
9/7/2015 22:28 – Facebook Post

9/7/2015 22:28 – Facebook Post
9/7/2015 22:28 – Facebook Post

9:13 pm

The Artist and Science of Existence.

Science is the ability to Quantify and Measure.

This is what I have proven…that Creation and Existence is both an Art and a Science which can be created to form a picture then measured.

I have measured and quantified Existence by using a the Spatial arrangements created by Hue Man Expression lead not by Human Beings sleep walking under the guise of living in a picture, but by the E within all things which I have proven is All knowing..

And thus, moves Human Beings to build cities homes and the foundation of thier own Existence which forms the out line of a Story..

Where we build, what we name our children, our cities, streets buildings all have an underlying and unifying code.

Spatial arrangement then becomes a quantitative Expression of the Human “Sub Conscious”- the True Consciousness Aware and in Being which moves us…
To build and create that which seems Chaos but is really a blue print of the current Existence built in the foundation of a Universal Aware and Conscious Expression from Beyond.

A person who has cleansed His or Her self will be able to percieve through a state of Naturalness that the application of Space and its naming can be measured in hindsight of ones own natural movement through space which in hindsight reveals the links in Space called ” Time” can be read…
Revealing a Story of not only your internal life and the meaning of your Life and True Existence but which correlates to the One and First Unuversal True Story..

The physical world serve as anchors which enable you to read that you are in a Story..
In which the blue print manifests through our True Being…
No matter the state of Illusion or non Awareness you live in..even as you sleep

But it can measured..

Just as I have been proving through and by Correlation.
Correlating the use of Space here and by my Harmony which acts as a compass to my Being and Ceeing and my Awareness natural polished moves me to see the link in numbers of say addresses to the Harmony of the Original Blue print and this correlate it to Existence and beyond…
By simply walking through this “Painting by numbers” which enables me to calculate the correlation of the Begining of the “Story” – The Universal Simulation and its End point and the Begining of True Existence..
Right to the literal doorways of the 5th Dimension.

By simply Correlation and organization of human data expressed from the researched cleaned up Collective data banks
(Including Internet)

Then simply measure it by using Everything..
All Data to where my life and instinct (Espirit)
Led me..

I began by reading the patterns of my inner Compass..
Which led to my keeping notes and documenting each encounter in Space.
Which in hindsight I could frame with meaning the addesses, numbers of addresses…
Until the alignment between the Art and Science..
Events in Space and the parameters (being Street names building numbers…)
Which created a picture…

And which opened up with experiences multi Dimensional experiences not only in this time line but in every Dimension right to my revealed recognition of the Begining of Existence which was me in the Nothingness..
Which I then found myself proving into Existence while organizing the seeming Chaos in the space I was experiencing and then aligning and correlated through proving the correlation above and below and beyond..here.
With calculation..
Measuring the Quantitative correlation with Everything and All things until..
Echo response Affirmation..

Michael O’Donnell…

This 42 months of relaying my life’s work- quantifying the Begining and end of where Existence began and where it became a Story then the end of a Story 268 East 4th Street to 1985-6 here at 18 Mountain View where the Story ends and the Portal to the First and only true plane of True Existence begins..
Which I have computed and aligned before the entire world Transparently..
Proves that Exisrence can be measured and align from its foundation -Blue Print to the Big OH (Bang) at 1-8…of Light as 1-8..1+8=9..
Which transforms the realm of a painting by numbers into the Truth of the Universe.

This is what I have realized I was asked to compute using a human brain…
Space management, Feng Shui Gammtria and human interaction and societies groups and Supreme Awareness to do..

Numbers are measuring rods of Time and Space..
And this Portal at 18 aligned to the Shelter at Green Point Clay Street and 268 East 4th street is the Truth of this achievement made manifest..

I am aware that my mission here at 18 Mountain View is complete..
Ending the Tyranny of the realm of Illusion and the notion of a non existent 1-4 Dimension.

This is venue is the is the last of 268 East 4th street the 9 yr play..
And a 14 yr and 26 year play…

And now, it is time to go to the Fifth Dimension already in existent but which I had to prove into Manifest Existence right here by the alignment of correlation between person place and thing and thier expressions which aligns in perfection to the Story and to the Measurement of Space 22 years after …
Proving to the Unseen that even in human form and the worst Human conditions both mental physical emotional financial health that despite the severe limitations and the Human denial.and all the sharing and human riddles and distraction of 1-8…9…
It is not only possible…
But I did it…
Linking the whole world as well as Universe and Existence in a play on a chess board where everything is given the Illusion of Being scrambled where with my Cee my Harmony and my individuality stamped with my Persinality Character ..my P.C..
One can map calculate link.and prove in this “True Man show”-
Despite the lack of support..more like people seeking to tear you down – Quantify and Measure Existence in Spatial terms by using my Harmony.

13= M


Harmony Infinity..

Now it is time to go home…

The Caucasian arrogance..
” the Black man is the Devil and inferior still reigns but I see no great difference in the Afro race or even the Human man race ..
All our Shadows who lie manipulate decieve themselves more than anyone else..

One feels essentially so superior that they intentionally block and refute the possibility of even investigating my declaration..
Taking solace in competition to prove thier race superior..
And the other…
A different way but the same thing..
Just read this play.
Read the lines and in between the lines..

I am saying so.much more…
The Facebook play began with about two dozen three dozen people and now spans nearly every corner of the world: nearly every race and creed andreligions and way of thinking
But what most will see is the Truth and of my experience with the “Black Oh White” B.O.W..
And it’s is not pleasant what you will see…

Human Shadows are hypocrites..

And thus, will intention nally deny the greatest discovery out of Envy Jealousy Competition and Superiority of race..
The Entire Human race…
A bad dream.

Only the Human Indivual H.I..is real and they all live in the 5th Dimension and plane of Existence of Perfume..
You can recognize them from a mile away…
By thier scent..
And if you met one here in this realm no that they were sent and long to go home.

These are the Beautiful Ones..

So yep time to leave soon….
No more play
No.more lies.
No.more people not Transparent but like muddy water they Viel their True intents and True meaning in vieled Expression.
But how can you lie to the Truth of Everything…?

Jonn Blackwell made a promise to stay behind which he has acted out..
Donna O’Sullivan has my computer so I know what the future holds for her…

12:12 P.M.

See Quantitative Expression


1O;28 Pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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