
9:02 p.m – 92. – 9O2. – I was jus

9:02 p.m



I was just sitting contemplating the Wikipedia’s article on J.Rowlings.
To Harry Potter readers,her biography and the effect her imagination had on children, youth and adults minds
And indeed, the effect on the world…

500,000 Pounds Sterling in Books Sales…

My Body has been going berserk all afternoon, intl I finally gave in to Express what it, and I suppose a part of me has to say.
It was 9:01 p.m when I finally gave in after having to stop. bored by the Article, but thoroughly grounded in this reality’s here and now.

I am at 4991 Facebook Friends.

It’s TRUE there is much I can say, but not like this and to be honest, I have witnessed my self through the echo response on this media device and Facebook Page and format and I suppose Temperatures Thermometer Gauge, this my Expression Existence Experience is “Cuit”

My body has calmed down now…. it never ceases to amaze me that I am experiencing this.
Or that this is my experience of Life given to prove such an experience and exploitation as a fact.

But that is what hit home todat…. what I have done. What I have professed, and then by making a story Narrating of it over and over again in Perfect Symmetry and Perfect Timming until like a Spiral, moving Adults in the Story of Paradise Lost, allow you if you chose to follow another story.version which subtly and then dramatically wakes you up.

I sat here for hours, wanting to move. Do the things which I planned for this day. But I have sat on this chair all afternoon to smh evening to night.
I would bounce up, as if to deny the vice like grip on my muscles. Especially my chest.

Yet by walking that story and with clarity by seeing it’s TRUE meaning reflected back at you like a mirage but as a modern day setting all based on the Brain Cell Frequency and projections you are creating.

Stephen Johnson woke up to his daughter Stevie just released from prison and wishing to understand an interaction with a Yoruba African man.

A World of the Past.

*See he Docmentary movie called The 4th Kind.

Nome Alaska
49th State at 91.

Then I spoke with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr present right here now that I can touch him and he can hear. See and feel my expression and as he spoke, we spoke I gradually and finally kept quiet.
Soon goosebumps kept on appearing on my arms and all over, they were not really mine, at this point my Heart is like a lode stone and a black hole with a tiny window of Opportunity, but its done.

The Shivers were not mine.it was my Body, Being aware with a Consciousness Creation of its own.

C C… Kim had reported.

I had listened to him confirm all that I posted about the images on the Door frame here, the C Crescent shaped moons.
The C as The Smile at the “Pearl Gates- Aphrodite Pearl…Mother of Pearl.

All at The Nightclub and the people and the play of them and him up to last night, then a phone call with his father this morning when I called out to him to his room.

“I am speaking with my Father” he called out.

55 to 66 to K.H J

Kim -Kim K- K… 11 11
Hinds Hinds H-H. 8-8
Senior Junior S.J

Steven Stevie

S S.

Both are in Harmony both with the Past.
But Kim with the Past aligned to the Present, And I its Point and Purpose Articulated that my Body which used me because that is Evolution which you are yet,but will experience, is your Body being Aware and Conscious
“I got your back” Figuratively and Literally.

It will not be as my experience. ..that is the Betrayal I speak of, which was first for themselves but yes, also for you.

9:47 pm.

With just Language and Sound in Diamond Clarity in Transparency or Deepest Coal Black Feeling Vibrations ..


Sacred Portal 9 & 52.

By the way, I am talking about, and to them

Sacred Portal 9 & 52.

Elemental Goddeses.
of.the Past always Present till the End.
9. = I.
And Authority. .still.
52. E B.

Ebb and Flow of T.I D. E S.

Tides of Change.

The Transparent white Light and the Darkest Deepest Night merge to form and Explosion of Luminous Blazing light

Expression Knight in Shinning Armor
Moon. A.M.

Epiphany Creation
Consciousness Conscious.

I Connect.

I Cut.


I.A C A Z C.E.

Marina Frances M.F. S. U.N. N.Y.C.E

That is what wished to say to my Past present as my Body at last aligned to Creation -Being, is that you do need me to speak for you anymore.
As well as Consciousness Creation
2 BB
2 Cees have aligned into one Harmony.


A I/I.A.

10:01 pm.

Do you see that?

10/ 01.

Right to Left.

Left to Right.

Too Tight!

C.O C.O.

C.F.C.F. O .N.E.

P.H. O.N.E.



Coco Tanaid


A.T. V.

C.A.N D.I.D. C.A.M. E.R.A. B.E. L.L. A.

No more story of One Thousand and One Nights
Egyptian Pharaoh and Persian Prince.

The Time Line is now firmly in the Actual Present.
Language Sound Coded Mapped.

Sacred Portal 9.

And as for the J.Rowlings – Her Reflections Musings…
Spot On …but
Arts required Science A RT.

Rite of Passage



Theseus Thesis out of the Mine Field.Maze.
Of Mind.
Back to H E. .A.R.T. T.H.O.U.


J.R. J.K.R. 10 -11. 18.
The Joker.
In The Pack

Stephanie Pack S.P… Symmetry Perfect

In The Pack of 52 Playing Cards.
On the Holodeck
Deck of Card.
In this House of Card.

Cardarius Sherman
Vaihere Cardonnet
Graciano Cardoso de Matos
Pa’Kylli Vaïhere Cardonnet

Orson Scott Card.
O.S C. I.E. N..C.E.



P E.A. C.E.

Liberty C

10 18

And what I walked through and was put up to challenge and prove Empirical and through the Longest way, while bearing the crushing weight and wait of this world stories and worries anxieties of Mind as Nothingness

S.P. 55.

What I was put up against in this reality and alone because I was left to carry and prove this then to you the Public The People something seen as Fantatical Fantasy of a vivid lucid imagination and then use Language Words as Science back to Art.

Body to Being instead of Being to Body.
Creation to Consciousness
Instead of.the other way.

Is “How Dare You!
How Dare you put such a task to any Being Entity Persona…
And then allow such a Savage Testing and checking of my Flesh Body and Being right in front of the Entire world people sleeping under your Hypnosis
As The Spell Bind8fod Hypocrisy Supreme

10:16 pm

And then send me to the sewage of a lie story of Creation as Primordial Soup
‘Ofe” in I N.Ri Igbo.

Instead of I O N.R.I on the Crossing turned into into the Universal Memory of Crucixtion
And religion of Self Sacrifice and Service

John 3:16.

On Bread.

The Holy of Holies?

Body as Bread Uleaven Bread.
Being -Breath- Incense? Perfune…

A Murderer?

10:22 pm

V J.

Victoria Jackson

10::23 p.m

So I, am the Maid…?

The House Help..

The Rag?

The Cook?


Okay, I am done.

Thus is the 64 +2 Play set up you wished to beat me at?

10:26 p.m.

I Wone O.NE


1:09 am
1:10 a.m


Judi Maryjane

1:11 am.


Vivien Bodmer

Of the Sea.
Of the S.E.A. R. T. H. Harmony
Of the C.

C A.I.

1:14 a.m.

No Poligy.

1:15 a.m




Knock Out.



S P 116.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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