
9/9/2018 2:14 – Facebook Post

9/9/2018 2:14 – Facebook Post

12:21 p.m.


Perfect Alignment.

12:21 is a Full Circle

9 9= 2 full circles of 9 create 18.

Gabriel Binky Signar sent me a message..”I Hope you get out of this Hole”

I wrote a response.
“I just walk away”

It is true that despite my explanations while posting and uncovering what I am doing on Face Book, that once I realized that format of this Script, I recognized that no many people would take the time to read what I myself was not even sure as to what I was doing on Facebook, until its meaning began to become manifest to me.

But I am always amazed at just how few people, many of them who comment, really do not understand that which I have been clear in nearly every other post.
I never required that anyone believe me what I say, and said I am doing, but at least accept the facts and premise of what I am so obviously living and doing, that which I have described countless times that I am literally finding myself doing.

I know people do not read.
Do not have time to read unless they have evidence that there is something in it for them.
And most who read can not read what is in front of them, without transforming it through their own self projections and mind chatter.. The so called Evil Twin.

There has not been much time after the first year on Face Book in 2012 to explain what is taken place on my page because I myself was in it, but I beilieve even as I was solving, dscoverying, and unraveling, I spared moments in between to

But now that the equation is over, and the meaning, and such has fully unraveled in this day by day process, it comes back to that which I already knew, and had uncovered- even spoken about here.

I could have walked away, many times.
Sure it would have been a struggle, even a fight-
but I wish to emphasize that I could have walked away.
I could have summoned that Will.

It is because it is not Real.
Yes it is True.
But It, Itself is a Story- even if it is convinced that it is not.

So why I didn’t i?
After all, I call this script evil, beyond its meaning, and I am obviously not happy, and yes, it has basically destoyed my life and brought me nothing but suffering hurt and sadness.

The reason of course, I have explained and stated before.
It is a Script designed for the Evolution Awakening of the Species.

It is the play which was established.

Now, I stated in the last post… sigh…
Imagine….That I am The Creator.. who had come undercover in his Son’s/Daughters story.
The story which creates what people here call Worlds,
Ages.. Eons… Eras.
Each age representing an Evolution, step by step through Wave Lengths.. Rainbow Spectrum.

I have explained this enough times so I will not go into detail.
The Story which I am, based on this Script, cross referenced with my own actual memories, I come into the world because it is the end of the Sum Total of ages and the end of a play theater which had been going on for the illusion of eons ( In Time)
and that when I come undercover, it is the rest and enjoy the Creation and Play after having been undercover here in all other ages to help with the rest of the Original Family of Actors who are the Ethereal and Elenentals all Original First expression of Existence Consciousnss Creation Energy…

But in this version when I come down to boogie, knowing already that everything was all set up in the begining of time, that I had come to enjoy the last of the Play Theater while being undercover in it as a Human, knowing that a the True Nature Reflected- ( T N R)
But in this version of the play, the original Doubt which I spoke about the Being felt who rose at the completion of Expression Existence- who rose as the emodied Sum of Infinite Consciousnes attained who I recounted had a question which He did not utter which was a question as to how did he know for sure the I was The Creator and Source of Everything including him.
That question which was not uttered because of Awe and in thsi rendition version of the play.. Fear .
That brought a Cause and Effect of which eventually corrupted and threatened to destroy everything because of that refusal to speak up.
And in this version, as I recounted as I solved and deciphered the script within me and outside of me and through you, the Fear of owning up to that Doubt and Fear

Yes the book by Bob Woodward.
Yes link me still at Starbucks each day Metropolitain Woods.

In this version of the story, I come undercover that the Fear was of that he who represented the Everythig went into fear because he felt that he could never be as the Light the Source which lest say I represented as “The Creator”, now live up to the love so perfect which the The Creator gazed into his “Son Sums” Eyes.
He was afraid that he could never measure up or be as worthy as the Source seemed to see him as.

And thus, I come into the story he was meant to manifest as the last Story a Script used to evolve the Eberythig to its last stage.
( it was all taken care of from the very beginining, by the way, the play was created for all the aspects – family of the Creator to experience through a play, that perfection he saw in them was justified.
All they had to do was remain seated in their True Natures and once they took Action. Acted.
All thier potential would become Kinetic Expression ( K E) And they would see themselves thier True Nature is aligned to E
The Eternal Creator.

