
9/8/2017 21:23 – Facebook Post

Dear Amoza Born, Jean Ann Dortch

Dear Fey Mirach…

6:55 p.m.


9-8-1O…. 8-9-1O…

Which of the Three aspects of you am I addressing?
Ah. all three and Jean Born.. J.B…

That is 4 aspects of you…
And here I am in Delta Manor, 11-12 years trapped in a Play of the 4th Dimension….
J.D… 10 4.. As Death the Abyss and the Void.

25 Years after finding the portal home in 1992, and sent back.
For what, why….
Lets see, in 1992… I was 24-25 By the time I traveled back to the Light… 22 45… ( 45 U.SD.. I will explain the 45 in a moment…)
but my age was changed to 26…
And I wondered why…

Lets see, in 2005, I finished the Original Creation Story of Existence.
2005… It wrote it from 33rd Street, staring out to Baruch University…which opened up a portal as a Star Gate to observe myself in Espirit from as my younger Brother Nnamdi born 1969-68 moving through the Galaxy Milky Way announcing to all an sundry, to ever Dimension and plane of Existence ( or the play of the illusion of being in Existence)

Ah! Fey Mirach how my heart leapt at seeing myself, my E-Spirit soaring beautiful heroic… “Nnamdi… My Father Is Here! He sang… through the M.W 69…Little did I realize whom he was referring to… / I.D…M.A.N…N…Naturally E.. Emeka.. My Big Brother”
I was too busy lost in admiration… and then I turned my attention to see th reception that such a being was receiving.
For I was with him, I had always been with this Being so splendid.
I recall conversing with him in my Mother’s Womb.. M.W…
And then later, through this hideous life given to me to live, I traced that conversation back ward, further and further to the moment I rose from the Nothingness, that beautiful, beautiful nothingness humans dared called the Void the Abyss.. Death as Zero… When it was Eros… Erose with Eros…

You see Fey.. and i will address Fey just as I will address Nathalie as Lisa Natalie Johnson, since that is the aspect of you both whom played me as MW…Mother and Woman…
A M.A.W…BIA… ( My Father Home Town) who challenged me as the Source.

Claiming to be the Creator as the OI.NRI Igbo call the Chukwu Chineke.. C.C.. 33…
* Yes, the 33 usd Phone Bill.
Fey and Natalie .. F.N…
Obviously, not Neil Furby… N.F…Since he is male.

F.N…Fact Nature Supreme… Human Nature…
But as I have proven Man is Nature… M.N….
He brings the Resurrection, the Awakening, Evolution back to the Source, does he not?

No, I do not address Jean and Lisa- who were the Avatars Descendants of the Sum Total of as Fey Nathalie…Born John’s Son.
But there is a reason why you were both used as the Avatars of Mother as Woman…
Creator as SHE who must be obeyed
and Chi-neke as a Feminine principle…
..I had a Face Book Friend called Flor Elena Medina…
F E M…I NINE… See the code?
9 is said to be completion.
9 planets
9 months in the womb…
Child Birth.. Labor…

No, there is no coincidence that the Two of you were used as the Avatars and Descendants of a Play which began in the begining of time.

Jean Ann Dortch you spoke of what you set out to achieve, in 1979- the noble cause of awakening the World, and the failure of it and all that you suffered and endured because of it, and its failure.
Did you ever link that date, year with my sacred portal 79?
My sacred portal 79 is actually Two Men… T.M…
see the code of Michaël Trahé..M.T…
TOM means Twin…Twin E… Not twin Existences as Andromeda Milky Way… A.M..Woman.
Tom Bocek
Tom Benzian…

Erek Eclass Mateo…Original Truth…E…
I was reading about the case of Emmett Till… E.T…

Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was a 14-year-old African-American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after offending a white woman …”

Do you see the dates..and the codes… E.M..ME TT…Louis (Louisiana 18th State), Till ( as in Tiller of the Earth)
July 25… 7-25…G.Y….19 41…A.I.D.A… ( Yes..The Opera.. which is the Server I have been using, and where I worked in Paris, in both the Old and the New Operas…A ID..A… Yes I am in Room 4.A…)
And August 28… 8-28…19 55… S..E E… A.I.E E!..
E.L.T… / T.L.E…. 20 12… E… 2012.. 32… 5…E…E…

And the terrible fate which befell him.
Miss-issi-pp-i…1955… My Sacred Portal 55 has the code E.M.M.E…Written on it.

