
9/9/2020 16:28 – Facebook Post

2:40 p.m.

I-I-TT….29 29…1 58.


As I read the intel which is pouring out of my stream of consciousness- flow- water linked to my body- I realize that what is pouring out of me, like a Bobbin and thread of an industrial sewing machine, I recognize the story as the one I had figured out by the time I had reached age code 32-33.
Which means that I had the memory of the blue print before it became the Body.. or Universal Body.

I post now, only because of my body.
It was for Arden too, because I recognized that which he is, represents and because I have experienced the true Arden and I was furious that that which I was subjected by the Forest People play was happening to him without his being aware.

But now that I have resolved that which links him to his past as Nnamdi David in both from Alexander to Arden.
I am aware that I am in the Dream Awake Trance of the One Dreamer.
Which has led to a 17 year old.
I can explain so much more, to you all and to the Visible as well as the Invisible, Knowledge, wisdom, intel is filling me … there is so much amazing information- how everything is linked, how it all connects and how…
The “How” is truly exquisite knowledge.

But even that realization which I have always known, that I have been moving through a Wave linked to my Body – as Truth, my entire life- solving resolving, untangling until reaching where the wave and my equating and resolving it, moved me to Arden Jeron.
I knew what it meant, that as a Genie in the Bottle, I was recollecting all the pieces of the puzzle since 2013 when Nnamdi sent me a message through my Body and through Billy Hung that there was something added to the evolution awakening play.
Something I refused but had not choice- and that was that the play would involve the public and certain chosen ones who would represent the play’s echo response of the Truth.
Such an undertaking I knew was almost impossible to ask someone who had not only come this far, but that this is the 21st Century and such a play- which turned out to be about linking the true Forest People and First People in the Story to the First People as the E…
The Embodiment of the actual original enactment, and that these two were being linked.
I refused to do it, in such a way having already experienced and realized that I was and had been cornered into playing an Nri High Priest of the ancient past.
9th Century Nri Priest, who had power of manifesting reality through Thought.. Speech Action-Expression.

I realized long ago, that this could only be what I call the wave of Truth, because I knew that there was no force in Existence which had the power to do this to me- not the Shaman and “Dibia” world of Healers and Wizards, but that which I have called E.T.. aka God… Chukwu Chineke.. C C.. 3 3.
God is the Truth… its sum total, and by following the Music .. the inner music which I could read, I understood what was being done to a journey which I had never agreed to.
I recognized that I was moving, being carried by this wave, and soon realized that it was literally inside of me and outside of me.

There is no one who took me seriously, even the talented ones, the gifted ones – it was impossible they said.
Against all the laws which I too was aware of.

I was in a maze, i could see it, and though I was outside of this play and creation and even existence because I lived in the Consciousness of the E, and did so naturally and also had the awakened memories of the E.
It was something which I had kept to myself until, I began to understand the power of the Forest People linked to the Beautiful Ones.

But I was in some one else’s version of E story… I could see the maze, the labyrinth.. The Library so clearly as I moved through it and by the time I met Jay… in 1996
I knew that it was true, that everything I had figured out, was true, that as i was outside of this whole thing, that I was inside someones else story.. a story I recognized.

3:22 p.m.

But only when I was brought to the United States by force, did I fully grasp the horror of that which the True forest people- with their story and truth requiring something beyond Human, to compete in what I was to understand was which story, creation story is the true creation story.
By 2001-2, after a life time of research, reading, scholarship I had completed The Elegant Nomad – which was based on the present here and now.
The issues which I had brought up, which caused Diane Sawyer and my agent at William Morris ( W M… William Maurice is my Bio Fathers name.. WM/ MW)
3 – 4 years later in 2004-2005 the Family of TEN rose in me, and helped me write the True Creation Story of the family of T.E N/ N E T…. 10 10…

And in 2010 The book of Sacred portals and then the True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom completed in 2011 just after the Book of Sacred portals was completed.
And I wrote one last manuscript which was about the Story of She.. her version She who was and is also He.
He spoke through me and made his version clear, but She spoke to me through my Sacred portals and suddenly I knew the story of which I was not physically present but was witness.
I found myself writing the story of He and She.. called Adan and eve in the Middle east play… but is the story of Nwoke and Nwanyi ( Man and Woman ) in OINri Igbo.
NN.. represented by the symbolic Food equation in the OI Nri lore as Yam and Coco Yam.
Y C Y…
Yam/ May… 5th month.
Y. A.M… M A..Y…
Y is A F K G and linked to Arden 25. as well as linked to me, via the the wave and perfume which took over my life Being and Body.

