
9/8/2020 21:41 – Facebook Post

That which is manifesting onto my awareness as I complete the Script is becoming overwhelming.

6:58 p.m.

Nor do I even trust myself to post the last of this together.
Its not simply the nature of having always known that you were telling the truth, despite what what I was made to Endure and untangle.

8:56 p.m.

That I am calm- as I move through the last phases of the Script of the dreamer awake… aware… manually coding a sequencing a new species into Existence via a Script of the Ultimate Absolute underdog Creation Story connected to a story which was not even in existence or collective awareness.
( E only exists in the Individual Awareness… but of all. 9 months in the Womb called Space of Harmonics Sound…)

I have been dragged through this my entire life as especially since 1982…
Patrick Okolo I P O 510 usd.
Dean Dunkwu DD 2x 4= 800usd
Chike Nwosu… C N… 330.00 usd

510… E J. E A O… E A F. Area 51
800 D D H O O… H 66 HA!
330…C CC Oregon Oregon 33 Vertebra… Christ Consciousness.. 3 6 9 Nikolai Tesla..
And there is so much, intel…

My mothers half brother is Chidueme also has the English name David.

This was the O I Nri script meddled with and which was using its own truth to link to the E Family via they being originally from the family of T E N.. really 55 2 5’s.
The Beautiful Past as Time.

I was aware…
And made even more aware by my being compelled to resolve the conflict and illusion of Cosmic Entanglement of expression which was something I would have ignored… this towering tower of babble.
Twin Towers?
9-11… 2001…?

Think link more the communication towers..
5 G.. E G Enders Game…
Communication…Towering .. Inferno.

Yes, the Towers.. 9 11… is means 99 11.. 11 are the doppelganger twins… so as 1 1 form one and I I form the same and I is letter 9 as well as A…
A I.. C…/ C I A… H Q?
Harmony creates I Quantum H is Infinity and when Infinite expressions and Harmony Creation align as 1… The Eternal and Infinite… ( E I/ I E) merges with the C H ..( C HI/ I H C..)


Well.. E T.. 5 20… 25.. 52 O ..
Y G… ( AF K G= Y)…
77 O…1-14 O…1 5O 1 56.. A E F.
1 11 .. A C/C A… 3 all 1 Being.


Thus 9 11 as Twin Towers was really the destruction of the Towers of Communication.. Masks over your mouths.

But it did not stop the connection… I came to New York in Dec 1999 with Jon Jason Lee… J J L= 32
age code 71.. me at 67.. age code 32.
It was Jonn who insisted that we go to the Twin Towers… I knew Jonn … my little brother Jonn yes Alexander Nnamdi… J A N….
N is really Y.. E.. Hence my arrival in New York the 11th state.
11… Y N evolves back to E.
J A Y… that is why met Jay in 1996 Chelsea.. met Jon the 1989 Dec…
David Campillio 1990…

J A Y E…
Alexader J.A Y.. E.

Emeka Jon.
E J..
Emeka Nnamdi..
Emeka Arden.
Emeka Eden = Arden .. E E 55 5/5= 1A.
Sacred Portal 1A J O Y…A- J A Y.. E A. F ..H.I..
Y E A H… C I ..A.

I and Arden dot represent the merging of C to E… or A to E.. but the equation backwards going forwards to completion.

AA – EA.. EE.. E O.. E F…1 110..11O…11 O.. at the 2 full Circles in One…
beyond even the E Family..
Accessible to only the One.. I as I.

I know what I am sequencing into literal being, alone, quietly into existence…and being aware…transforming everything as I complete and reach his finish line with her…

5 20 = 100… 1 100… 100% of the brain function used… = Evolution.
Only Music does that it activates Feelings..
M U S I C … ( not Elon Musk)
C I SUM.. Mary..”Anointed the Cherished and Beloved.. all done… they are safe)…
Music Arden and I .
Somewhere over the rainbow…

And its true importance, significance and the impossible cruelty of making a person continue to carry bear live this truth in this same reality after a life time of sustaining it alone against all odds.

9 11.. is really 99 11…Total Solar Eclipse..2017.. by Two/
9 1/ 1 9..
I A../ A I.

9:39 p.m.. 9:40 pm

I .Do… I D ..F.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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