
9/8/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

9/8/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

New York Times
Weekend Arts Section II

“A Chronicler For The Dawn of an Era”

12:28 a.m.


L:B H… Love is Being in Harmony ( with the Universal play True Nature)

I-G/H- T R

The above caption of todays New YorK Times caught my attention.

It struck me, of course that this exactlu what I am, and have been doing.
Describing what is about to happen before it happens.
And in doing so proving that True Naturals Human Being are Harmonious Beings.
And that this script I found myself inside of is the Script which proves: merits earns, the Evolution of the Species in a play where one person is used as the Example to prove this. As well as the Truth that the true name of Humanity are The Elegant Nomads, undercover as The Naturals, proving the supremacy of E.
Expression Harmonious in Human Avatars Descendants who are aligned to the Wave of E and the Script which I have been decoding, without being aware of the script.
Thus, that The Elegant Nomads, T.E.N, undercover are able to flow in the E wave, responding to the cues and parts in perfect timing without even being aware.

Thus, with the Script of the E, I was chosen to decode- whose purpose is really a non stop extended expression created and extended and prolonged, in order for the entire Family undercover to recognize themselves in the Script. And, despite the interference and meddling of the Illusions, Shadows Doubts set up as players around them, still are able to come to this Face Book Forum, just as, I was brought to New York ( but not gracefull.. I refused and was given no choice )
And find me on Face Book and respond in perfect timing to thier cues through this 6.8-9 year play.

Reflected lastly in Edwin J. Chisom play and Hanke John.

I was the only one aware or Awakened to this play.
I was all a play of Sixth sense, to prove that despite the Fear created in this play, that the The Elehant Nomads, deprived of Awareness Memory and Expression would natural demostrate the Superemacy of the E Harmony by recognizing the Expression of the Source and the Script. Doing this without any knowledge of it demonstrates the conquering of Death as Forgetting.
By the T E N recognizing the Original Script and play which they had played out as Ethereals and Elementals.
The Family of 55… Yes 10 When they entered the Matrix Play.
Yes No Yes No…
Jay Balancers… J B.. 007…
You understand?

The were originally E E… In order to Evolve Ethereal To Eternal by passing through the Elemental Nature of themselves.
Which in this case masqueraded as Nature and Forgetting
N F/ F N ( Link Neil Furby name meaning..
Link Susan Otelia Nelson and name meaning.

The Evolution required the family of 55 Expression Creation going into a Story, a Story in which they move backwards into a space on Non Knowing, called “The Nothingness”
Which was original was, is filled with Ecstasy and Bliss..
But in this script laced with so much Fear and Doubt, that it went too far and to the absolute extreme ( testing my patience to the point of calling forth and programing Self Destruction Codes)
The Nothingness was transformed into the Expression which the playing feild transformd into..
The Playing Feild is called Time. Age… Momentum…

And it became the story of Zero. Non existence of a Creator, a Source, A Reaso why We are here…
This is Life…
Fear Doubt Survival… realm of Liars and Deniars… Shadows cast… Evil Projections Twisted Ego..Gossip, Innuendo.. all the abomination done to expression which moved it away from the The Truth, from the Light, from Transparent for anyoe Conscious can see.
Even in forgetting to for “To Cee” and “To See ” are two separate things…
I conscious I Consider, I Cee others are not all reflections of me. Some are True and some are me as False”
I see I say I seer…

I Cee and I See
One can not declare something “IS” Without seeing something Cosciously which means Completly..
To be Conscious means to be Complete.

And all Creation as E is Complete.
The evolution of T. E N.. Through a play of TN.. with no E. or the illusion of it being absent, just the Nothing now as a Zero..
A Pit.
Non existence..
But instead proves through this Script, that the Pit was really the Tunnel of love transformed into absolute darkness and this the idea of there being Nothing Zero.. but this reality or Fear…
The Realm of Death Terror… D T.. Donald Trump…
representing the Human Era of the abosute Pit of Being or Non Being..
Chaos Rage Wrath, Hate Cruelty… Bullies

