
9/8/2016 16:47 – Facebook Post

Onechance-Onechance Onechance….
Tarok…Taroh and Sacred Portals..

Secret Societies From Egypt to England to America.. Starting from Nigeria..

Timchang Nancap…
Was and perhaps still is my Facebook Friend…since he changed his Facebook name…
From Onechance,Onechance,One Chance..
And I recall the play.. his last name aligned..”Tarok” was aligned to the same meaning of the Egyptian Taroh…
72 Portals…

Here is an excerpt of my conversation with John…

“Hi Emeka, I am a journalist for The Times and wanted to speak to friends of Timchang Nandap. How well do you know him?

“Timchang admitted manslaughter today after stabbing a university professor to death
He has been diagnosed with serious mental health problems and I am hoping to speak to people who know him”.

Emeka Kolo
“Why would you suppose I know him personally?”

John Simmons-
No supposition. I am going over Facebook notes that mention him and asking people how well they knew him. How well did you know him?

Emeka Kolo-
Oh Shoot.. I do.. he was my face book friend…!! I am sorry, I do know him.. but not personally…But this makes it even more relevant… I do know about him and I have been posting about Mental Illness and Evolution of Human Consciousness. I have been literally living for the last 15 years with people diagnosed asBi Polar and proving that they are not but that they are consciousness of people Evolving with no expression or language to communicate to the world.. Hence, my public access to my writing and my empirical experiences in actuality… Like a journalist documenting and providing evidence for the last 4.5 years and accepting all Face Book request. Literally going where ever the trail of this Equation has led me. Without exerting any influence on my life for the last 15 years.. Which has led me to a people such as Nandap…”One Chance One Chance…’ – which makes it even imperative that I post the equation or solve the riddle..
I was born in Islington…

John S
“Do you remember anything in particular about him?”

Emeka Kolo
Yes…but I would prefer to write to the public first about this…
By using the language and codes of consciousness I have been demonstrating.
I will do this first and post..
After which, if you have any questions I would be more than happy to respond.

P.S. dO You recall the name he used on Facebook.. I recall that he

I received a New Face Book Request after I posted the codes of Josip Šipek.. ‘Hellsing”
I am the Light of the World.. as well as that of Tim and his girlfriend whom I lived with while a guest in 2012 of Akil Davis and Evan ALexander Judson…
And so, it was no coincidence when my next Facebook friend request was from John Simpson of The Times and the Sunday Times..
(TT.. Which aligns to P.I… Patrick Okolo ((Patrick Ikem Okolo) and sacred Portal 147…”Emmy”
S.T…O.N.E…S.T…S=19…T=20…2O… Which creates the code 39…C.I.. As well as 19+2=21..Letter U..
and the equation I have been proving of O.. being the Full Circle and 0 Being Non Existence…
O Is the mathematical symbol of Eternity and Infinity…
N is the 14th Letter… 1+4=5…
Which as my older Face Book friends will recall as being- the “play” I have been involved in when asked by Sue of the Greenhouse to find the corner stone of Existence…Which I found at last in Alpha Bet City..(Lower East Side New York)…
It is a Dark Green Block with the words GRACE…on it… And the code “Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound…” Full Stop.. it goes no further, but aligns to Susan Otelia Nelson S.O.N..And my bed number in the ‘Amputee Mental Ill” Room in the Assessment Shelter, I willing allowed this path of the Equations of Solving the Riddles of Existence..
And of Humanity being influences by two Expressions..One The Beautiful Truth of which I have been providing non stop evidence of it being true by having deciphered the Source Code…representing the Frequency of Energy Embodied through Exemplification of Being Human…
And another influence moving humanity through the Sound…
Sound which come from the expression of the ‘Insanity’ of Human Stories from the past, not founded on Fact, but interpreted “Willy-Nilly’
which created the manifestation of the Non Existence concept of Zero..0..

