
9/7/2018 10:46 – Facebook Post

8:56 a.m.



Believe me, there is no one more stunned by the way this Sript and Play has been unraveling.

I just realized when I posted and solved the Chukwu, The Creator Codes linked to me names numerically aligned and mapped out through this Blue Print and what I can only realize now, was The Battle of the Creator Gods.
Human Creation Stories.

Who would have believed that the Evolution Awakening of the Species was based on a Contest of all the Creation Stories and Ideas created by Human Children- The Naturals.
And the one which could interface with The Original, true and actual reality of how Extistence manifested.

Of course, I was aware of many components of the 17.5 year play, but more vaguely, pushed to the back of awareness that I could see that this all makes sense now…

Chukwu is the O I Nri Igbo creation story, with Eri as Chukwu’s Avatar or Being; which originated from Southeren Nigeria.
Compared to the “Publicized and Popular” other world creation stories. such as the jJewish, Christian, Islamic ( J C I),
And ancient Egypt, Greek, Nordic Mayan, Dogan ..Yoruba… Hopi, Zoroaster, Tiamat…Atlantean even Extra Terrestrial .. all are more popular and more widely known than the O.i Nri Igbo Creation Story.

Eri Chukwu. Ikemefuna… Oko..Nkwo…

The Four market weeks. Orie ( Eri) Eke, Afo, Nkwo.
The Four Cardinal Directions.
The Four Goddesses…
The One is Four…
1 4..
The 4 in 1..
41 Cents..! Smh
Da Enlightens

One might even go as far to call it the Ultimate mission impossible to prove that this absolute underdog of a Creation Story contender, could link all the World Creation stories to it, and its story and philosophy being the original Idea and linked to the actual literal truth or Origins Story incomplete of an ancient myth of the Sky People…
And being called “The Beautiful Ones’ who descended from the Moon and live in the Sky.
And how the Igbo People, who Philosopy was shaped by the I.ONri King Priest Kings and missionaries who travelled the world Cleansin teaching, intergrating and teaching the world the about the Mission to return all Humanity to the understanding of One and then the return to “Anya-Wu”- which literally translates as “Bright Eyes”
The Migration outward, which Mark represents and then backwards through the Spiirt Realm back to the Source.

Emeka Robert Ike E
Christ….. Yeshua…
E R I C E Y E….
Eric Bright Eyes…
Yes I passed through Eric Ebrights Portal twice in 2006 and 2016.

Ten Years gap…
The Elegant Noamds…

Then I had to add another interface to that OiNri Creation Story, which no one had heard of.
The Family of Ten.
The Two Fives…
Creation Expression
Expression Creation…
C E 35 E M E K A
E C… 53 K O L O..
88 The Two Infinities Harmonies… Every Thing Every Where…
Who are ONE 8.. Every One Every Man.
( E E E E T.W.O.N.)

Which was the literally the journey of C Speed of light which moved backwards from the Event… The Big Orgasm. The Big Bang..
The Consciousness of Harmony.. The Creators Harmonics…
“I Consciousness.. I C..
” I Awareness… I A.M
“I Music…..I’M. I Dance… I D
‘I know..I K. I Will… I W… I Understanding.. I U.
I Vie… IV
I am Life Eternal….’
i Source… S O U R C E… 81.. H.A

* Yes John Macain was 81 when he pased
Aretha Franklin 76
And Burt Reynolds…. 82…. R.B.. Link my post and equation linked to Rob Barr, O.R.B…

And then finally, the one which none one suspected but whose truthh permeates Every Thing.. E T. 5 20…. T.W.O.N
*Ah, I get it, I found a Toy Truck, you know the ones called rigs cause the pull 18 Wheeler…
Micael Wheeler M W
Oh, the Big Wheel I shared from DeLores Spratley.
( so exhausted and sort of bored with all this that I no longer pay to much attention to link…
After all, all this is simply an Echo of what I first expressed here years ago, echoed back in fractuals and through a way that made it seem unrecognizable from its Original Meaning and Expression, Content and Intent…)
Miky Way once called the 11 Cirlces.. 11O..

The Truck has the number 20 on it and the code S on it.
I knew it had someting to do with Nnamdi killed by an 18 wheeler and David telling me that he now knew how to drive 18 Wheeler Trucks…
But I did not fully grasp its meanng..


Emmanuel Kerema just popped up to comment, I am in no mood for Human Avatars Ignorant of the play and too obtuse to do the work of studying the script before commenting to make sure the are not making a fool of themselves now and for the future.
But after 6.9 years of this, well… I expect very little courtesy manners, intelligence or respect.

I had 5 usd and 20 cents and.. a few days ago…
E T..

