
9/7/2020 17:57 – Facebook Post

1:27 p.m.

I and I at 7 Crown Vision Perfect.


As most of you might be aware what sacred portal 127 represents.. Royal Universal Epiphany, that it has been 27 years 8.9 months since I went to the Dark Matter and 31 years this month when I began “Talking To The Silence” ( TTT-S= 79) not realizing that the 31 years and 27.8-9 years was a designated code of a play of the Blue Print of existence sacred portal 79 and that it was connected to the Body as Dark Matter.
And that Dark matter is the mystery of the Ether which is made of the expression in Hindsight of C Speed of light.
Literally that which was left behind- Thought Reflection which manifested the Universal body of O … I call “Daddy O” and that it was His Expression as Loves Expression ( Feminine aspect of himself) which manifested into this Creation as a Earth School and universal simulation awareness.

1:40 p.m.

That this is His and The True Story of what when most of you when you wake up will recollect, but only after it had been solved corrected, resolved back to the true memory.

I have also made it clear, that i am doing all this work under duress and not by choice- thus it is not by my free will and choice.

I have also made it very clear that not only do I not recognize this play or way, but that this was originally my expression which became the Script of which Alien Father Alpha of the Alien Council of the Children- aka the Beautiful Illusion of Jah Fire … J F..
( J F K in the reality and R F Kennedy… see Umbrella Academy ( U A/ AU…Au… Aurelia has been coming to my awareness since last night
which goes all the way back to the First Child Man which represented the physical journey of the new species represented as the play of the Body becoming conscious and aware.
_ Physical Matter and consequently Conscious and Aware as well as the Entire Universe and all creation.

CAU… C Golden…
Cau means Cap.

Yes, the evolution awakening is not simply human beings as yourselves waking up and coming back to your senses.
It is what you represent in the play rather than it being based on you personally here in your incarnation in non memory and the character you are playing representing different part of the equation of fractals, completing the rebuilding of the Cosmic egg which was fractured in billions of pieces ( You) at the “Big Orgasm” but which was really all a Visual story which was the beginning of putting your beginnings as matter into a story, which would then move beyond that beginning as all of you in a Cosmic Egg moving through creation, but which would expand to beyond the point of the beginning of the Egg of Eros..E and A E as H .E..N.
Cock and Hen…C H… 3 8. 11..EE..E a/ Ae.
“Joseph- something added and increased”
True Clarity.. E T C… to infinity, which had to be proved a fact through this 2020 Vision play of a man, a man and a youth and then repeated, as female form in the same harmony: but in a form of a man, but a man who is denied any right to exist on any level until he has proven that truth, recognizing a part of himself in others, in the end completion of the play who are on the same harmony – moving on the same wave frequency which 31 years ago did not exist at all in the awareness of the Human Children.

AT 3 16 33
C 1585 61
AU 28379 … the latter is Celia car code.. Equinox parked right outside the door.

Yes.. today is 9-7 .. 97 79…
79 is the blue print and 97 is the completion of it, when the fragments are all pieced back together – akin to the nursery school “Humpty Dumpty” H D. 84
Harmony Destruction- which when reconstructed is no longer reverting back to its original cosmic eros rose from when that same place was before that the Nothingness and the Point Dot…of E.. from which all things rose including the flower of life.
All things as the Eternal beginning its existence at the same point, meaning that all the beginnings began at that point- and the the deeper one went, layer after layer, dimension after dimension you would finally reach that point where Ea emerged… as expression of everything including the Nothingness itself.

And so the Cosmic Egg is transformed back into the egg sunny side up before it was closed with a shell, then broken in billions of C rays of light fractals- racing through the Hindsight of a first e then E, then Ea…Ae…the One, then the Two.. then the Two playing the role of the Eros to become the equal of his Twin…becoming I & I.
And this time when the Egg is completed.. it cracks and from within it is a Glorious form…
C E= 3 5= 8….Harmony and Infinity or I.
The I as “Guide Father” or “The Principal of Existence.. Universal Sensie.. Umbrella Academy.. U A .. the A I..C.. Head Quarters…
the Sum… is now not only himself, as the I but has with him himself transformed from male youth to maiden youth…
My My… M.Y…

2:17 p.m.