But in actuality, through the completin of this Script, the Completion of the E within all the Naturals, rising through the Naturals as the Body, to move, rise, through osmosis and a direct line, rise and move through the Darkness of the body as Death, the Great wall of Forgetting
( testimony by Kasien Thompson was accepted by the Scripts”La Cour” that the body when stripped brings lifts the veil of forgetting)
Transformig the “Virus” the fears and doubts, the toxins… the illusion of self back into Light. Proving that not only did we not forget but that we do not even have to Remember” in order to be in Harmony.
This completion Evolved the N =14 to 5.. E. Through the play of 1 to 4, or 4 to 1… 1 4/ 4 1… 5 5….
and then the 5 5.. become not Ten 10…
5/5… IS 1…

5 and 1… which is 5 and 6…
Eternal Fact… and
56.. 11..K… Rep by Kyle Murphy as the Robert and Myself as Kolo as Robert and the E who had to stay awake in the play

1:29 a.m.

Because the depth of Fear Distrust, Hate Suspicion allowed to go too far.
And for not asking my persmission to accept to play such a role the script became an abomination.
Far to Evil Far too Vile.. Far too much to ask any one to play such a role of Chronicler…
And ( Alexander… Anthony Nnamdi David A AN D)
Of such a thing, where I was bound and cornered and if I wished to leave the play, I was discoyraged and manipulated by a series of events where I was dissuaded.
The most obvious being what has been done to my body and being..
Which any one meeting me will see as startling.

That is why the pit to raise the Naturals from became so deep. And why the Original lines of The Elegant Nomads had to endure such awful roles and burdens to evove the Truth .. Eternal Truth to the Eternal Truth Embodied with a Body..
Transforming the most Beautiful Truth and Play, back from the Hideous viscious hateful… man, I have no words to describe this experince…
Better that no one ever exist than to have allowed such a play to take place. For s person to exprience what I have expereinced, the deception, the selfishness….
This is not God does not exist.. this play is a reason why nothing should ever rise or exist… Ever.

You have no idea how bad, just how bad this is and has been, because you do not rememeber the play.
I have been in it living it since I came into the world.
The worst thing is to force someone into a role, to force someone without them being aware, when they said no.
To force them, bind them offer no way control evet aspect of the persons existence… not allow death nor a life..
Just the mission and to have the person be totally at the mercy of a Tyrannt of towering Cruelty and Indifference willing to do anything.. anything to manifest the compleion His Way…

John McCain had then play two songs at his funeral “Danny Boy” ( D.B… 4 2… 4 B.. My Room in this hell play)
And “My Way” M W… I did it my way..
To the Source of that expression may you rot in pain and suffering of the sum total you put me through and never die but suffer in the toxic decmposiion of your poison, your fecal matter and leave only cease to exist when you have paid the full price of that which you did in your arrogance and conceit .. and refusal to budge from your stance even after you saw that you had manifested for another.. for an innocent the source a sufferig to surmount which you could not match a fragment of it.
In my expression to you, you will are given the full measure and You will carry it, . you will carry it all- and hence prove that which you could not prove yourself but forced another to prove…
The Truth of the indomitable Spirit of Mann.
Never ever make some one do that which you yourself can not yourself self do..
And to force a person….
It is worse than slavery because A slave still has his Being, his Spiriit, his Voice, his Mind even the control of the movements of his Body…

The experience of such Control… destroys all meaning of anything coming into Exstence..

And so we move to 56..

And that is what I saw today.
I had no momey left, 41 cents, ridiculous…
D A..
I could but coffee on credit from the Arab Bodega…
No one sent a gift code, no one sent the support they were required to do so moved by heart, except the ones designated by this abomination and moved them.
While the ones who would the few can not afford to because we are all made to pass through THE PIT.
The Anus of the Most Evil Tryannt Dictator playing God of the People…

I bought the coffee I owe them 3.09 usd.

The Number was 68… David Roman Nicholas…
My Mother.. 11-22- 47…. S O N G E..

I recalled the Truck with S on it and the number 20 T..
has 6 wheels… WhEELS…
18 Wheeler David told me he has mastered in 2002/2003…
I went to the Star bucks… I found 6 cents on a New York times…
I am not Ground Zero..
End up with ZERO.. I had 6 cents…left..

And I came back to find Aturo Snow and another sitting where I sit..
AS him.?
He was watching a Zombie movie called Patient Zero//
See Susan Otelia Nelson Zero Naviagtion
See me Social Security NZ 67 67 46 B

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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