
9/7/2020 20:17 – Facebook Post

8:04 p.m

Sacred portal 117

Which is exactly where we are in the play.


@ 8-29… Lincoln 2020.

Creator of Money & Energy,

* (Arden called me Mr E. and I called him Lord Arden.
meaning since we both drew this- he is Manifest Expression M.E M E..)

Arrival of Mixed Blessing..
Tom Tom Twin Twin
Ee Ee H.

Tom A Hawk ” T A H/ H A T.

Yes Anamla Qayin – ( 1 17 A_A G) A 17 to Qusharia Aallah Q A. 17.1

1 1 17 17… 1 1 1

recall 17:74 usd and Kamora Herrington 74:17 usd.
we are at 1 17 correct face the back or past is 17 1.
Anamla Qayin message D M I C T P/K 11 5 was correct.
leading to Arden and Aurelia Gemino F L- T O C…
K E ( A-A) E T O E.

8:17 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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