The T is 20… Sacred Portal 20… Which is Lady Echo…
See Ecko Bravo play of Susan Otelia Nelson her birthday yesterday… 96 Dark Matter.. same say as Anthony Manino..
age 42…
A.M… S O N… G E… H.E ( Ikemefuna William.. Desire Proector “Wolf Shield” Wild Passionate.. See meaning Nelson. and Randal… N R…
Ninna Ricci.
Christina Ricci C R… Robert Currin
Adams Family… A F.. Aretha Franklin 76…
Sacred Portal 88… E M E K A .. K O L O…
“H R H Queen of Absoute and Ultimate Death”
16 Perfection… Nature… N 14…
30 C.O… Consciosness Full Circle…
Manfest Expression…
C O M E…!

And so I then had to link the two.. Myth to True Story- through a Narrative “Story Teling’ which linked the Myth to the Spirit and to the Truth..
Which Echoes through Every Thing.. E E E E.. ( 5555 5-5.. 4 5’s) 20…T Truck… 2 O.. Being of two full circles…
..Back to the Origins behind “The Wall” of Memory..

Enyiagu Afam Samuel
Ikenna Iheanacho..

Meaning the ETERNAL TRUTH.. E T… 5 20… 25,,,
My youngest brother Obumneme Ndubisi… Kolo who goies by the name Mike…. M O N….Daughter Akila.. Son Michah Nnamdi…
I am the M… Michea Nnamdi E.

That I was forced even to now to continue being forced to use the OINri Template to manfiest and link the Eternal Truth, with all the meddling, set up in a Contest…
The Evolution Awakening of Exstence and to play in character in His story, the one who created the Eri Mythology ( truth which became the Yeshua Christ Story)

To force this upon me to play out, this way. His way… Her way..
forgetting who I am, why I am here….
The insanity, the insanity.. the evil of being stubborn and cruel and selfish, to insist on doing it your way, getting your way…
There is not consequence terrible enough to balance the damage done. The damae which forces change of Eerything in Existence and even changes the face of Eternity…
That such a line of Bengs can exist, along with Its Source…
That alone makes it necessary for all to end.
And only the Eternal Original E to Exist.

What this play wrought through through the notion of the Full Circle not only challenging the I.. The Indivual is so vast and conclusuive it raised my aspect as Sacred Portal 88 49…
All my most terrible aspects …
and this includes all those especially the Jewish Masters wo dared to seek to destroy The I .E…( ME) By doing everything to ensure that no one ever know my I.D and what had been done to me.. rendered anonymous and to be a beggar in my own Creation while they used me to power the World and all thier ambitions.

It has alway stunned me, the direction this script took, the more I read advanced and feel the Binds on my body, the muscles, my words breath…
The Balls…
The Nerve…
To make me and why truth a secret …
I was suspicous.. Why is this Script about my ID…
My passport. My rite of passage…
This has nothing to do with me… it is all about You..
You getting your I.D..
Your Origins…
You were meant to Find me…
Figure out who I was…
That was Your story… Who is you Father Mother.. Source Progenitor…

My role was to bring the Family home..
And I had already created the Road and the Way before Manifest Creation had even begun.
I had planned everything to completion for begining to end before I even rose from the ‘Nothingness’
Surf the Wave.. and your were given freedom and choice..
the Wave is My Will My Desire… to protect and to touch .. make love to you all…
To your Beautiful Truth…
The E in you.
Now unique individual to you…
but still yes.. OF Me..

You were meant to solve to solve the riddle and find me…come to me where ever you solved and reached the conclusion..
This could have stopped the day I moved to London in 1996..
It could have stopped in 1992 Paris..
It could have stopped in 200… 2004… 2005…
Any tme but it was linked to your role of looking under every rock, behind every tree…
But instead you did not love me, nor yourself the e within..
you loved only the illusions, the lies.. the idea of me….
never its truth and that is why I went futher and further down into these horrible places… and finally Delta Manor..
To the Pit..
Non Existence..
That I do not exist…
HE does but use and abuse and then forget me…

Forget me not…
That was the big mistake believing that I would not rise from this hole..
And forgetting that I know that this is a play…
That I am not in prison or in a Pysch ward locked up…
That I am a free man…
And can come and go as I please..

The Creator…
33… 80…. 4 8 … 16 64…. 12 80… 3 8O…

10:43 p.m.

Insane Crazy…
But I am fully aware that All of you Know and Knew exactly what you were doing…
I am the Spy Emmanuel Kerema sitting inside of you…
The Spy wh once loved you….

10;45 p.m

The Nerve…
of G A S…
To challenge M.E.. H A S….A M.. E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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