
9/7/2018 2:01 – Facebook Post

This is a completly Insane Play and Script…
But what can I do for the moment but complete it…

Spelling it Out.

V IC TO R 87.

E M E K A K O L O 88

C H U K W U.. 87

I K E ME- FU N A 85

T H E C R E A T O R…. 113.

1:30 a.m.

VICTOR E.. 92.

1992 Paris…Dec.

Ancient Gamatria… A G.

Do you see what they did. how they used numbers and sacred knowledge to seel to Dominate and Control Life and the Word The World

Do you see what they did…. ?

The Web… Maze .. Mess.. which no one was meant to figure out.

VI CTOR is aligned to CHUKWU…
V.C/ C.V… Anthony Malgren… Anthony Manino.. A.M.

Both 87… H G

And beyond The Victorious Creator is 88…
16 Pi Perfect Harmony
Emeka Kolo…E K.. 5 11= 16….

and He as will had to go to 92.. 88+4… Delta.. 4…

T.C… The Creator is 113.. A.M…

So, The Creator.. T C… ( 23… 5.. E)
Had to reach Delta Manor and then
Anthony Malgren
Allen Murray
Anthony Manio…

To bring forth the A/M…Dawn… Dawn Piercy

M D…

Manifest Destiny…

87 +26… 113 K.C…. / C K 13 13 58 58…
88+ 25.. 113… A M… / M A

V I C T O R..E…

V I C… TO..R E…
22 9 3…. 34… Completed with the March 4th Poisoning reflected in this world what the offenseive did in the Spirit Mind world to stop the Majestic Symphony.
V I.. 6. Sixth Sense is Consciousness .C… 6 3..

TO… T. O 20 15… 35.. C E The Original
R E. R. E. 18 5 23….W- V V… Robert Emeka

34 35 23… 34 58…92

E M E K A K O L O 35 53 8 8

I K E ME- FU N A 9 11 5 13 5 6 21 14 1

I.K.E. Means Will it numeric value is 25…
Will.. 23 9 24= 56…

I K E M E….IS 43… S P 43.. Door Of Life…

WILL. I..A.M… 79…”Blue Print of Existence”

T H E C R E A T O R…. 33 47 33… 113

The CREATOR Is Spelled Out to Bring the A M…

add 26.. A-Z

In the Babylonian epic poem Enûma Eliš, the Milky Way is created from the severed tail of the primeval salt water dragoness Tiamat, set in the sky by Marduk, the Babylonian national god, after slaying her.[189][190] This story was once thought to have been based on an older Sumerian version in which Tiamat is instead slain by Enlil of Nippur,[191][192] but is now thought to be purely an invention of Babylonian propagandists with the intention to show Marduk as superior to the Sumerian deities.[192]

Llys Dôn (literally “The Court of Dôn”) is the traditional Welsh name for the constellation Cassiopeia. At least three of Dôn’s children also have astronomical associations: Caer Gwydion (“The fortress of Gwydion”) is the traditional Welsh name for the Milky Way, and Caer Arianrhod (“The Fortress of Arianrhod”) being the constellation of Corona Borealis.

In western culture, the name “Milky Way” is derived from its appearance as a dim un-resolved “milky” glowing band arching across the night sky. The term is a translation of the Classical Latin via lactea, in turn derived from the Hellenistic Greek ????????, short for ???????? ?????? (galaxías kýklos, “milky circle”). The Ancient Greek ???????? (galaxias) – from root ??????-, ???? (“milk”) + -??? (forming adjectives) – is also the root of “galaxy”, the name for our, and later all such, collections of stars.[19][193][194][195]

In Greek mythology, the Milky Way was formed after the trickster god Hermes suckled the infant Heracles at the breast of Hera, the queen of the gods, while she was asleep.[196][197] When Hera awoke, she tore Heracles away from her breast and splattered her breast milk across the heavens.[196][197] In another version of the story, Athena, the patron goddess of heroes, tricked Hera into suckling Heracles voluntarily,[196][197] but he bit her nipple so hard that she flung him away, spraying milk everywhere.[196][197]

The Milky Way, or “milk circle”, was just one of 11 “circles” the Greeks identified in the sky, others being the zodiac, the meridian, the horizon, the equator, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles, and two colure circles passing through both poles.[198] ‘

2;00 a.m

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