This Evil, which is greater than anything people can even begin to imagine has been established in this play in which two realities have been moving through the Entire Human species..
One the Truth, which comes from retaining the Natural Expression of Consciousness…of “Kolo”- meaning “Perfect Symmetry” – which I a demonstrating leads human being naturally, even without being full aware, to the portal of the Awareness, Being and Consciousness of Harmony Infinity… represented by myself in this play of 15 years in New York…
And the Other, a “Consciousness of zero, which most of the Human Species have been living in, because they are no longer able to retain the Consciousness of Naturalness which creates Natural Expression, and a stream of Consciousness, which I have been demonstrating.
By speaking non stop, without an idea most of the times of what I a about to say, but which through Impulse Stimuli of peoples what is happening around me, people I come into contact with. and for the last 4.5 years, Face Book friends who voluntarily send face book request,unaware that they are being moved by Energy which I have established comes from Embodiment of Empirical Evidence of Truth..
Which has led us for the past 4.5 years, through all Human Creation Stories from past to present, without my intending to do so.. But which I recognized through the stream of consciousness of my flow of constant expression… And thus used my own “Human Awareness’ in actuality- as I am doing right now, to link the course of the ‘River which runs through us”..to solid correct interpretation anchored on commonsense and Facts.
Which create the corresponding ECHO Response from outside of me..
Through Person,Places and Things, as you have all witnessed, confirming each expression as fact..
Which as led us to this current place of 748 Face Book Friends..

And it being Journalist from the London Times..(L.T…12-20…32..5.. The past since the code has been established through this Equation Play is T.L.. True Life.. TL.. 2012.. When I met Akil Evan Tim.. and Beyond.. as well as the two Rachels.. Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions and Rachel McWilliams Young…as well as Savannah Blair….. R.R..R=18th Letter…18 18…36…360 Degrees… Akil Time Evan which is the order at which I met them.. A.T..E…And then the ladies Beyond, R.R..S… Beyond 36O.. The Full Circle O representing Mathematically Eternity and Infinity…
S.B.. Supreme Being… S=19th letter, B=2… 19+2=21..U.. Universe Beyond the Full Circle..A.T..E.. Alpha Theta (1-8…recall yesterday the 200 USD added to the USD.. which Reginald Mansfield R.M.. retrieved at exactly 8 p.m.. the Time of my birth…outside of time…
1-7 Colors of Rainbow Spectrum R.S.. Rachel Savannah… Exemplified by I.E… R.I..S.E.. /E.S.I.R…creates 8 and O.. Evanescent Light Expression E.L.E..(N,.A)….and the Full Circle Of Lights.. called by Scientists as the Big Bang, but recalled and proven Empirically by myself for 15 years.. 15=Letter O.. through 1+5=6.. Sixth Sense Transformed into the 6th Wave Length of R.S..Rainbow Spectrum- Embodied Personified by a Human Being…
Meaning that Human beings literally are Vehicles,which can raise their literally frequency through moving through the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix.. called ‘Life and Death” to match the frequency of all that is physically represented and manifested as Existence Universe…
And thus, not simply just
match its frequency.. the frequency of Nature, bur prove to be its Author and Source..
A.S.. 1 19…
The Alternative of not being Natural Truth..
Tim Nandap… T.N..
Is moving into the current insanity which the world is in…
T.N..20 14.. 34.. 7…Align to me as N.T…
And the Sacred Portal of which I created.. 155 -156 in All..
forming the equation 15=O..5=E….6=F…
O 56.. 11…K..1..A.
Omega Alpha..
and its actualization point..
Timchang-e Nandap… Femi
T.N.F…20 146…
Links to the Assessment Shelter where the E.BT.. (Tim Beyond E.. which is really Emeka’s Beautiful Truth.. since I have proven in front of all of you, that I am beyond Time,/E M.IT.. Emission… by having proven perfect timing..
Right to the arrival of John Simmons.. J.S.. J=10..S-=19.. 29… by posting about Tim..the in the correct aspect of Tim..and Beyond..’Honor God and Beyond…See Patrick I.OKolo.. and the date of our meeting after 28 years…in perfect symmetry of my equations on 2-9-2016… and recall that Patrick is born 29-9-1966…