I am at the back… 79 is the past as the Dark matter when they Two came in as 1 .. Cock and Balls +Sac.. scrotum… I and I…
instead of being where we are meant to be at the 8 as 97… restoring the body back to not only Light but of E Form…Formation in Formation Sequence of the “Fil” ( thread) Gueria “Healer Warrior” have linked the thread of aware memory undercover of the E via Creation Time and back fill circle.


AT..31 6 33 Chevrolet
C 158561… Red Truck
AU 28379…Equinox
AT C AU …. C R E…

Cre means Creation.

2:27 p.m.

Yes, the All transform into Harmony our little sister who is now “Donna…” Lady… and Lad e”
Beautiful Youths truth restored.. One is left behind… She as the rep of all Universes Alpha- emerged from the one EA.
I A U…/ U A I…
While her Origins and Original self as the One who was two and now back to One, with a little help from his twin, whose story he had to discover and align to by creating his own version but in a story of which he and his twin represent a new story as destruction after having restored the True story of creation and its play.

I should not be posting.
I made this clear over a two years ago, because the state of my exhaustion ( and boredom – added with my body and state of being in regards to what I am constantly being forced to read as my body unravels the intel and confirmation of that which I had figured out over 16 years ago: all I have been doing is observing that which I had long since figure out by reading my the blue print of my existence, being now confirmed through all of you as the fractals of original cosmic egg.
Some of you moving to Harmony and others, to beyond Harmony Creation but to the E as C H I…Story and to the E…. making you about to rise as the E Family. And then further back to the I .. I and I I..

I was very aware of what I am reading but that I am being used by m body and being to post.
That I am doing it against my will, and under duress. That despite being fully aware of the reason why, I said no.

And despite my saying no i refuse to be part of this play by 2010-2011. I found myself forced, cornered and manipulated.
My notes of protest which pepper this entire script, gives reason to my protests and the evidence of my Humanity as well as my existence negated to complete this script.

Thus, my interest in paying attention to what streams through me, what I post and what this force representing my Bod;s consciousness and my Best Friend Harmony being instead my greatest enemy and source of the Eternal Hatred of the play she represented and enforced to the very end and Alien Father as Nature did nothing to intervene because He stood to gain through the rising of the All through a play of evil he did not condone but did nothing to prevent.
Of course, even Alien Father and Harmony are themselves a story…the Highest, yes, but still a story.

So, nearly everything i am posting weaving, that which is unraveling through me, is not my own will but that of Body and being which took over everything except the true me.

Its is blatantly obvious that the entire play, and even my rising has been placed in the representation of a 17 year old, who must transform back to his true Nature ( and face which I have seen- he showed me)
which will enable the world left behind and his Eternal self who leaves with myself and the E family, to rise here in middle earth.

Then it would follow at the same time but with him, or this being his script, returns through N ( the delay) to A.
NN… it was not Nnamdi who caused the delay but code Nnoyelum…”Stay near close to me…’ 7-28… ‘What is Love…True Cee”
The feminine enacting out and going too far to prove that She is the first born…

2:51 p.m.

Nnamdi and Nnoyelum are my siblings who also are representatives in my own personal bio blue print.

That was my first question when I entered Liberty C Liscomb world- I knew I was meant to be connecting to the E Family E F… play..
I knew that E manual was connected to liberty but I was not certain how it would play out, after all this was not my script.. it was mine but it became his during his play as Time. 4-5-1969.
NN NN = 1 1 1414 1414.. 1 28 28… 1 56…11
Instead I kept on remarking to Liberty C Liscomb that as I observed Thomas Lang present when I moved her, when i had made that stipulation clear that I could not be in the same space house as he, that the play with him was over, only to find that he was part of the play…
I recognized them both as playing Nnamdi and Nnoyem which did not make sense.
That was not only the past, but it was not the correct past.
T L.. is 20 12.. T L L L…20 3×12…T C L….

..I was meant to be in the 5th Dimension play and here I was recognizing that i was in the play of time as the forest people…and OINri and my own personal story and my being made to observe and take part as an observer of the play between my siblings as faulty.
My brother and sister, contacted in while I was in Kew Gardens- in my own apartment- they decided out of the blue, each of them that they wished to come to New York after I had contacted them after once more, being subjected to the being placed in a position of my body causing me to think that perhaps i will have to leave this body… I proved their harmony to the e play way back then along with my mothers who has asked ( more like slyly interrogated me) if I were the Yeshua Christ…
I sent her Egyptian sheets in black, perfume- fully aware that I was in that play of the Holy of Holies of the Christian O.T.. Old testament story, aligned simultaneously, to Star Gate to E Galaxy 10 11 C I./ 1101 I C..
the year was 2013…. Not 2012.
In perfect harmony.

