
9:04 pm. – Rm. 904 Red Rooster

9:04 pm.

Rm. 904 Red Rooster Plus Hotel.
Asylum Avenue-
Bushnell Park.

I just took a quick walk to K F C… I hardly ever go there, it’s like Macdonald, an indulgence once in a long pause or while.

And in this play of which was based on “Ego Oge’ moved by the Wind and breath of Ancestor of Nature versus Acesteral Naturalness, I was limited, controlled via a way no one in this reality believed possible- despite depictions in film such as the True Man Show” Mask, Matrix.
Because people here just could not imagine that their version was a bad version in Intelligence to Quality and “qualification” of what your own Eternally Beautiful True Selves of the Original Version.
220.U S D.

K F C means only one thing to me
11 6 3.
And yes, you may connect William Brad Pitt as Meet Joe Black-Death.
12-18-1963 D O B.
A G E Code 57.

C F K G… Gemino.

I knew I was being moved, because I really had no urge to eat K F C, and I almost stopped on the way twice, asking myself “Do you really want to eat KFC?”

But I was already moved by my Momentum, as I focused on moving in some semblance of grace, and the high places tall people fall, if they are clumsy or moved of their center.

And Spring is here, early.
It was a beautiful, warm-cool breeze, no more treacherous ice on the pathway.

In a moment I was there and noted where my momentum wave had deposited me, in front of a young woman person…
I did an inner self “double-take”( pause, and stared, she looked up and there was Sharia Perry.
S P, now when I tag as in “S P Symmetrical Perfection- Sacred Portal and Sir P.
And yes Qusharia Allah.

Supreme Particle.
I was the Wave.
My Words W A V E S..P.
Had led me straight Sharia Perry who was literally reading my post as I arrived facing her…
without a pause, she began to explain.
As if the conversation with her on my page had flowed from within me, then my being aware that she was messaging me as I was posting and then my post suddenly gaining deeper meaning as I tail spun my expression to her words and not necessarily her intention.
I knew exactly who she is.
I wrote it already did I not?
Explained it when she had recognized me through Sound Voice on the telephone a micro- micro version of the 4-month play I did with Kamora Herrington.
Kamora had brought Q to my attention and I had coded it, but I had done the play of Sacred Portal 75 with here, through just a few telephone calls and then she being able to identify me, through another simply through Sound.

And the dead giveaway- was that Q A.
Question and answer.
Led me straight to her, like a river flowing and right to the K F C where she was reading my post on her phone.

She had said in a message that I reminded her, or she saw me as her Big Brother as well as Little brother.
That cinched it… I know who the Avatar Descendant of the E who is moving through her.
And then as I explained but very briefly, obviously she did not require it but simply checking that which was clear.. but unusual in this reality.

She had mentioned the names “Renee” and Angela” in her message.
I had received her message and asked her to see what message she had delivered… it was her Wish and Desire… “Endless Smiles.” E S… P then would be my meeting her at K F C- a seamless expression of her looking up seeing me and expressing a first impression of what she had yet to complete reading “I keep getting distracted”

The message was in the meaning of the two names “Renee” and “Angela”

I smiled.

Quietly… a bit sadly… too late.

It was my little sister Harmony.. yes, the role which Kamora Herrington was given to translate.

* Genet also means Meadow… which is what the name Kamora means Golden Meadow… by the river…
But it was Qusharia’s version which was the actual True Past version.

And when I said “Do not worry about my departure, as he Human self in this Avatar Descendant expressed concern for me, and my well being “some has to say it she said defiantly, gently”

“You will transform…” I smiled at her, speaking to C… Cecilia Onu now evolved via Arden Aurelia line to O.I.E.”

You will understand better when you see sacred portals 27 and 127.

I had said you will Transform…”
( to your beautiful truth.. i wished to add)
but the Avatar Descendants as Qusharia Perry * she has, had more than one identity on face book-presence.
Took over… and responded, “I hope not a Siren or Mermaid…”

See Sacred Portal 111.

9:40 pm.

Onu Ojugo. “Dove”

B Q. P W…E.

On the Transformer at Delta Manor in the back yard.
Fenced in.

Beauty Particle Quantum Wave Being E.
Expression is E X I S T E N C E- E S S E N C E.

Mer Maid. “Jean Genet also wrote a famous play called the Maids.

I am not surprised that I am right, proven correct… telling the truth is effortless.

That is why I never required Belief.

9:49 pm.

No matter how outlandish it sounded to your ears, and limited imagination.

It simply and beautifully IS.

E K.

9:50 pm.

I E F.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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