And that the Address of the Assessment Shelter where I was led to- which is meant to be the room of Amputee;s Mentally Illy… A.M.I..
“A.M..Infinity.. Ami..Friend.. Mi-Ami.. where “I cured Erik Ebright’ of his being ‘Mentally Ill.. M.I.) By simply using expression and consciousness C=Love to Cee him and prove that there was nothing wrong with him…Nothing at all, that he as all Humanity simply required a Friend, a True Friend who took the time and patience to understand his expression language and point of view..
Something this current reality has no time for…if you do not conform to the established lies of which any fool can see that this ‘accepted reality’ has their reality.. One which has no foundation of Truth.. Which of course creates ‘consciousness of 0… Non Existence… Not seen not even heard.. Which creates a rage.. and intolerable anger..a loss so terrible and a forgetting, which enables another “consciousness’ one manifested through a natural consciousness of a collective agreement to walk on absurd and ridiculous Creation Stories, Philosophies and Theories of how to bein Existence…
14 6 Is the Address of the Assessment Shelter, I was led to to prove the equation of Harmony.
20 Is the amount I gave to the Room.. played by Reginald Mans-Field.. in this play which the Species ate unaware that are in… but at which I have been proven that they are being moved.. 20 is Letter T.. which represents “T.R.U.E..TRUTH”
T…T.. TT..P.I….PI.
As well as Veritas, Verite.. Double V.. VV.. V=5…5=Letter E…in French.. Franco. ‘Meaning Freedom”
Ezi Okwu In NRI Igbo… E.O…

I was born in Islington London England at St Marys Hosiptal at 8 p.m… Date 65 66 67 69… all illusions apart from the Time.. 8
Manifested as Evidence…
I gave evidence that this current World Consciousness has been seeking to Assassinate Murder me… and all those who represent this Evolving consciousness.. Not only because of the Refusal for the past to the ridiculous present refusal to change, evolve..
But also from those operating in the Shadows.. and behind closed oors who have been manipulating humanity through use of Sound- and thus influencing Dna.. since the Human Body is made up of Sound…To create a New World Order, and the ultimate form of control…
This influence is that which is behind these Secret Societies founded on the use of the Knowledge of the Past…
Just as Adolph Hitler, sought the artifacts of he past.. See Spear of Destiny.. then imbue it with the power of propoganda “And hence the Believe of the People’ to power a twisted perversion- re-interpreted version of the Truth, into one which fed on the”Needs’ or the basest sentiments of the species.. Fear and Survival..
These Secret Societies have their basis in the most ancient of cultures.. Especially the Orient and Africa… even if some of them in theWest are not aware of it.
It truly goes back to that film… ‘The Dark Crystal’…
D.C..34..Years.. and Washington D.C..
Secrecy instead of Transparency…

Recall the Article by Luke Simon..On me…
Professor of Beauty.. and Doctor of Love.

J.Ensink is both A Professor and Doctor…
P.D.. In my Code.. Dignified Pride.. linked to Reginald Mansfield…

Now look at the play with my former class mate Doctor Patrick I.Okolo.. whose portal I passed through…By his establishing that everything I said to him made perfect sense and that he recognized it in his own experience.. And his contacting me because 39 years ago, he remembered my conversations about Beauty when we were but children…and how it influenced the way he saw reality….

and lets us look at Dean Dunkwu.. and the 34 years I have not seen him…
Nor any Nigerian apart from Emeka Mbonu (Steven Bond) an only briefly…)
And Suddenly, here I am in touch with people I went to School with when I went to Nigeria.. and who two were born in England as I..
And then lets us look at 7 48 Face Book Friends which John Simmons represents.. and the code 10-19….29..1O 19… 20..T..Truth…2O..T.BO..(Tim Beyond..O)
Bruce Okoye..B.O..of St Georges Hospital..Doctors… Another class mate not seen or heard from in 34 years..
Dean Bruce .. B.D.. Beautiful Death.. is Transformation.. not Murder… Stabbing in the Back… the Past.. Stabbing the past in the Back
And the code we are at and completing 30-9.. 39… 3O.. 39.. C.I…My initials…and 9+3O… 12 O..
See sacred Portal 120… The Sword…
7- 48 .. My Sacred Portal 48 is Beautiful Death… Transformation Beauty O I.E..Full Circle….