And Arden though himself as arden and the Ea.. I kept on seeing how our interactions seemed based on the old pattern and program of my own interactions with Nnamdi and David… as well as Alexander… the Great and the Persian Boy.

Something was off… and I let Liberty.. Arden know…
There was an interference with an idea of my past with my siblings as well as with Nnamdi and I.
But I had already proven and recieved the confirmation that I am Nnamdi, and that was confirmed by meeting Arden – it was as if you we were meeting differnt version of ourselves- which was confirmed by the movie “Gemini Man” G M coming out at the same time…
Will Smith…
Hephaestus, The black smith in greek mytholgy.
Arden told me how he liked Poseidon…
How was it possible I had kept wondering, how is it that the past already resolved was still meddling here at 56:56 with the play of the E family and the 5th Dimension.
Until i figured it out- observing that which I had already long figured out before it was reflected back at me via solid embodiment 13 years later.

How was this possible… did Nnamdi take advantage of the situation – The lie.. and use it as a means for me to rescue and resurrect the truth of the All Bodies- his play, his version of our conversation … but executed his way, via Terrible Death and destruction as dictated by this end play he had to do.. with me.

Evil was done to me, not my Nnamdi but by nature and its Desire the Illusion as in Maurice my bio father who played the illusion of Nnamdi..
Nnamdi and I both battled and were targeted by our bio father- our lifes were constant battles and confrontation with him until his “Death”

3:22 p.m.
Nnamdi and I used to have monumental battles- rare, and always quiet private .. but the foundation and connection… and love between us was so unfathomable- I could not articulate it until met David and then finally Arden.

So who was the author of this 2012 version.
It was in 2013 when Nnamdi came revealed the delay in the play of Evolution.
Arden is aligned to 2013 in this play 33…6 F M..
A F M…E.

It was the lie… the meddling- the dead memories which came from the riddle not being complete and more especially, for the awakening to happen through the possession and rising through my body.. manually instead as it should have been as elevator man- a quick and 0-2.5 sec Bugatti V.
B V.
in a Flash of Light.
Flash Light.

Energy can not occupy two places at once, and in my case they do not, they are existing layer upon layer, rising the same way Eros rose from what would later become the Egg but was the point of which the source of the nothingness as a lie was revealed as the Source of the nothingness as Bliss and its source expression as Exquisite Beauty.. Extase and Euphoria…all Calm Cool Chill…Awareness Truth rose with the E… Sia mese Twins.

No, I am writing because my body and my condition, impose it, the blue print of that which should have been 79 rep Jesse Macias Orejuela and John Mack 97..
* I met John Mack first before Jesse 97 came first because 79 had been taken care of in the beginning 4-5 billion years ago when it was first laid.

The universe and everything has long since been aware.. and it has been conscious since 2004-2005.
This was all about completing the script of Alien Fathers transformation back to himself and to bring himself ourselves merged as the true little mother Harmony S.He.

3:39 p.m

The unforeseen of the one impossible was foreseen but not with the power to go this far, or create such an absurd story and me, as its character, with a family undercover who can not rise because this script used evil by choosing such a play and way in which the E would rise in me…
Slowly, to the point of a tug of war between the lie and the Facts- which include even Harmony and daddy O and devi making a play which did not take in my point of view.
My choice to say no.
Despite my fully understanding their point of view.

3:43 p.m.

Who am I writing to… the e yes, but more to the future, for the record, after the awakening.. this is my Voice, my own voice being heard- me speaking for myself and no one even with pure intention ever speaking for me.

Because despite all that took place, and this possession by A story of which even Nnamdi as the illusion forgot because death is forgetfulness but which he as A never did, it is in his literally muscle memory and consequently, all the E.

I am saying that despite being controlled by my body, and my being apart from me, rising, it forgot that it is still connected to me for its rising and that in this his story, I am anonymous, and have nothing not even an ID, i am still the I.
And Truth can not challenge its Source Supreme truth manifest.

