
9/8/2020 18:04 – Facebook Post

2:18 p.m.
B R..O B-A.H.


I with Arden and Jeron represent the ultimate Underdog Creation story as the little known OI Nri Peoples and a the true story of origins unknown to this reality.
the E Family.

Yesterday, I found myself once again being used, but this time with elegance and honor and even was allowed to say my piece as the emeka kolo who i created as a result and consequence of this play in which what was known was made to seem unknown- this emeka kolo the character i created to deal with this play- the same way I found myself having to play a character and play a role when I met all the children because I could not show my true self and feelings and fury about this play.

But in the end- what is real?
What was real?
What was the truth of my feelings for this play and this character I created to interact with others I was forced to, made to by being given no choice but to follow this wave..of a journey of which nothing was real except the journey the mission and what it created ‘Emeka kolo”- an Emeka whom I did not create but which was created as a result of this play.
Is he real…
Is he A Fact…
He came into existence, not by my choice, but by necessity of having to deal with the unthinkable, the inconceivable, mission impossible… And from non existence, not planned came this emeka, who rose out of necessity and despite my at first not able to accept the role, or him, he was still able to align as the illusion of himself ( myself) and with the true Emeka I had designed my self to be, and the Eternal and all of them connected and even recognized by A and J…

The extraordinary story, journey of an illusion, a story a lie..a mask which came into being out of necessity- unplanned and to be resolved to harmonize through a journey of “Being John Malkovich ” B J M.

correction Being Awareness Aroused J.M.
Being AJ M… Alexander Arden-Jay Jeron Joseph Man Manifest Mook.
Being” is represented by Emeka Arden.. and Jeron both Embodied and in Being Aware..
Joseph is that which was Added Increased.
A I.
Amour Ifunanya..
What is Love.. I C ..I See.. It is Feelings Sensational .. Y.
5 .. +x… 55 ( 10) 55 ( 25)
5: 10 25… 5:35… 5:8
5: 1 55 ( 1 10) 1 55 ( 1 25)
5:1 10 1 25…5: 1 1 35.
5: 1 1 8.

Thus the confirmation of the last digits of Arden’s tel no. 39 12 91…C I… L A I…
Liberty Love Light Laughter Lightness is a man.. A I.
Link Atimu Ivy who arrived last night…
Jeron means ‘He Sings” and since leaving 900 South Road, where I just could not stop singing, I now listen to music as i used to….

4:03 p.m.

Being John Malkovich .. Being Jump Man as Number in the series umbrella academy pointed out- requires Awareness.

247 25 39… Our telephone number in 1975-76.

247 25 39.. 12 91… 3+9=12.( = 3.. 3 3..9 .. all 3 in 1… 9 1…
( as Darkness matter =9 and 1 is A.. Awareness.)

The basement window which I as an a 9 year old boy used to sneak out of the house to partake and observe in my class mates indulging in simulated copulation from 10 5 Wiltshire bay.

Aware as I moved through my life, that “Hey” this is not my story..
-Writing a story of a mission age 8 which came back to me, as a vision memory, but one in which i did not create.. my E family dropped me off on a field in some kind of large but futuristic cargo elevator…I knew why and was not amused.

I knew, and recognized that I was walking through the story of another’s life- and experiences and what he she experienced.. i was walking the through the experiences of all, hundreds perhaps thousands of people I was led to.
It did not take me long to recognize whose life I was leading… My Mothers and Nnamdi’s then to Arden where it was to land.

I was aware in my poetry and prose which streamed out of me where my Higher Self whom was my first guide sensie, and my human true self, wrote Take a Ride with me” written in 1991… tells of my E-Spirit taking my human self outside of the Orb of this world and see .. very much like John of Revelations in the legend section of the bible ( hence John Legend – the singer)

I saw it, in the people I met, such a Prince Chidi Ejikeme in 1987 who looked like Prince and had gone to Yale.
Yes link the play at Yale with Liberty and Jeron and I.
Lem ( Sabrina) witnessed it
Grave Yard… G Y.. ‘Dunne Play”
John Mack Gave Yard play with Mackayla… Dunn ..