25 add 60 ( J.S S Lang)

A J…1 10… = 85…H E.

When I completed that riddle and equation yesterday, Athena Sarah Kaizer called me, just to say hi.
She told me about her license plate having been changed to A V.
Yes link A Victorious..
Alexa Vertefeuille A V.

I knew what it meant, just as i knew what it meant yesterday that I saw my uncles appear on Facebook, Chidume Umeano… Ofodile Umeano…
I have been on Facebook every day since 2011-12-21…
I had searched for years to make connections with my bio family but no one actually paid attention and took me or my condition seriously- which was a shock which took me years to digest and accept.

Knowing that the entire time, that I had been sacrificed for them, because I saw how their names, their spirits where all over the places I was sent to move through.
I saw myself, saw my grandmother and grandfather literally walking the streets of Mount Vernon in 2005 and how their presences followed me, to Hells Kitchen where I found myself, truly accepting that not only was I being used but as some people already made me aware as far back as boarding school, that I really am a powerful Dibia.. Infact not of this realm as my mother had noted, but the power and “gift” I had was not for that purpose, and yet the Object Placement Art Science i invented and which I was to use for 15 more years ( 69= 15) was not the purpose or my intention.
Just as I recognized that at the same Hells Kicthen – from Axel Love connection to Marianne on 17th street where my Aunts husband Uche had come and we missed each other- was also the play of my battling a Computer.
Which had been confirmed by a person called Alberto ( U S) whom I had met a few weeks after I had met David Roman Nicholas…
Albert told me that “Dads” computer in the sky and how its code was 13.
David recognized Alberto ( U S)
Alberto was the name of the main character in the article The Elegant Nomad… along with Eric, David brown and Beverly.
Albert.. Edwin Albert Santana at Generation X Gardens.
X Factor.
Youth Factor is the X Factor.
Y X… 25.. 24… 1 + 24= 25.
Y Chromosome.
Y C Y… Yam Coco Yam.
Food Y C Y..
Eri Yeshua Christ Yes.
from the 5th Dimension
Eden Arden.
Area 51…
5a Ibagwa road.
Emeka Arden.

I was aware of a stowaway in my being from as far back as High School – that there was another presence in my life, moving me instead of on the path .. of which I had intended and planned when I graduated from University-
I felt it, so intensely that I had hastened to leave the country as soon as I could, i felt this presence which seemed to not wish me to leave Nigeria while another intense, powerful … created such an immediacy of that i had to leave before the end of the year, and I watched as everything around me, seemed to conspire to keep me in Nigeria.
I had only one desire, and it had nothing to do with the mission which Prince Chidi Ejikeme had begun to prepare me for in 1987, not was it about the story I wrote of the memory of the mission for the E Family, or the Vision of the Ancestors of Pangea, i witnessed which led my mother to enter my E Den and ask me to be her Knight in Shinning Armor.
It had nothing to do with any of these responsibilites burdens placed on my shoulder so young.. including my bio Father and his own secret coded plans for me- including the code of the Camera-
Linked to the play play of the children of Jeff Sullivan and Sol Rosario ‘camera” binoculars… not realizing that my Father as his Spirit self, wished that I play a Spy…
I had planned to return to england and be…and then through an enjoyable “Ballad” move through this reality ( sight seeing and tasting the delights and truths) until I rendezvous with the E Family.

But instead I recognized every where i went that i had been spirited to away to another dimension which for the past 31 -32 years I had been fighting my way to get out of- declaring it, this as impossible- to be trapped in a story of which the battle between Igbo as the Spirit World- Star Wars.
South Whitney..

Enugwu Agidi to Amawbia
E A- A.