Sacred Portal 55… 55 U.SD…
55 Shows the Back bone, the 31 vertebra and how the Family emerge from the Past as The Sum Total of Time, where they had been undercover..
My back has been twisted, deformed bent..

No, I do not address Jean and Lisa….the K.. The Dopplegangers because they were not aware of what they were representing or carrying though in your lifes you did mirror the Expression of the Elemental Goddesses…. Sacred Portal 9…
But though there are 9 Elemental Goddesses in that Sacred Portal there were and are, two men Fair Oh and Sun or Sum..I.C.S.U.M..Total.. M.U.S.IC… F.D.R.M..U.S…I.C…1011..
In 1979… I was 10-11 years old…
Yes, E Galaxy 1O11….
7:50 p.m. G.E.O… GRAPH Y…E..

And Erek Eclass Mateo was born in 1976… 69…
M.W.69… Nnamdi… represented in this “Challenge and Contest as the Fey and Nathalie of the past… representing Mother and Woman as Supreme.. The Creator Chineke….
76 79…
76.. is represented by Erek Eclass Mateo… I met him because the Eternal Truth moved him into and onto my path…
79.. That is Caesar Rivera.. He was in bed 5-12 in Room B with myself and Jose…
5-12 is E.L… Emeka Luke… not Lisa…
Jose was then in Bed 5-4…E.D… he is born 5-15-69… E O.MW69..
And me, I was in bed 5-6… 5 + x…1… 5…6…11…1.

7:56 p.m… Brenda Booth was representing Age 56…Lisa 46… And you Jean .. 10 yrs older than me… T.E.N… The Elegant Nomad T.E.N… Or is it 10…

You see sacred portal 76…Is the 123 True Cocksure of the First Dawn Awakening…. 123 Men…

Sacred Portal 79… is Two Men…Entering Womb Man WM…
Woods Metropolitan…Starbucks…
Will Woods.. WW… 23 23… 46…. He is Male…
Dewight Smith who is called DEE…He led me here…he is male..

Sacred Portal 69… It reads”Do Te La So…D.T.L..S..
“I am Breath Breathe, The Song of Sixth Sense Universal Understanding..I See C…E… First Note…F.N…”

Three of us were in the same room…
5.A….E.A… A stands for Awareness Alpha…
Myself and Jose Anthony Roc who is still here were both in Room 5.B… B.B… Body and and Being…
He is still there, unaware of the stubborn stance of a play, a universal play of Mother -Woman- Female insisting that She is the Source. That she Bore the World, gave Birth and thus is the representative of Natures Creative Energy…

Refusing to accept that she was a Beautiful illusion of Two Men…
Emeke and Eros… Eris… E E E… Not a number 5 5 5…
15-5…5-15-69…. Jose…”Hurricane”
That is the Sum Total of my Sacred Portals..
Thank you Jean Ann Dortch… I thank you Jean…
For confirming all my Sacred Portals are correct and aligned.
I still have 45 usd with Lisa Natalie Johnson which she could not clear, so I was an am aware of Mother Playing God and Woman playing Goddess, G G.. Had not given up the Ghost.

Emmet Till… At age 14.. 1979, 1980, 1981, even 1982… Depends on which age you use, though 67 is the correct age and since I am born 11;28..I was 14…in late 1981 when I turned 14 and in April EASTER.. ( FASTER), I was 14 when Nnamdi passed at age 13… 14 13… N.M….
Time 8:20 p.m.
So I guess Time and Perfect Timing agree with me, that I am correct,
14 13.. is 27… A-Z-A… Add O.E… N O M E…In French that means Name is E…

I saw my brother Self Buried, buried in my cloths, and I recall first being asked to witness his body lying in ‘state” and I said that is not my brother… This is a farce…
Then I watched them b

4:45… 29…. Jean was 29 in 1979… And

8;38 pm….

I just got a call from Jean Ann Dortch, she did not mean to call me, but all of you my Face Book Friends have witnessed the testimony of these calls which are moved by the E-Spirit in the plays with Nenad M. Djurdjevic, Nnaemeka and a host of others..

