. but I did not give one to Jean.. Amoza Born or to Anthony Bienke…

There is a reason… I contacted Jean D on the 15…and the code offered was a test.. to me.. 100 or 150…

I chose 150.. which she had sent to the Wizard Decahedron..

Dodecahedron ( DO..DEC..AH.E D.R… Death Ray.. ON…

Letter 15 is O.

Enders Game was published January 15, 1985…

That was the same day, 33 years later…

in 1985 I was in University, living what many thought was the night mare which would destroy me…

It did not…

I am sitting at 13 85 Metropolitan Woods..

Fritz Venneiq stated he would sell a Gold pendant to send me the cash by Monday…

I sold a Gold Panda Coin given to me by Billy Hung before I left KEW Gardens…

And was sent back down in 2013… 33… That us when I met Lord Ye.. Li…

I was never directed to Pelham Park by the Script, Fritz Venneiq brought me here after I had found my portal at Nostradam Brooklyn which Ray mentioned he had met a Nature Man homeless on the Subway whom he had told of the Signs of the Earth Awakening…

The Old man then spoke of cycles and then on getting the intel went into a trance…

His name is Pops…

Allen Murray is called Pops..

Tom Trumans mothers fathers name was called Pops..

A Jeweler.. His True Father.. His Grandfather…

9:46 p.m

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