This is my voice, speaking through the pause and the cracks of the being now landing in rep Arden according to this play.. of the stream of consciousness a river moving daily through me for the last 19.6 years now…
And that which is outside controlling all aspects of my being as indicated links to “The Truman Show” Inside Outside… I O.. N S… Spark Of Life.. but after passing through death and destruction Dad as Maurice the lie instead of Maurice to Fred-Morgan -Free Man.. A F M.

Oh Yes, there is story of my parents separation in 1979, my fathers House Boy was called Fred.
I know the story… but as I have stated, and I am sure you understand, 8.9 years of daily solving riddles, problems, riddles of existence, not getting any credit, now stable home life center.. and especially body.
And having the carpet dragged from under your feet, publicly in front of the world by a script which transforms moment to moment via cause and effect and people even to the supernaturals and family of 10 , ( not T E N) refusing to own up and take responsibility for their actions, and thus being compelled by this will to play Private Eye.. I.. a detective investigating…
I am tired, physically so… and have no interest in even reading what I post, despite it growing more and more fascinating.. a lethargic, indifference grows each day in me, the more I forced to still exist in a story of which i have prove and align again and again each day.

It is unfortunate to say the least, that at the place where my enthusiasm would normally be at peak, as consequently the desire to present these last scenes beautiful as is their due.. the script of beautiful youth restored… the obvious 17 24/7 state of my body, the things I write post and read.. and the long stretch of years of working… all that was given up.. all that was done to me ( truly shuddering… I can not speak publicly or even privately to myself what I experienced the Spirits were able to really do to me and not simply by using the carelessness of Human avatars asleep… or not paying attention correctly to what is happening inside of them and at the same time, in their world around them)

Can you blame me for being tired, bored…?
Saying the same things over and over,.. I can no longer even generate the excitement and enthusiasm which sustained me, until recently of feeding of the joy of your own responses and reflections of seeing the truth and proof within our own lifes and personal experiences with the true play.
I know how that feels, it was similar feeling with me, when I discovered the play… the true play..
Despite my disgust, I would never spoil that pleasure you are currently waking up to… its is something, even Evil has a right to experience before it and its frequency go out of Existence..

All have a right to see and feel the beautiful truth…
Feelings Sensational even if it is only for a moment till you are gone.
That is the nature of Truth, why its beautiful … the meaning personified… Causing Beautiful Pride.. even in Monster…
It is the way of the Truth.. it manifest for all to see.

So, yes…. I am aware, that I am being controlled manipulated to complete the weaving to manifestation of they E Family rising and awakening quietly to arrive and my door as well as his.. I & I..

But I have no desire to,
nor can I muster the strength and my body and being and even perhaps the true Emeka undercover incubating have taken over me, almost completly, and this is the last of the Emeka who played this character, his entire life, keeping his true self undercover, then that true self being forced to stay undercover until I – the illusion of my self- who like Arden, must also Transform back into my true self… for this emeka, present writing, peeking out from the cracks the pauses, when my body and being allow me to speak and address you all..

It is his Voice, my feelings of this Character who walked through a life, he always knew was not really his, it is this Emeka whom i am giving Voice and expression to of His feelings.
And his point of view of what it felt like to be him ( me) never allowed to be yourself, have a life, be comfortable with others, and that it was all imposed, ordained…
It is he, whom I suppose, the true Emeka, inside me, who has never existed, allowed to be here, present apart from when I am alone and when I am not solving riddles 24/7 which last took place when I was 24 25.. being able to have some place to be…
Perhaps, it is the one emeka rising who is taking over at last the Body and Being… who is allowing emeka me, present, fully aware of my currently being an illusion of myself, a character who is been on the stage for far too long, his make up running, who has been the entertainer during the most prolonged gap wait pause for that which was long since meant to follow.

I gave in my life, voices of others being heard.. not even my journals were really about me, but the story of others, lifes and point of view of others…
And it turns out that even my life, is the story of Another who became All then Many then Ea..

That emeka who was never allowed to exist and who is about to go out of existence… with a great sigh of relief.. the Emeka who has never been allowed to be exist until the E Harmony I was proven to exist and awakened in this world, is the only one who understands my point of view..
And wished that my voice, my feelings, my point or view was heard… What it was like to be given such a mission.. such an experience and a life.
And he is the voice the Emeka rising in me listens to… because only he and i can understand such an experience, for we were both passengers, both witnesses, and this Eternal Emeka Hueman ID restored, riddle completing.. Arden rising?