There was a man in front of me… he was sitting with his back to me, and was wearing a T-Shirt…
He sat there after, I had received the texts from John Simmons…
See meaning of John..’Grace of the Creator.. Simmons.. It means “Hearken…Listen… and Victory Protect”

And the Blue T shirt he was wearing read “Redefine Your Being”.. R,Y,B…B.Y..R..Robert.meaning of Robert is.’The Famed Bright Shinny Ones.. ”

Now look at codes.. the time which Doctor Jeroen En-Sink… J.E.. 105..
*I lived at 105 Wilt-Shire Bay in Canada… 105.. 15.. O… 6..
The Time was listed as 15:00.. 3 P.M When he was stabbed…
See the code of Timchang.. (Time Change.. One Chance.. OC.. One Chance… One Chance…3 times.. three times he attacked people Police then the Professor.. of what..Health…)
E.N..E=5..N=14… 5+14..19.. Letter S…E.N.S..I,N.K…
Destroy what I am writing ad posting by stating tat it leads people to Mental Ilness and Murder..
My Article about the System and then the Homeless and the need for the System to Evolve or it would dissolve into mayhem violence destruction…was written in 2001, called The Elegant Nomad.. T..=20..E,.N…Sink my Ship. your Ship.. Battle Ship the game my sister and I used to play as Kids in Winnipeg Canada.. W.C…

Date of murder.. 29th December.. 29…12….John Simons.. J.S…10-19.. 29…
Age 23.. W.. Double U.. Double of Me….
Doctor..London School of Hygiene and Topical Medicine… L.S..O..(Sol! the 5th note.) H.O.T..M… 😯 20-13…33.. 86th Street Station PENROSE…
Wife Nadja Ensink Teich…N.E.T../ T.E.N… The Elegant Nomad,..
Daughter Fleur…
Flor Elena Medina
Lotus Santana…

Nandcap of Wool Which… the Sacrificial Wool of the Lamb…. The Human Sacrifice..
Age of Doctor..41..D.A…4+1..5… E… A.D.E Ade in Yoruba means ;Crown”
Crown Prosecution Service.. C.P.S.. Dropped the case not enough Evidence…
6 days later he killed Dr Ensink….
11 Days after he became a Father.. 6 11.. F.K..

15:00 Time of the O..A.E…
Set Up… S.U.. “Tsu…

From the Netherlands… “Nether Lands”
See Nnaemeka Ifennanna.. from the Netherlands and the play in which Felix of Bed 005 threatened to have me murderd along with all his family… He said he was isane.. “Diagnosed as Mentally ill”.. he could do what he wanted.. the next day he was back to his senses..
Nnaemeka was under the influence of the Biafra Story…
He was 33 when he connected to me..
See his Testimony today of being visited by 7 Beautiful Ones…

4:23 p.m.

Timchang Nandap../ P..A..Dna..N… is innocent…
Used by powers which influence others, through Sound and “Re-Program’ Dna by creating confusing with that which is Naturally Evolving by imposing a false Interface and reality..
Feeding them the Pharmaceuticals Toxic drugs,
moving them to rage, then forgetfulness..
Temporary Insanity..
using their fragile state when theyy require a Friend to talk to.. just as had manifested here with Felix.. Who not only came back to his senses but saw the source of the Evil that sought to use him to harm me… Bed 009 and 004… 94..Eric Eposito..(Italian Cherokee Indian.. I,C.I..”ici” To take away my… others Identity… sense of Self…Turning then into Zombies..
I.D…and bed 20 Durek at the time…T.. the False Friend pretending to be the True Friend…

John Simmons..
This case is much much much bigger and goes deeper.. to The Crown to the Ifa Oracles and Ogboni Cults and secret Societies of Nigeria.. Investigate Biafra Nigeria.. and the real meaning of why England and The Colonies never gained not wished to gain Independence from each other.. It was all Fake right to the New World.. The Americas…
World Dominion Control.. of Human Existence..
Humanity Enslaved by taking away their Natural Expression and thier note of Sol..
-Coming home to themselves

Professor of Beauty.. Doctor Love,,,Cees… Full Circle 36.. 35O Degree…9..I…Infinity

4:35 P.M…D.C.E..

Of course,there is much more… but for the moment..
This is enough.. t
4:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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