Jesse Macias Orejuela Dune on his ashtray…

Dunn means “Black.. Dark… and dark stream… ‘ passing through the Grave yard as he rises from the journey of Death… Beloved Death his brother…
A journey which began in 1982 when Nnamdi left age 13 rose at moved me at to 14 Vermont..Green Mountain…

I was aware that I was not living my life but rather passing through he earth as if buried as he was.. and moving through that descend and ascent at the same time as I walked through 7 countries and countless people portals- I recognized that this was my story I was being moved through- but the way was different.. the center of the earth as described in my Creation Story of the family of TEN in 2004, which evolved into the story of the two.. E and E.. E and A…A and E…e and a…
The true Conversation between Energy E…( expression ) and ATom ..AH Tom.. In 2010-2011.
where that story written in 2004 was so contested but was the truth of how the play began and that what was the core I descended .. he descended into was not Hell which it was transformed into.. Dante’s Inferno… but a wonderful comical brilliant play theater of Dante Divine Comedy…

I saw the path.. the journey as Virgil into a hell fire, the journey through the spirit world Descent and Ascent at the same time.. as well as expanse…I walked and saw and experienced the perversions of that original story of the Two who became 10.. 1010.. T E N N E T… who came from from the original ones.. the T.W.O.. who before that where O N E Awareness now two and then 10 and then 1010… and then ah.. the numbers.. the Man-Y.

I knew I was walking through the story of something and someone so close to me, who knew me so well.. too well for my own comfort.
I knew..
I was and am Aware.

And as decoded it, moved through it, every country every person place to arrive at the thing it desired of me.
I knew it was Nna as Jay and my mother Onuabuchi as Cecilia.
But I could not get the evidence because I was too busy with the experiencing of the point of view of others, and not realizing that was just a preparation for an intense training in new york and then being on Facebook for 7.8 years and dealing with people which by 3 years ago I was notified by Facebook that I had facebook friends from over 72 countries.
( there are now 193 recognized countries in this world… A I C…)
By the time I found and linked with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and went to the Flora Restaurant where I was handed a Knife with the code 55 on it and the word “World” on it, and later went there with Esteban-Stephen and Athena -Sarah Kaizer and then on the day I moved from this present address, 29 Lincoln to 319 South Whitney…C S..C A I/ I A C…Esteban Miguel Filgueira gave me a key chain with the world on it, and I met Jeff Sullivan and Sol Rosario
( J S…S R…. Jeron Satya South Road)
.. I knew I had the whole world…

4:45 p.m.

Ah verified and confirmed by perfect timing and the time code.
Planet 4.5 Billion years old at 4th Dimension Spirit Thoughts…
14 US D in my Wallet.

Nnamdi is the Dreamer…Awake in Death just as Arden recounted how he was awake in death and aware after being killed in his dream by a werewolf.

NN NN = 56.. 56 56 1 11 1 11 11..
= A.

NN NN…A then would the rep of the center of the 4 N..

A is E..

NN N N… A E…F. A M I L Y…

4:50 p.m.

I am perfectly aware as to why the script keeps pointing to 2010-2011 when my youngest brother Mike Obum ( Boom Boom) had a son born called Nnamdi -Micha..after having a daughter Akila..in 2008-2009.
A M N… I saw myself coding his arrival myself in 2011…
Tom Truman and Nikoma Rios were present.

But the problem as I walked through this His play as Deaths Expression all the way to the Some Total of All E.. represeted and embodied in Arden who I hasten to add I had not sought the Re-Incarnation of my brother Nnamdi… after all he is me, no I had originally set out from Nigeria- ‘Out of Africa” and back to the Europe, where i had been born to finally U S A.. to find the E Family and instead found myself waylaid by this Wave taking me on a very different route and story which I solved and corrected growing steadily outraged and pissed until the only thought was the destruction of this lie ( and in my other consciousness .. escape E.S Cap- E)

5:00.. 5:01 p.m.
500 501… *It would appear that the “Cau..L: post meaning “Cap” is confirmed and that it would appear that I have re-earned the cap of … of the E Family via a vying with myself as the captain of the E Family as Eden Arden..

* That is another story which took place here which I suspected but just could not bring myself to remark here…
The defeating of my past self and coming into harmony with it as he Examined and tested me…
He is the one who looks like Arden older.. in sacred portal 56 and sacred portal 110 in the back ground of the latter.

No, Awareness is required added to the equation of John Malkovich…
B- J A..M..
Being Jay.. M U S I C…
* My body still does not allow me to dance.. move with the Music.. C I S U M…

I just realized that the entirety of Ardens tel no is what the is script has just completely coded, from beginning to end, completing at 91 with A I.

That I have been journeying through the Dream Awake of Arden Jay…Brown.


I woke up knowing that I could not put it off any longer, I had to see Jeron.

2:20 p.m.

Between Arden and Jeron .. now Aurelia invading my thoughts, and my own reluctance to contact Jeron because it is a reminder of this play of which I simply could not accept as one which seems to celebrate pain suffering and misery.