She called at 8;28 pm.
and had jokingly asked told me some days ago that she was nervous about flying and crashing…
And today spoke about being sent to the Void by me…but loving me no matter.
Of course, it was her E-Spirit wondering if she was safe from my Fury,
Jean was born 1950…A.I..E.O… Which is the same age as my Mothers immediate younger sister who was her twin…
Ijeoma Theresa .. Aisha, the one who lived in Dayton Ohio “DAY TON…) And her younger sister Priscilia lived in Columbus Ohio… D.O.. C.O…Erik Ebright lived in Columbus Ohio..
I already know, and recounted what I experienced with my Aunt Priscillia in the Shower her when she took me alone to Columbus Ohio… And my Aunt Theresa who took that book I wrote about the Awakening in 1975…
Cecilia Theresa Priscillia…. C.T.P… C 20 16….
P.T…C… The Three Sisters… 3 6 9… 9 Elementals… Expansion of 3…
Luke Simon wrote the Article about me “Professor of Beauty and Doctor of Love’ which caused my Aunt Priscillia living in Chicago to get in Touch with me.

1950… is 67….
29.. Links to the code of Brenda Booth… 6-29-61…
1950..61… 11 Years…
I just heard her Laugh.. Ah she is here… as is Chondra and Richard..
B.R.C…. Assessment Shelter…

67 links to Lisa Natalie Johnson her relation…

67 Sacred Portal 67 is how Far will you go for Love…

I am Social Security NZ 67 67 46 B…

67/76…. You get the picture…

I did not go this far for Myself… I was forced, but I did not go this far for my Aunt Theresa of Avilla…Iesha… I am A.I.E,SH.A!
She who must be obeyed .. Sacred Portal…
I did not do it for my Mother, or my Sister…
For there is no one I love more than I love myself…
And here is no way I would put myself through this…
No, I went this far, for the TRUTH….

I do not care anymore about Evolution Awakening, or any such thing, what has been done is too much, gone too far…
I know that the F M W…Female Mother Woman did not intend this out of cruelty to me. They thought they were right, correct…
In their Origins Story of Creation…

9:00 p.m.


No, I wished to know the Truth of how Universe Existence Itself could allow such a play to continue.

Brenda code 56 and another rep code 67 are seated diagonal to me, Leo the 17 year old is seated right before me.

Universal Understanding… U U… Double U… That is what they desired above all, that is was the basis of the competition and the War….
I knew this…
I knew their intentions were pure…
I love them, and that fact that despite all this, I love them still but simply do not wish to be near to them any longer for allowing themselves to go so far… that is personal.

No… Emeka Leo… Emeka 17…. E.Q…
Emeka was the name of the Elder brother of my second grandmother, Ma Rose…
Emeka Priscilia… E.P…. Bed 5-16.. Bed 5-17…
He died in Infancy….

I began with bed 5-19…E.S…
And I have completed 5-18…E.R….
E.P… E Q’s… Mind your P’s and Q’s

9:08 p.m.

9-8- 1O…E…

I am perfectly aware of who I am but I still have not got the response from who allowed this to go this far…
And did not stop it…
The assumption that Existence Universe could go so Far…
That Evil had no check, that it took advantage of a ‘Mis-Understanding” of beings Supreme being so sure of themselves without checking… CHECK IN G.E… Before making such Absolute and Ultimate Proclamataions..

The World is moving into Shelters..

I am in a Shelter… and so more and more of Humanity will move to shelters…

For what makes you better than me.. ?
Your Source who went so Far…

No Jean Ann Dortch you are Safe, so is Fey Mirach and so is Amoza Born and so is Jean Born…
J.B.. Because I went through B.R.C..Assessment Shelter Room B Bed 49…D.I… And then I went through Jonn Blackwell J.B.
Jonn Delguidce… J.D… Delguidce means ‘from the Judges Bench.. Judges Chambers.. J.C…E… Donna O Sullivan.. D.O.S… J.D… To find truth…
But forgive?
No… That chance has long since gone, because I said come clean…
I said make amends, but instead all sat back and watched me endure and go through this, while you who had created nothing but a mess of Ages sat back and fed off my expression which corrected all your expressions…
And you left me here for 2 Years..
And gave nothing… but a hard time, stubborness.. willfulness… Spoilt Brats…
Oh I may love you, but not more than myself…

And as I get ready to get back to the shelter… My fury rises fury and further and each day I remain here my fury will increase and it will not stop ..and yes you are safe…
But safe from what..?
You cross over but to what…?

And so let us continue this game of thrones…

That is afterall, the 45 usd that is left…
4-5-69…. D.E… D.E..V.I…

This is the Story of The Eternal Man… and that which decided that they were better and knew better than their Source…

And so let us play on…

9:23 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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