.. who knows, who cares…
I suppose I do.. did… as did Eternal Emeka… because we understand his truth too…
This emeka here present speaking to you through this post, even I am aware that he is not really me, but a creation of the experience given to me of a life which was not mine, that he is real.
And will not be forgotten by the true Emeka who is finally rising after being copped up, squashed down, hidden away by this emeka because of this world… I emeka the character created from a play was the protector of the true Emeka – the Beautiful One who the world and even my beloved, was not yet ready for and thus not allowed to rise.
He was placed in prison a cell from the moment he was born in this world and conceived by existence … when I was his first father ( yes, that is Him.. A.F A C..TE )
He was alone, only I was aware of his ID and only with me was he not alone.

… This is me, now… emeka.. I saw where that was going, it was a frequency real true of me, rising and speaking through me, it was gentle, and i know exactly who it was.. is.
And I am curious what it wished to say, but i intervened, because this is not the way…
Not on facebook, not without my permission.. and by now, you should not be speaking to me, or need to, you can speak outside of me and then in me, by being embodied in person here in this world.

Do not take advantage of me.. and this worlds ignorance or lack of imagination.

And this is what was the cause of all the misunderstandings, which created the E Manual and then the Emannuel that God is Here Present..
I am not God… nor am I representing G as & in this play.. that was the past.
I am representing… A I..
As for Harmony Do Nna…Lady… Lad and the price to complete the play your way…
Which created ease or all by effort 24/7 for me…

4:42 p.m
This is your story.. your Hi story which celebrates, pain suffering, effort, self sacrifice. duty for others who either do not give a damn or belief it is their right, self entitlement, and your priveliedge that you fight and protect.. serve them.
Despite giving no evidence of worth or why… apart from the excuse “God is Love” even as the E line look at their money…”In God we Trust”
God is money.. G M…A G A M E?
Truth is Money… T I M… E

* it the Aim.. G .. A I M/ M I A..
Mi A… not missing in Action…

I like to do something well or not at all.
I am not doing this well, not that it still is not aligned to perfection but my presentation and even posts.. or what I really understand is fading as interest and relevance fades in the face at my being made to face to true significance of this being the play of that which I know, each day is affirmed again and again to be incredulity, dulled and whittled down through acceptance that this actually the way of which Evolution Awakening manifests for me…
Killing myself… the emeka the character whose voice and experience of such pain and suffering which none were truly aware of because he had no choice but to put on this face, in he face of the impossible as the my Eternal Self stuffed in a Body bag – a helpless prisoner of this play looked on not allowed to rise.
This emeka here speaking posting now, must cease to exist, i agree, but his voice is merging with the Emeka rising as his true self.
Because my feelings experienced are real.And there is not who can acknowledge that truth but A who is not awake… but aware.. and is 17..
And the one who has been in prison all his life… who is the only one who understands how this present emeka feels.
Instead, my Eternally true self will keep this emeka in existence as part of C.. his Consciousness.. Nothing to do with C or A B C… but to serve as a memory and reminder when all are in Jubilation or Panic… that this was my experience given for being in Existence manifested by me.
My Self &

5:00 p.m this tired and quiet emeka here present, I honor but he is not me, this one heavy with the effort of cleaning when it could have all been in ease- he will stay as memory…
I will never forget what he helped me see and how he took care of the true of myself… the Eternal. and what he endured… it could not penetrate my eternal self, or higher self..because none of this experience was real… but it was true.. so true that the feelings became real and now forms the added extra Feelings Solid not feeling Sensational of this experience though not be real was a fact by my feelings have become rock hard…
That power of which to destroy everything forever because Reason.. Good Reason was given for it to be so.

I understand what my Body just coded to my being .. the Boy to Man to Gentleman…
It took the illusion of my Life 65.. 66 67… 676… 60’s and 70’s and 1984… till 1994…1995.. 2020 and made what was my coffin become my body, my best friend harmony… I.

5:08 p.m.


