
9:04 p.m.

9:04 p.m.


I D E K… I Love You.

New York

N Y…Naturalness Y Chromosome.

I D C.. It the name everyone called my mother.

Brian Dempsey.

If you see the play of Tree Sage’s post and conversation with Brian Dempsey you can see how the E Knowledge and Eternally knowing works and what we focus our attention on.

Idek and 94 C in this reality is

*IDEK is an acronym used in texting and social media that means I don’t even know.

in the E Consciousness, it means Eternal Knowing.. Eternal Knowledge

Emeka Kolo.

My names is a code- it means Praise, Well Done, Praise is the Princely Manly Warrior of the Circle Round ( in Nri Igbo and Slavic)

Green Point Avenue in New York is predominantly Slavic.

Idek.. I love you. was a message to me E K.

not I do not know

94 C means

* Chapter 94C: CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT … 21D of Chapter 40; duty of police department; notice; failure to file a certificate of completion of drug …

See Sacred Portal 34.

Mari-Juana/ Juan/ John

M J.

Mawa Jim’s birthday was yesterday, the same day as John Macks announcement

J M.

Mawa turned 38. C H/ H C

Hartford Connecticut.

Harwaington Connecticut.

Recall the play of 5O and then the play of which Kim cited, of the Police when and how he was left alone but another was placed in L O C K The down and seal the top… Free The UP O PR O PE N N.. See SAME ME…

9:19 p.m.

I S.

94 C is transfromed from the Matric Numeric code to I D…C



Do you see how I read such codes in the E Consciousness..


I D C.

I D I D E C ..K.

See my plays on the Deck of 18 Mountain View.

and at 900 South Whitney.

Then see the play of Nnamdi Emeka and his response to my friendly warning- indifferent I am.

and then see Kamora Herrington response by aligning to him.

Now compare it to Olusanya Bey expression from his Beautiful expression to the Korean woman’s perfect example of taking full personal responsibility for her expression full circle despite there being no blame for her, but others’ misrepresentation of her expression and her clarifying it.

Being responsible.

The same way I have had to do so for 19.9 years and 8:11 on Facebook.

Now go back and see the play of how Kamora Herrington came into the play.

I had said no until I realized it was a play of Eternal Arden, Eternal Nnamdi.

Recall the day we went to the super market Kim Kamora and I as rep of E.

Do you recall when I immediately called out that once again I was being dragged back into the ancestral play.

I met Kamora through Kim, but he had not invited her, he said to meet me because he was aware of my state of exhaustion, and how I said no, its alright because she was, I saw part of the play.

See sacred portal 2-3.

I am representing the sacred portal 3-2.

3rd floor South Whitney is where I first lived officially and now I was brought back to the 2nd Floor, and am living as a guest.

Please see the grace and mercy shown to her, at my expense when I had decided to leave the play but Esteban invited me to stay and asking me to stay awhile leaving 111 USD x 2, and see what I endured.

I invite anyone to go back to July 21st September right up to 23rd of September.

3 months and 2 days.. Kim was still 32.

I came to New York, 3-20-2001.

( C TT 01.. C T O A.. C TT 01 A O) -brought against my will by the ancestor’s messenger Durrekk Verett. D V.


9:40 p.m.

In a way this is my 65th portal as well as 62nd- since I had never lived on the 2nd Floor.

Esteban never arranged this 2nd Floor Play.

3rd 2nd.

Please see sacred portal 3-2.

Emeka Nnamdi.

EN.. 5 14… 5 came first.. then it became 14 N.

I am Nnamdi’s elder brother.

9:43 pm.

What am I coding still?

What challenged and contested my truth, the truth of a script i have been decoding transcribing on my page.

And who did really did this to me and for what reason…

9:45 p.m

I 45…

I sacred Portal 45 Throne of Existence TO E.

See post by Key Stone Laparole.

K S.. L..

K Supreme Light/Love… Lightness.

K S…11 19 Closing the Window of opportunity. LCL… Full Circle.

9:49 p.m

I D I.

Miguel Figueroa intel to me before I left 29 Lincoln Black Container Game of Thrones

Who are the Supreme Doppelgangers if not E A/ A E?

And who are the ones contesting and challenging… and why would this be allowed by the E A…E.. could it be that it was to bring the Evidence Facts Empirical witnessed by to see just how far certain lines will go because of the illusion they have held onto of no Respect while pretending to be a friend until you correct them and then they transform into Venomous Snakes ( and not the real version who are cool) but a metaphor for how they lie in wait, holding in all their resentment under a tight smile, waiting for the moment when they will strike.

