
9/8/2014 23:54 – Facebook Post



Hi True Naturals…

“Don’t cry…
Don’t cry….
Don’t cry lets be sweet hearts again….!!!” is the haunting blues melody playing at The Bean first and 9th.

…Yeah, the weave is complete.

Just abit of intel since I am still here…

Many who I lived have heard me say on asking me when will my journey end abd where is home..
And my response that I am looking for my portal to my family…
To my home.
And say it is a moon..
A silver Moon…

Hmm David Philipe Gil is helping me store my silver computer and my bag of decent cloths..

Perhaps the portal was Nikoma as I had read my code to him but the way home is thriugh David…Hmm and David represents the sun…
Hmm the way home through the Sun..Anyawu, and thus duality and illusiin of heat gold (monies power..fighting the raging Bull..shit and stench it created abd transforming into mamure..
All new money system which brings a sweet scent..
Returning fair exchange..

The battle in New York City which was the most insulting to me and caused such rage..Which I had to defeat…


And then the full Circles
Battling the system of numbers with transformation into the written, spoken and woven word (acting on exactly what you exprsssed naturally..

Then moving to clean consciousness the atomosphere to Ahtonsphere which causes ppl to breath better by ppl having lyrical conversations which uplifrs the vibration, enabling ppl to become more chill, which allows thier natural harmony to come.

Which makes them wear certaon cloths and attitudes which allows them to arrive in perfect timing to affirm a reflection of one sitting on a bench reflecting on something or requiring a echo response affirmation from Existence…

Making that person go Wow and know something is not only listening but helping them move from 101010yes no yes no to a decisive Yes..

Linked to my Full Circles the Silver screen and Jasper Ogemdi Ahamefula talk of the Moon story as a portal which is a story of the Game Dance I heard abt while schooling in Nigera.
Which would happen at the foot of the entrance of my grandfathers compound in Enugwu Agidi O.I.Nri..

I took a seat outside and Joseph Stern sat besides me.
I had worked with hom on his book about the Menorah..
Hebrew Tree of Life and the Holy of Holies and the riddle of the object placement.
Very much like Feng Shui.or operating the controls of an E.T star ship by moving objects even objects found in the garbage cleaned up and imbued with meaning through contemplation appreciation which causes its meaning to make the object to vibrate from recognition of its true meaning and function.

I had not liked his consciousness it reminded me of the Slave pens consciousness of Pharohs of story telling..
He also had those memories of the Egyptians meeting Christs and of Elemenral Earth.

I had been seeing around but I felt I he and I had completed the task allotesd and I did not have to deal with that offensive consciousness.
Nothing personal..
He would often morph into his true self..
But I had done the work and he had chosen.

A recent posting by Stephen Filgueira in which J Stern had expressed in in our consciousness alerted me to the fact that I was being informed..

But I was tired of doing the work.

But today he sat near me and asked for a ciggarrette..
He said that he would give me a dollar..
I knew I would take it for some reasn I just waive the money.. And was ab to say so when he said no fair exchange suddenly my body or an energetic consciousness took me over.

And kept acknowledging him and what they wished of me…
It was getting dranatic and much as I hated being “taken over” and dictated to..
I finally gave in..

What is it you require”?
I asked of his Espirit.

Mercy” was his first response.

I was quiet.

“Okay I said.. Good response..

I said tell me briefly..

He spoke…

No briefly..

He them wept.

I then knew he waa in Harmony.

I had wept in the forest today..briefly but I had wept so deeply for what had been done to me.
I had not wept in 5-6 years despite the suffering of hurt I was taking in alone in this journey of no one able concieve of what had been done to me by this experience

“I want God and Salvation” he added.

“Who and what is God to you?”

“The Creative Process” he responded

I relaxed and I spoke activation codes.

He gave the affirmation of the 9th gate being here and the crossing over to.meet out reflections..

My Family of E.. The versions of you as your most beautiful..
Then my body kept doing movements.. I felt Isis, I turned to him
Yes he smiled Isis Osirus…

“Well” I said “they obviously live and recognize you.”

I have been humbled he said.
Yes I knew i said I.helped weave it but why do your kind need blows rather than love to.learn…

I.have no time for such consciousness..

He knew what it was doing to.me…this enrgetic consciousness setting me up to speak with him.

His expression of appreciation was sincere and the work brief.

Ah beautiful expression and good manners.. Consideration courtesy..at last

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