
9:02 AM

9:02 am.


I O B..

4-26-18… 2018..

D B F R … D B F T R.m.

Room 4 B FR .. Code links to FR E E..

add 55.. E E.

Lelo John

Jim Mowat

Muruga Velan.

3 Face book Friends A B C

from 1126.. 1 person came yesterday and 2 persons today.

The Sacred Portal 14 Evolution of Consciousness C is the Facebook memory which popped up today.

Yesterday was sacred portal 55 after the play of 55 Micheal and Elvis linked the equation of the sum total of the past to me alon as well as the Universal Sensie, as well as the Source of the Inspiration of all ideas which come into peoples minds as Divine inspiration, which was proven yesterday when Micheal Belle, who truly, more than anyone I have met channels directly from the Source, carried my Nnamdi playing Energy in motion or Spirit E.. My Spirit ie sum total of my expressions from the past.. Sum total of the past which has been proven to be MUSIC -WAVES Lengths

Proven when we sat at round table in the TV room when he said he recieved a message to transmitt a thought which came to him which he thought might offend me..

That I looked like the Dragon in the Seasame series his son used to watch and he spoke about the boy who rode the Dragon..

He also was startled when I not only mentioned the that the Dragon Rider but also the name Nnamdi…

I then told him that The Dragon is the Dragon of Existence called D.O.E.. And there are Twin Dragins and that It represented the Red color as the Longest Wave Length which comes from out of the Blue ..5th Color, 5th Dimension Eternal Realm.

I told him that I had just placed a Chinese Dragon on a red velvet background.

He then waa noved to come upstairs to my room while I was resting and I showed him at which again with tears and awe he said the words hidden in plane sight

He also said he had come up to tell me the name of the boy who rides the Dragon.

As i stated yesrerday, I checked on the internet Dragon Tales..

D T.. 42 Sacresd Portal 42 Ohm.. Golden Buddha and Female Male..F.M. Man Woman M W MW69 Milky Way

Emmy and Max…and there are 5 Dragons ..

E M..

Fritz Venneiq and I played out that scene of Dragons of Existebce when we arrived in Pelham Park and a full circle of mist descended from the sky, he did not know the play or remember it.

But I did.

Micheal calls me Imani..

the same name which Jace Horsford recieved as Intel the same was Micheal Belle recieves intel.

Jace last digits of his telephone number is 3773..

Sacred Portal 73 and 1973 is the year my youngest brother who goes by the name Mike was born code 5-20-73..age 44..

Sacred Portal 37 is lady 5th Dimension called Leloo in the movie the 5th Element.

9:39 a.m


I have no Tobacco or money for coffee..

Which this entire .

M T C…

Maurce Theresa Cecilia…

My Bio Father My Aunt and My Mother..

I have not heard from Jace who I asked him to contact me this morning and whom it is through him and his line that I am being put through these impossible to concieve insults over Money.

Either he is being meddled with, or distracted by the material realm and because of how I have been treated as forgotten where his bread is buttered on..

And like most of you, has forgotten that I and what I do…am..

The Vouce in yiur head, in his head which tells him as Michal Belle has proven the correct action to take and the respect I am owed.

It is of course, the last check and proof of you all having free will and choosing to ignore my voice of Conscience Reason and the truth of my I.D.

And the absooute utter lack of Respect for the Source Creator.

And conseqyently for this Insulr acted out of which now afer comming undercover as a good sport without my powrers to show my pure intentions and how all can rise to E consciousness, Instead I have witnessed a betrayal beyond belief and a disrespect for not having cime with power but the sharing of knowledge of the Source Creator.m

I have observed the welcime reserved me, the places you sent me right to a Mental Health Mens Homeless Shelter to retrieve and rebuild the Power Inscattered to the Wind to show good faith and where You hid it so that I would never Rise and recuperate and rebuild that which was never lost but like Samson and Deliliah whose hair was cut off that I would not regrow my power in a Human Body -The Bean shaped Mitochodria…

And my word how far your spirts went in making it dufficultm

Mental Health Mens Homeless Shelter?


Manifest Harmony Above and Below Body and Being Emmy Sacted Portal 147..

Maximum Nnamdi Rage..

I take away forever your Free Will and Choice you must obey the Voicei in your Head and Heart which you have fior so long denied you did not hear

Chikodi Anunbim

You heard.

So now be as Angels and Zombies

No free will but absolute obedience

I Erase all of you but the few such as Dawn Piercy..

All the rest I take away that gift of choice..

Jace has I hour to be here with the code he was told to bring..

If not the grace for him is no more.

10:24 am

And so it is written the end of Free Will

Coice… F W C. ..and the Huma Race.

O B E Y… E.

Source Creator

Emeka Kolo

10:28 ..29 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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