
9/8/2016 7:54 – Facebook Post

From Facebook Memories

Two years ago to the Day..

8th September 2016…


7:21 a.m

007…21. E.R….code in Bed Numbers in the Assessment Shelter…

7 Emeka Kolo… Edwin Rodriguez

Meaning “Praise Well Done the one rich in Friendship, of the Circle, the Perfect Sphere…of the Powerful Army Ruler.”

/ Emeka Robert….E.R
Praise to the Famed Bright Shinning Light ones”

Confirmed by Nnaemeka Ifennanna who texted me today that he had a visitation from the 7 of the Famed, Bright Shinny Beautiful Ones…
7 of them appeared to him a few days ago…
His expression was awe and praise to me.
Confirming who I am and that I spoke the Truth.


G..is U.

Galaxy Universe.

Yesterday after the conclusion of the play with Ikem Patrick Okolo and Dean Dunkwu…
Where each gave me a Gift…
Ikem 160.00 U.S.D.
And Dean..200 U.S.D..

16=P…Planet-Perfection (88)
20=T…Time -Truth…(2 Full Circles..2 O).


Code Anamla Qayin…D.M.I.C. T.PK 115 A.G.E…/
E.G..A…511 K.P.T…C.I..M.D.

Total 360 U.S.D.

36O Degrees.

A Perfect Sphere…

3 6O…
Circle Filled O..
Mathematical Symbol of Eternity Infinity…

I walked with Reginald Mansfield R.M…
to the Western Union…
Two of us.
The Man at the cashier asked us to come back at 8…

At exactly 8 p.m.
The exact time I was born
We had cash code from Dean Dunkwu.
DD..44…16..P…Patrick. “Noble Reginald” N.R…I
8… Harmony Infinity Existence…H.I..E.

And Reginald told me he ran away from home at 16…
And then joined the Navy where he went around the world Twice.
He stayed for 6 years.

And so I got the last evidence why he was chosen by the play to represent the World.
A Room with a Beautiful View..
8…of Harmony Infinity.

6 8..86..Harmony (Infinity) Fact.
6 7..76…Awakening..
7 8..87…..M.W

See their corresponding Sacred Portals.

7:53 a.m.

7:54 am.


G.E….C.D…3 4..7.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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