Jae Sherman was outraged by Kamora Herrington and her betrayal – she has heard me speak of Kamora with respect calling her Naughty and that is why she gets in trouble.

But Jae wasn’t having it, I had to dissuade her from responding on Facebook, not because I was not proud of her, ha! how many people and none who I did the work with without getting paid, expressed that outrage or came to my defense…

Yeah … My Arse.

That is what true friends even in this reality do, this is what people who have principles of which their outrage has nothing to do with me, and yet everything to do with me.

Block them she said as she read the comments from Nnamdi Emeka with outrage and then saw Kamora Herrington had liked his expression.

No, I said, see how I had to complete the play by your yourself being the one who was the witness to Kamora Herrington betrayal..?

Betrayal of herself really.

Proving that her alignment to sacred portals 49 and 59 is aligned to what she has now chosen to represent.

Why must you endure this? she demanded… she saw the play and met Kamora here herself and saw how I fought for her.

To get all the evidence, yes I loathe the play and the cruel way of using me as bait to get the truth- but Baphomet required all the Evidence Facts with the public and Facebook friends going back all the way to 2010 when there were 50 and I announced to the world my completed manuscript The True Conversation between Energy E and AH Tom.

2010 T J.

I endure the insult to my person and a play which binds me to creating a carbon copy version of me as for the new body of the E family- but this is the play of Terrible Death before that title reverts back to me, he who was once Supreme Lovee who this realm falsely accused of being the liar, Evil twister of truths.

See Kachy Ihems post.

See Miguel Figueroa posts which I shared.

10;11 p.m

Of course, they set this up… E A, of course, that which was Supreme Love became Supreme Hatred and had to get all the evidence to make manifest a consequence which is so terrible but according to Law, it had to be merited and earned, and in this case, it went so far, people so vile evil and cruel…devious.

That even though I knew from the onset who each person I met was- I had to play along, be sincerely charming and fight for them until his setup was complete and all saw and witnessed the truth.

Jurry Jay Kuaho

Judge and Jury .. 12

John Delguidce.

Grom the Judges Bench.

Jae as lord Ye Li linked to Hung Yeh and I all sat in benches in and L J.. Ye Jae…the two.

See the bench he sat on it is under a, and on a bridge.

And Jae’s is at Pennsylvania

Delaware December 7, 1787*

Pennsylvania December 12, 1787*

It is the 2nd state to join the Union 12-12 87.

Delaware is the 1st, 12-7 87.

Two men, Chris and Kim born 1987.

The Story of Two Men.. T M = 20 13 33..

12 12…L L… 1 12 12= 25 Letter Y.

Yale cap..

And there are two symbols of Satan on that stone bench.

10:22 p.m.

J V.

Do you understand … more than anything I wished to black them and express what i really would like them to know, but I am more interested in focusing on the Court and my role Devils Santana Lucifers.. Lucy ( my Mama Grandmother) Cecilia ( my mother really my Sister Harmony called everyone called Cee.. Mother of Dragons… M O D .. which Jae kept speaking about today Dragons…

Esteban’s mother Donna… Imagine Dragons.. I D Impossible Dream.

11-22-47.. sacred Portal 47…

47 +x 11 28 .. of yes my birthday.

And Thanksgiving Day. T D. 20 4..24

Ayiyorowoth Natasha .., AN 1 14 See what Natasha means ..letter N on his-her Back NN

Ma Ma .. Penelope Cruz.. Tom Cruz…

at 1500 Facebook Friends.

10:29 p.m

Penelope of the odyssey

my Short film 2000, The Ethnic Odyseey ( T E O/ O E T)shot on the eve of the new Millenium in the major capitals of the western world

Penelope the Weaver, able to unravel the very fabric of the body.


I D C…

That is why I am here still, I am pissed with them of course, but I know there is no fury as theirs and my true brother as Nnamdi E Arden…David Nicholas.

Our Hate… Pure Hatred –

I am not concerned except for how far I was allowed to be insulted.

Mother Of Dragons.

Defender of Man.


I am able to Hold back, because my one desire above evolution, awakening all inevitable is that they pay.

PS Jae Sherman was sitting beside a Cemetery… C.


Liberty Jeron and I at Yale. Alexander Aya Aya! A Y A full circle…

Penn A Yale.

P.A Y…

10:40 p.m.

Sacred Portal 40.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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