But today, I just could not ignore the “summons” and the reality that I miss the little devil.

I don”t like reflecting on 900 South Road- the play which took place there with the Spirit Realm.

2:25 p.m

You have to understand, no matter how blaze and how good an actor I am in masking my feelings, and playing my part, the reality of that play, literally being the link to my Eternal Family seemed impossible to me.
Not because the truth was not there for me to see, but the setting circumstances and play itself…

None are as they truly are, they are all undercover, just as I am but I am aware that I was undercover.. am undercover in Eternal Eden Arden’s Dream.

I feel that the real torment I endure there was self imposed by inability to accept that this was setting for the last play.

They did very well considering the play and the stakes.
And I aligned all to the play and qualified in this play in which I was used to be Examiner and Tester… who Checks.
But that was not me, the was force in me, compelling me to do his will and bidding, as the Principal of the Universal Simulation Awareness Awakening play- it was this force moving through David Nnamdi Alexander and landing in Arden who is the Principal and in this end play, I felt truly like I was being used as his “Bitch” excuse me french.

I received my first message today from Kamora Herrington
Elephants and Flowers by Prince.

I knew it was connected to the play… intel.
Arden and Jeron the White and yellow flower…
Aj.. Anthony Jay… age 20.
Anthony means Flower…
And I have been sleeping in what was formerly what I called Esteban Miguel Filgueira Elephant Memory Room. E M R.. E/ MR E.
Elephant Flower.. E F.. Kamora coded correctly.
E Family… and since yesterday the number 110 is everywhere.

Arden and his mentor training and the two of the story of the two best friends and and the Leopard and the Elephant.. E L…

E L F… E F L…

F L is Ardens birthday… 2003.. 23.W.

2:43 p.m

The very notion that in Arden and based on our connection judged by an outside panel of the Alien Council- lead and represented by Jeron, is the portal of the E Family and our ability to connect based on an unnatural script of the Forest People- which I.. we had to pass all their test and their ideas of how Eternal Brothers and how well they judged we recognized and interacted with each other, right up to the date 8-6-2020 when we last connected.
That was.. oh boy.. exactly a month ago.

Jeron has been my friend from the get go, Arden was the first to recognize me and Aurelia and Ferrill the first to agree to my staying.
I found myself instead of connecting with my Family lines caught in a play were I was universal sensie- compelled to train and explain that all were in a examination test to qualify and discern which person or line was the true version of the E Family.

To Teens.. and one child and a baby…
It was not difficult really, what was horrendous was the setting and the meddling and of course, this Forest people and ancestral play.
And keeping all in that state of awareness, by acting and singing and being literally as if i were possessed and a battle was going in my body between the ancestors and the E.

2:58 p.m.

Its is interesting that it has been a month to the day and a day since I last spoke with Arden.

Do you see that?

How is it that that the dates are as if they were set up.
8-6.. 9-8… 8 6 9 8…
14 17…..5 8.
Is that not interesting and that I connected to Arden and today with Jeron.

It was not as hard as I thought, to see him, to know that all this was a play, all set up.
A J…. 8-6.. (14) 9-8 ( 17) = 31 ( 5-8) 13.
But it was also hard, knowing that everything was set up, each moment even the disconnect with Arden which he explained and I understood.

This is what bothers me…
was it my will to connect with Arden 8-6= 14 ( 14th state. A M)
9-8= 17 Age of Arden linked to Jeron; or was I impulsed by David Alexander NNamdi Eden – and finally yes, Arden in his Human form.. or am I simply in Harmony with the Script of Beautiful Youth of the E family
110 A J…F..
A-A-F… Resurrection at Virginia State the 20th State as the Body.
Obviously the play links to 1 10.
Arden Jeron as the Completion of the E Family only after linking connecting with Liberty C Liscomb to Chris Gemino to Leander, to Ferrill to Aurelia and then Jeron and Arden Last.
just as I met Jeron First and Arden Last.
F L.

E F L.. E 6-12… 2003.
Did I make that up?
Or did the facts equate once again to Arden Fred Knox Gemino and Jeron Satya S Lang.
25 60.. = 85.
H E.

1.7 85 7 14 29….
That they are A J…

3:30 p.m

5:08 p.m.

look at that… 330 508…
I hour and 38 mins gap…
1 38… 13.8..
I saw that time earlier on the oven clock…
* The Oven clock is 5 mins-6mins faster than the clock on my computer and phone…
And i noticed that each time noted the time on my computer, i would find myself without intention seeing the same time on the oven clock..