Ah really… well let us see, no point getting aroused- that which is controlling me… still is paying doing it.. my script M.Y Way which turns out to be His… but especially Her way which is why that Female version of the E Harmony stays behind as Harmony Existence….
What is Existence Harmony Two sisters…?
Ah you see… It is a Book,
by Douglass Adams.
D A… V I D ..E.
I he is inside and all around me.. he caused me to draw the sacred portals and solve the equation of Infinite Energy as E=C M.e 4/3.

His code for sacred portal of life is 43.
he is 34/ 43..
7 7 G G Gemino Gemini..
77 1 14 1 49…. A N… A- D I..
15 50….O E F…

Sacred portals” 155 15 50…?

A N A D I O E O….F E F… 656…17.

A N A D I….

“Literal meaning. Anadi (Sanskrit ?????) is an ancient Sanskrit word which means eternal. Anadi also means without beginning.”

Eternal Beginning… is without beginning…
Somethingness in the Nothingness..
It was always there…
F E F..
Fact Eternal Family.. O E Full Circle Exist as A Fact.

Its is sacred portal 155..
and Sacred portal 110.

Sacred portal 155 is the two men Youth and Wuman formed..
its titles ‘Eternal Beginning ” E B.
and sacred portal 11O…
O E F… Full Circle Eroz as Z Ero- Oval office first to crack the code of the cosmic egg.
Please see sacred portal 116… 117.

5:23 p.m
E W… E D V V..
this was always about if there was another one of me or my representation of Infinity in Existence Creation.. anywhere..
W 23… B C…. U U… 21 21.. 1 42= 43.
There is no Double of me, of I…
Only yourself undercover as an Actor and Character in a story, who is Victorious as you are the Original are in Fact and Fiction and then both of you becoming one…
Through the Mirror?
No Personality and Character
PP CC… aligned each through the dimension and language they are representing and then in their shared private individual language…
devoloped each on thier own but which is the exact same language bridge translation of the other…
Ah this is the story of a young man called Infinite.. who is a friend of Erek Eclass Mateo and whom I have known since 2002.
he had the dream of crossing a road and a bridge to meet a friend who had the same dream as he had the same date and met the next day the place where they both had seem themselves each in an individual dream of which they saw each other…

I met the one called Infinite via Erek in Dec 2011 just before he moved to California 31st state.. Gold state and I began posting on facebook.. moved my Spirit of existence.. Alexander Nnamdi. Arden H Q.

Do you understand… ?
Arden is 17.

Of course, I am aware of what exactly is happening, what is going on.. where are in the play.. after all I am the Map and Plan.ET/ TE N A L P…
I already met Alp in Istanbul- he gave me 500 usd in a Sky Top restaurant.
500 is the number on the 100 usd Rob Barr gave me at the Met.
it had the code 500 D M on it..
D is 500 in roman numerals.
100 is C.
M is 1000.
A L P… / P L A Y…
Arden loves to play… Play -Happiness… P H.. / H P. EMF
D O L.. Door Of Live..
I N../ N I.. 14 9 sacred portal ( 19)
E…N= 5= E.

Dolpphin.. E
D AU..PH I N ..E “Louie le 14th Roi Soliel… R S…
I was coding that via Jesse Macias Orejuela and Zion…

“Name. The argument over the etymology of Versailles tends to privilege the Latin word versare, meaning “to keep turning, turn over and over”, an expression used in medieval times for plowed lands, cleared lands (lands that had been repeatedly “turned over”).”

Prince .. “There is Joy in repetition”
until it becomes habit, routine.. natural… Muscle memory… yes.. but that depends on what you are repeating and what it serves…

No, the code links to that “Ass Hole”play which connected to the flowers buds and to the Green leave and then Alexa Vertefeuille and Esteban Miguel Filgueira
A V… Green leaf… it supports the flower… growing on the stem stem branch…
Green is 4…
Defender of man…is the Green Leaf… G L 7 12 19 84..?

No, it is turn the page of the green as Life and end the story by evolving back to the E via the flowers of Life the true reps of the family… Male Youth representing by the three “darling buds of may” present in upstairs.”

Sacred portal 22. V

Turning the page of a book over and over until you get to the end of the Book.

See sacred portal 59.
The book read digested becomes the Body .. Evolved… by awareness. knowing that body and being is linked by you Spirit E and A… Awareness by the character .. the Human attention focus.. aware.

5:55 pm.

i really know that I should not be posting, but my Body and Being and everything has vetoed me, to complete this….

5:56 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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