
9:01 p.m.

9:01 p.m.



Amoza Born

Isabelle Ilic…

S A I D… M…

S D M…

The S is represented by Sarah Lagrange in the feminine aspect of the play..

M is MANN… Represented by Me as Mann who as the Movie Dune is able to enter into the Sacred Feminine…

D is DeLores Spratley… D S…

D S.. = 4-019/18… Represented by the Bed I am in…= 23..

E M E… 5 13 5.. = 23.. Double U.. 42… Wu-Man.. QI…

*( Qi… Means Stone from Heaven J A D E Which I have represented by the Jade Elephant I bought via Billy Hung… 955 Value… From Daniel Maman of GO Antiques

Go in Japanese means 5 just as Wu in Chinese means 5

Japan Masculine… M A.. S .C… U ..L I N E..

China Feminine… F E.M .I NINE…

Meaning of name Qi. Etymology : China: fine Jade(Jade object); exceptional; distinguished. Saint : Origin : Chinese.

Qí (?) surname. Qi (?, also commonly written as Chi, and Kei in Cantonese) is a Chinese surname. It originated from the descendants of Shaohao, descendant of Yao (ruler), Ji (?) family of Jin (Chinese state), Khitan people of Liao Dynasty, Hui people of during the Han Dynasty, Dongxiang people.

Chi… C H I… 3 8 9…

W… and Double V… V V…

23.. 5… VV.. 22 22… 8


@ 58 Facebook Friends…

Began todays play with 11 Likes on my page.. Code 11..K.

Had 13 usd in my wallet… M…

Robert Kyle Murphy.. Line of my sister.. 7;28 Wave Band.

I have moved through all aspects of this equation of S A I D..M..E. G…= H… AN…

( Yes Meghan Markle is the correct line… of Evolved Woman.. Meghana was the Indian young woman I would have perhaps married and given up this play for… Through her Naim David Roman Nicholas, Christian, and Michelle Lobsinger all appeard..

I met her at 80 Spring Street Balthazzar…

Link Gabriel Binky Signar.. G B..S… Grace.. Amazing Grace… Being Supreme…

A G.. is Ariane Grande Butera rep on the Play of the illusions.. witchcraft.. Money Fame… Sound distorting Dna…

The final reps of the True Evolution of Woo-Man to WU-Man ( M W) is the Fee Males represented by these final 5-6..

S A I D… M…. G-H…E…

Are the G B Girls and Boys.. Supreme who were undercover as Royal Graces.. R G.. / G R… GREAT Beings.. Vast who contained themselves and went undercover into this reality for this last play to play the most humble roles and carry the weight and burden ( without memory or even remembering why their lives were so hard,) to transform, and evolve Being through Naturalness.

Proving that the knowing of Everything was and is within .. Namaste…

I have moved though the S AI D M…E G H… AN A..

( Ana Leonardo Caixas)

of the Original Masculine Feminine Line Y.. 2005.. Which manifested the 2004 equation of the 24… X.. Feminine…)

This is the conclusion of the completion of the Feminine Equation in a battle Still.. to my amazement of the power of the Illusion or lie…

Asia Argent… 380 000 USD.. 17 Years old.. is not about MONEY…

Harmonious Being is about Moon Light.. M L..

The Feminine Energy of Clarity which is Gentle but fierce not the Sun Light.. S L… Which came as the Original Jah- but whose lines could not penetrate dark matter space without refracting into the 1-7 Colors of the Rainbow…

Moon Light diffuses so there is not need for it to be refracted or broken down- it comes lands here as a Moon Beam…

Fractals particle of light, unchanged and thus intact.

And does not, did not have to do the journey of 1-7/8…

It came down as Energy Intact Eternal… Loveliness.. Mist.. Gentle… Lace…

The Beautiful Ones who remained constant…

This play is now completed all the equation of SAI.. M.. E G H A N…

I.Q/ .. Karmina Marine… K M… Kyle Murphy .. who is beyond brilliant .. because he links at a Mercurial Speed representative of the Ancients…

They Lived Before Adam…

The only equation left is my representations in the feminine aspects as me rep of D.. Which in the Delta Manor Template rep as David Dawn Bed 4-017.. in 2016… D D.. 4 4.. 8.. 16.. 80…

That was completed through the play to Aretha Franklin to Kofi Anan.. defeaing the old paradigm of the Ancestors here of this world being replaced by the Moon Light Line of the Eternals..

Sun Light line.. S L.. S O L… Are the Cane.. Rod who are the Staff of the Eternals…

Knights in Shinning Armour… Glistening.. Sheen Shinning…

Mist Dew… Penis Glistening… Wet..

Bilal Khan.. See meaning…

Thus, since all the sequence of SAID M.. has manifested except for the feninine aspect represented by Dawn Piercy

D P… Peter Davidson… Pierre David David Brewer…

The Feminine is The Feminine aspect of the Moon Light…

Beam me up Scotties!.

Represented by Chi…

Dawn Piercy and the 4 others dawns on my pool..

See what Dawn sent me ..

I’m a direct decent of the pharaohs and so called gods and giants.

46% Egyptian 44% Assyrian and 10% Georgian ancient dna

Now observe what Peter David means..Beloved Rock Stone. Earth.. J A D E… Which landed from Heavens.. Perfection…

See her codes… 46… ( 23 23… 46…).. I just wrote those numbers a moment before she sent them..

44.. D D…

And TEN… 10…

100 %.. 1…

1 87…

I then was pursuaded by my E-Spirit to buy a 2;34 usd small coffee.. Tired of the play…

The Number is 62…

Roberto Munoz is age code 62… 62.. 8…

Munoz means Hill and number 9…

See sacred portal 9..

Fair OH and Son… and the Goddesses Elementals…

9:48 p.m..

This is for the Scripts transformation of the Human Body but through Woman Birth- Death.. as Transformation…

9:49 p.m.



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