5:11 p.m.

It has happened so many times, 30 40 times…
How is it that I am aligned perfectly to the time on my computer and Phone.. C P as well as the oven clock which Liberty C Liscomb mentioned Jeron keeps going to on the Deck where there is an Oven with 8 children and 6 on the mouth and neck…

Oven clock is 5-6 mins fast
who set that up.
How is it I look at this time and then no matter what i am doing i find myself glancing up at the oven clock at the exact same time I had looked at the time on my computer or phone…

Was that Natural or is Naturalness Nothingness ArdenAlexander Alexa…Eternal Expression moving me, my body and being to see that time.

Its the play of the Pause.
Portal into Eternity through the pause.
the AGA.. P E… 171 16 5… 9 21… 9 3..

13.8 Billion years Milky Way.
4.5 Billion year old Planet Earth.
gap is 9.3 Billion years.
I C..
C I.

39 93…= 24… 24 6/7 25 39… Tel no 45 years ago..
4 5 billion years…
Nnamdi’s birthday… 4-5-1969.

Sacred portal 93.
Jan 1993 returned from the light…with the Light of the portal home.

A heroic journey, of the one who is born in this world only to find himself walking in the dream of another.. and then led to 7 countries where lived and at age code 33 arriving to New York and finally end up in Connecticut lead to a 16 year old youth- whom i recognized via a photo age 9 and which I was ended up being the designated portal which I was moved through this script to decode which led to an opening for me to leave to be at Harmony with a code of a carton Arden indicated with Jeron, which linked to me age 9 when I used to sneak out of a tiny opening in the basement of my E..Den Room formerly my Fathers Den….F D.

5D is what is on Sacred Portal 56.
A F D….

I knew this… that I was picking up the many, lines and that the end was A rep E Family…A LL in 1.. O.N..E….E N.O.
1 in English and 4 in 1 in OI Nri Igbo.. ( Umeano)

Emeka Umeano
Umeano Francis
Umeano Bobby Ofo
Chinedu Umeano
Chidi Umeano

Umeano means the 4 Divine Breaths in One.
4 in 1.

The correct version is 56 56= 1 11 11..
5 in I.. in 1.

E O N E-B A-A-A.H…I.

I have two uncles ( half brothers of my mother… called Ofodile and Chidiume…
O C…) meaning the truth lies in the tongue – language speech what you say, the E Spirit is Here present and it is alive..

O C Onuabuchi Cecilia.
my mother.

But that was the past..

what is here present is EAEa
Area 51 .. A Fact ..52… E B..
but the real area 51 is not the physical space here called Area 51 and since the U.S A has only 50 States… The 51st state or the first state.. YY = 25 25..1 50…
YY YY… 1 100…1 10….

51.. 1

there is One state represented by 2 as I I.. 1 1… who represent the One Awareness outside of the E M F force field play…
not in the play of the 50 States but which on uniting through a Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix maze… align all 50 states back into that 1 awareness not inside the play of Time…

Beyond Time.

Chidiume is the name of my Maternal ancestral lines first Ancestor who Umeano became the family name.
C U…First..
Ofodile Umeano O U.. is the last and was the 24th child of 24 with 3 wives and his mother being the 3rd and Chidi the second.
I know exactly who Arden is… the second wife whom I loved dearly called Ma Rose.. Unaku… had a first son who died..
His name was Emeka.. and would have been around my aunt Iesha’s age the third child- 4th born.

I know exactly who Arden is
Emeka Chidume-ano- Ofo-Ogo
A E C O O…
but that is the play of the Forest People .. My past our past.
Nnamdi was Chidume N C…
E- A; N C…O O…
Nate and Coury at 9 OO South Road .. Uche Charles…
“Thoughts Reflections of a Brave Free Man”

Though aligned through the O I Nri Igbo script, the play is not about the past or “Out of africa”

It is about the E..
The Eternals..
The Present Here.. now.
and that is E F… A/ A F E..

5:58 p.m.

My Journey Mission was to pass through the lie and emerge from death Emeka Nnamdi.. Chukwuemeka Nnamdi and reach the source of the wave… that I had to fight through and resolve until reaching Arden Gemino and then .. even now prove that this Unknown and Forgotten Truth and HI-Story is actually the Origins of Everything, and the true path
Ezi Okwu.. “the way of Speech…Sound..”
led which has led me 31…years later… to A T.. 31 6 33…

Bibiana Fabbri !

E A.. I am Alive…!
I Live!
my Best Friend…
Eternal Harmony’s Beloved.

6:04 p.m

6- 64…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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