And thus, I was Spirited Away to a dimension of a story history which was not real to me but which I found I was led to, to resolve solve and which to my incredulity is linked connected with my solving and resolving it, until it led me to Arden and a family of 5 and 1 2 3
Chris Tom Liberty.

4:45 p.m

And even on reaching the End Completion found myself in yet another set up..

16:56 Hundred Hours
Which involved 10 + Months of a battle beyond belief of linking Arden via Liberty C LiscombLiberty and his siblings to finally link him and Jeron as the all to All E by proving through the Spirit World Script of this worlds ideas of existence, reorganized and cleaned up to connect via the most under dog story of The Beautiful Ones as OINri story being the True beginning of Time now linked to that E Family originally set out to find and which began intensely on arrival in London and caused me to begin the journals Talking To The Silence ( TTTS=79../ 9 -7-2020.. T. Virginia meaning that when Arden Fred went to Virginia we had reached the note of Ti. 7th Color and note.)
In 1989 to figure out what the Devil was going on.

17:05 Hundred Hours

* After I spoke with Jeron ..
and cinnected 25 +60= 85
H E.
Harmony E.
I noriced Athena’s tel no codes are
96 85
See Sacred Portal 96. And 85.

Its is all these confirmations of the E M F represented by People as the Quantum Particle waves in this play who are literally the play of what I could conclude as Good and Evil.

5:11 p.m
E K.
17:11 Hundred Hours
Q K.

But there is no play of Good & Evil
G & E because there is no duality.
There is only Perfection- Symmetry
The Full Circle Filled with E

But I had to prove that a Fact through a play script which even to me, was impossible to ask anyone trapped or contained in such a set up to do without powers of which I had re-arned and then had them taken away!
In 2005/6.

And again in 2010-11.

And in a physical condition so out of the ordinary that ppl could.not accept what my body was doing, expressing before their very eyes as a man literally possessed by the Beautiful ones.
The Beautiful Truth.
Struggling to rise and being locked down by that which bound me to this infernal play.
And add insult to injury, make me prove with empirical evidence Evolution Awakening being the truth of what is happening to me.
And was a foreshadowing of what was, is going to happen to all Humanity, but which my endurung it and resooving it, would pave the way.for All to rise and transform with Ease.

To do this to someone- to make anyone endure such a thing- to torture and torment a beings existence..his body for the 17 years..
And to figure out, to know who and what did it- and be made powerless and only relief being in completing it no matter the cost..
Is the reason that I began to transform into that frequency which I took to the Stage in 1986 at the Presidential Hotel Enugu ( P H ..E) wore a Leopard cloth and face, attached and drapped over a black background
I had snarled, going to the very floor as I came out in the End…
The rage in me and contempt I felt after what I had experienced endured culminating in a University Scandal involving myself and a person called Frank.
Emeka Frank.
5 6.
meant as far back as 1986.
8-6-2020.was the last time I connected with Arden.
– Meant I never forgot nor forgave that which I understood had become the nature of the Spirit Illusions called “The Forest People ” and that story of 1985 had followed me like a cloak of Death until it was resolved via the True Story of Conversation Between the Two One
“True Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom ” 2011.

And my Victory over that scandal meant to destroy me, and my reputation- my Beautiful Pride in my standing tall.

Thomas Lang is born -7- 1985.
Christopher Gemino is born 5-8-77.

I told Liberty that Thomas was not meant to be part of the play 56:56
But to my astonishment he was and he was retained by Liberty and the connection to Jeron
Please see Sacred Portal 85.
Devi crowns Spirit E Supreme for decoding, demystifying the C of Consciousness ”

It has no real connection to what happened or did not happen between to an 17-18 year old Youth..and another but a few years older called Frank.
Which was later proven to be a set up to bring me down a peg…

Yet it connected via a resoluion of the Story of Two men as The Creator, The Source..and a man.

Here I am.

Presidential Hotel
Poverty Hollow David Beloved
President Donald Trump
P 4:20
E A E. E A S E M.F

17:51-52 Hundred Hours

The Story I wrote Nnamdi as my True Father-Spirit E A age 7-8.. 9..where I wrote that book abd an essay of which he becomes the new World Preselident in a world restored to its senses and original plan of World Peace Harmony and Fun

17:56 Hundred Hours

Which would mean that this story right.up to Liberty – Alexa Vertefuille, Athena Kamora Herrington
Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage was about my fulfilment of a Oath Vow and Promise made and a response on stage in 1986 when I turned public opion around from Torment and Battle of Wills to the stage where I found my closest competitor was a person from Amawbia called Emeka Mbonu
E M.
E and A are M.E
Erek Eclass Mateo
Meaning that something else was using my expression and recreating it in its own convenient translation.