In this version, that fear took over, and when that fear and doubt began to affect everything and all the Everythings descendants by the insistence in holding on to that original point of view.
It created a Virus and a Negation and consequently a dimension called Non Existence… and the pitt of non Existence Zero…
The pitt of non Existence being that last of that which is True and real ceasing to exist.
Signalling the end of even the altered Universe.
Altered Ego’s/

And so in this version the Son/ Daughter Sum does not want the “Father” to come down and see the absolute mess which he has done to Creation.
While his Evil Altered Ego- created by the split and the Duality created by Doubt and fear creates a trap knowing that the Father Source will come down because after all he is Love…
Loves his Son Self Mirror …
And when he comes down, instead of being free, he is trapped in a play where he is used to ransom his Son by his Sons Evil Twin who decided that in order to save his son who unintentionally manifested such a cause and effect which then spiralled out of control and brought forth the Evil Twin…
who created a script where The Creator is put through the mosyt horrendous play, made to play the most asburd and humilating role,the ultimate slave to this Evil Evil Twin in order to save his Son…

The script demanded that The Creator abase himself to a role, in which the evil Twin did everything to make sure that the Creator could never win , but instead reveal all his knowledge and then on doing this, the Great Evil would make The Creator always a slave, with no one every knowing of believing that he actually is the Source, because he agreed to come undercover without any of his power.. he came as an ordinary man.
As for his Son Sum Daughter Dawn… they would fade forever taken over by the Evil Twin.

Yes, that is what happened.
That was the Script I have lived.. yes this is True/
And yes, it was made to feel so real…

But it is not…
It is a Story…
A Script which I have been correcting as I went long, stunned no doubt by how far it went, and the energy of the human people of the Wheel .. the viscous cycle, which it feeds on.

I went this far, because I had to investigate and also prove the truth of Harmony, no matter how Vile Evil even impossibly absurd script of Hatred of the Evil Twin- the Evil side of the Everything, the Every ones…
Not the Dark side.. the Evil side..Evil Twin…

My role of course, in true meaning behind this script was to transform everything back to Its Original Script.
I stayed because of that.. I stayed in the story, while pointing out that it is a story, a script. or Evil… beyond belief which sought to put a spell on me that its power was absolute.
This was all of course untrue, I was powerring it with my focus on it.
The reason why I chose to focus on it was, it is was, the last play of of What If.. the most extreme possiblility manifesting and to prove even that was not possible that even in the worst most evil terrible strory…
Where i pointed out over and over again all the efforts to keep me here solving this riddle…
I stayed because this was the last script- that one impossiblity which I had to prove Impossible…
All that is Possible is Mission Impossible 6th…
Manifest through such a script the Facts.

Which I know I have done, completed .. I can read the Script and my responses and the Echo Confirmations even if I am the only one in the world paying attention to it..

Nicole my case manager told me after 4 months that D H SS said that they would not pay for my passport.
That the Shelter would Mr Bey, the Director of the Shelter decided would pay for it.
The funny thing is that I am awre that the shelter was meant to pay for it in the first place…
The D.HH.S Officer told me over a year and half ago.

I just shook my head…
see Time to go.

It is a play.. I stayed because I had to finish my role of proving Evil the Twisted Twin, The Evil Doppleganger… all that Duality and even that story is just a What If proven now that it could never be..

My son Daughter Music Sum… tey are all me. ‘And I am in One with all of me…

Evil is Non Exstence…
And this test was also to prove that it does not and can never exist in me…
And the E…

That is why I stayed…
To the end of the Script to see it completion and how far… it would go..
Far enough…

My passport…
Ah a change of focus…
But I stayed focused on this script which no one was really paying attention to, which I solved alone with the E rising up in all the true you…
But look at this work.. the amont of work.. and 6.9 years and i am my only worth being broke in a Men Homeless Shelter…?

You know the moment the woman NR Said no to my asking her for a loan of 20 usd.. ( yes the Truck with the number 20… N R…A.. N R I… )
I went outside and saw a person with a t-shirt in organge with the words “Broke?”
as if mocking me…

I sighed and went inside… what the play meant was that the power of the 6th sense is not in this Jamican or nurse or African Queens…
But it is in me…
Ant told me he would lend me so cash to buy some tobacco…
I told her and this world and this play and even my bio family… No one can shame me.. for doing the right thing..
Rather they who claim to be be True who have been tested by even this evil script of the Non Existence evil twin, have been Measured Weighed.. and found Wanting…

M W… W

2;11 p.m.

I just had to complt the script to the end…
To bring the end of this “Realiy” even through such a script which used all the selfishmess evil cruelty.. FEAR against me.
I will never forgive or forget evil being entertained for such a long time…
But at least i know now the truth…

2:13 a.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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