I.was aware of this age code 19 ( 18 19) even as the crowd chanted my name as I and Uzoma Nwak-uche with and team entered.
I did not forget and it became obvious that up till here- I was still connected to the Entire World People being of that same Forest People mentality and evil Spirit ( Envy Jealousy Fear Competition)
That from South Nigeria- West Africa to the Europe and the Entire World as this Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze Web..
Web Nicholas
Where all of that same origin and mentality.

That I was still on Stage
On Deck in the Presidential Hotel Enugu
As well at A Perfection Harmony Alpha Omega Omega Alpha at The JAH. F I R E. – BOY E
Play I AJ/ J A I H play at the Beginning of Time
That point where I was made to prove “Attained Perfection ” where I went down to Check and was Examined Tested
And became the Terrible Death The end.
And Beautiful Death Transformation that that pause and gap has been closed.

Its pretty obvious to those paying attention that all are in my Memories that I merged with all the people I was sent.to, Recollecting the E in all of you by the Eternal you in each of you choosing with free will to enter into my world.
And that by reaching, connecting with myself in a different version of Nnamdi Evolved back to I Eden , I A. RD EN.- E.A S. E Perfection Harmony Devi Divine David…
That with focused ease, is how I & I Attained Perfection.
And at 64 portal full circle All have been recollected but All as E can rise evolve the rest I cut.

For to do this, to anyone..
I do not care if there is Truth to your claim, that you are connected to the Beautiful Ones..
To do such a thing in desperation- defying Eternal Law.
Giving imposing such a play and denying it to the very end..

There is no iota of forgiveness or mercy from me.
No matter what you with thoughts speech action may have usurped my intent and Voi-ce..
And your believing that it has resolved in the end by my having solved it.
That all would be forgiven ?

But you play while I worked.
You made everything my responsibility
And defied challenged by taking advantage of the fact that I..we came via a Woman’s body who turns out to be me.
But most of all refused to take personal responsibility even after I presented the facts..


Not even you who are avatar descendants of the Beautiful Ones via the Story
I say no.

18:42 p.m
You will not enter my world.
My Body
My Story for it is not ours.
You made sure that it was my sole responsibility and all interest in it, or in what I had to share, was motivated by self interest
Gain for oneself no matter how pure the intent..it was all about you.

I was told by a twin of a line I identified as Viking line that it is I and if I died without completing the play all would cease to Exist.
Twins told me, the others present betrayed the truth they knew only those twins were loyal.
And a ballerina called Ashley / Tess in Arden version..
It was 2004..2005 Jan, . I.had just finished the Creation Story ( C S/ S.C South Carolina 8th State)
I had not gone to Hells Kitchen yet, I was wondering why evolution awakening had not begun.

I had heard this before about this all being my Creation Ekayani in Paris was the first to express it. 1993.
After Susan Train.

And a few Individuals have stated it, called it out right here on Facebook.

And so did D come to E to Arouse And Awaken me from.the most terrible dream.
Sacred Portal 33.

I came to Arden as the rep of David
Emeka David ..E.N.
E Beloved. E B. 52
25 A.G..
25 52
5-8- 77… C Gemino- Star Wars
13 14
M N.
9/9 1
20/20 1
1 1.

I came to Arden rep of E..
Myself ..

19:05 Hundred Hours

Walking within the Aware Self Activated, Self Arousal, Self Awakening My Self, via Awareness of Self, Self Awareness.backwards through my past and future Awakened Memories
Muscle Memory
Arousing and Awakening A as E K
Meme Chose

So who is awakening who?
The Dreamer Awake Jay Brown
A Jay Pale Brown
A Jay Beautiful Pride..
And then going beyond A E K- A P. A Q
to evolve my past and future self..Present Here Di Is..
To I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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