
9/6/2020 18:48 – Facebook Post

3:51 p.m.

C Area 51

I-F.A C T…/ True Clarity A.F ( A Fact) is I..
at 900.

Hello, after the play with Kamora Herrington yesterday, I received a call from Qusharia Aallah
Q A.
I had not taken up Kamora’s suggestion that I met with her, because I was aware that I was not in the best form and condition to connect with anyone because of what happens to me when I do… I enter the play.

It was nothing personal against Q, I had already recognized her, and coded her. So I knew she would rise and we would meet after the awakening.
… Which I had told Liberty C Liscomb to tell the crew.
I knew that either I was to leave my body and go home without it because my evidence of proving the E family into Existence here had failed and the Truth I represent was denied and I had to fulfill my desire and promise to leave.
Or it is confirmed and everyone gets to see for themselves that which I have had to prove into Existence through my eternal brothers script moving and culminating in Arden.

I know I have proven it which is why I am not being allowed to leave my body, because what that would mean for the play of this world… them.
But i have been delayed, as one leads a Don-Key ( Ass) by dangling a carrot in front of it, to move forwards.
The awakening is no longer in Time, thus once solved it can happen in A Moment.
And yet, I am still inside the “Mind of My Brother -Sister Self” still in His true man show solving riddles.. His riddles.. Arden’s Riddles, His Chosen Avatar Descendant whose body happens to be that of my Brother Nnandi – evolved back to his original self .. Awareness.. A…
At-Om. AH-Tom… Twin .. Gemini Gemino.

4:05 p.m.

Yes Isaiah 45:7 by “Sumone Emeka Eze…” S E E.

You see, Eternal Eden Arden Davud Nnamdi is actual in matter form, the planet Earth… Eden Paradise.
Which is why I.. we had the great battle with the planet Earth as Gaia or Mother Earth. M E.
A battle which Liberty C Liscomb was the final portal of that battle to prove that Mother Earth as a Woman was an illusion.. a Lie.
And that it was actually the Earth was the twin Brother of the Sum One Body.

That has been the inconceivable hold up as well as that of our little sister harmony ( the new idea manifested now in feminine form of what would be come the true Mother Earth Harmony Transformation ) who was convinced that he dreaming was real and not a Dream Awake… D A.. a Story of her beloved Big Brother recounting.

Mother Earth.. M E.
Recall the play with Arden and I with my book of sacred portals?
He chose and the book opened up to sacred portal 116.. 117..
and followed immediately after opening up to the same page 3 consecutive times.
It meant that based on the electro magnet current he naturally vibrates on, which represents his True by the frequency he emits is aligned to mine.
In my entire life in this planet and this play, no one has aligned to my frequency, and not to the perfection of this testing and examination by the Script of N.
Father Nature… Adam AD AM.. ADD-A.M.. AH-Tom.
Arden link to Fritz Venneiq 2010. ( arden was 7… Nnamdi links to Nnonyem to Fritz who saw natures transformation when he fell asleep as I was recounting to him my recollections…A F N…A F N . A T…( F N= 6 14- 20 T.. 7th Note Ti.. all done.. 20th State Virgina..Arden Fred.. Arden Fritz…G=7 G-Arden… )

He is first Eternal body of All.. E.
and his twin was the Wave.. W A V E S.. 13.8 Billion Universe Milky Way.
13.7 Billion is M G/ Great Mother.. God Mother..
Charleen Johnston is Arden God Mother.. And it is the picture she took of Arden which revealed not only the truth of the wave moving through him was full aware that it would bring me, lead me to him at 900 South Road and that i would see the photo and instantly recognize him.. Prince.. Arden. P.A. Public Announcement! Perfection Attained..!
Attained Perfection!” Stephen Johnson made that Public Announcement when I was at South Whitney still…
How is it that Charleen Johnston his God Mother, was not aware that a force was moving through her to express the truth of a play of Eternal Arden.. and the twin waves of Nnamdi and David.
D N have to become One to manifest Eden Earth.
D N= 4-14… 4+14= 18. 4 x 14= 56.
I met Liberty C Liscomb with Thomas Lang with Jeron months old in her womb in 2018.
the code which moved through prompting her to comment later, that she had no idea what prompted her to say 56:56 to me when i was still vacillating between leaving the play for good after 14 years of prolonging…
18 56… 9 11….( Jessie Booker birth mother of Isaiah) 9 2… 91.
A I.
18+ 56…74.

Code of me.. 17.74 Usd for days ago…
74.17 usd Kamora Herrington which brought Qusharia Aallah and a conversation in which her higher self finally rose in her, once i had spoken to the Qusharia Aallah as the human Avatar Descendant and by thus making her “moist and fertile to open up and allow that sacred voice to speak, without being aware that the one speaking as her, was speaking directly to me in code which it knew i would recognize.
I had explained to Q, how she was representing the end of the story of Death as played by woman as matter.. Earth… And her expression the Matrix but not the Universal Simulation Awareness… or the Maze of Grace…Jon. That she was given a role to play as the Matrix Oracle…but she was not the Architect.
That she was the playing the expression of Death, not Death Itself.
And that once the riddle of death was solved and proven as Terrible Death- The End.. as Z
and True Death.. Beautiful Death.. B D. ( 2 4)
immediately Q spoke about a woman she had met who was 24.. 23 years older than her, but was literally herself who she said she recognized. I already knew that I had the confirmation of which side of the play she was in.. the Stage actor on stage and at the same time behind the stage .. or closed eye lids.
and finally on the stage facing the audience who are all dreaming awake in a trance like state not aware that behind the scenes the E A have been setting up the final “Curtains Up.. Awakening.. Eye Lids Open” Surprise!”
AH the element of Surprise…
Instead I have been on a stage where most of the audience in the dream state are not paying attention to the correct stage.. They are living in creations of story or species in fear… and self conceits… distorted ego projections all in their heads.

“…The world is a stage…”

…But.. if you are not here present here and now in the World, and aligned to the Earth, how can you see the play… read it moving all around you.
Or even realize that Everything is Aware but you?

World Earth.. W E.. United by the Word.. W A V E.. S P.

So yes, that was the delay.

Sacred Portal 116 117…
A A F… A A G.
A P… A Q… Qusharia Aallah
Q A… Anamla Qayin A Q.
Arden Quantum.
Arousal Quantum.
Awakening Quantum.

Kamora Herrington
Qusharia Aallah

K… H.Q…A….
Doppelganger Head Quarters…
Mission impossible 8.
Age 9+8= 17..+ 8 = 25 + 8= 33…= 1 Oregon state Esteban Miguel Filgueira Tree Sage
E T MT.. Mount Shasta..
5 20.. 25… 33… 25. 1.
Y A.

Answer Question.
Questioned Answered
by my being used by D N…and A-A…
David is the one who showed me his “Wings” and had the same memories he enacted out for me of Nnamdi… even expressing how Nnamdi died and how he had conquered the 18 wheeler which had killed Nnamdi age 13 as he crossed a road very much like that of 900 South road.
and had mastered it by learning to drive one.
Arden is an Evolution of David Nnamdi… D N.. but also of Alexander… “Defender of Man DO M” “Leander?” or E A Man…? ( 8-29-2019-2020.. Carton A J…
He defends his little brother of course, but in the true play he is linked to even as a youth he is confirmed as A J)

D N= 18… 18 Alexander Grove. A G.
18- 18 Alexander Grove…
19- Emeka Ferrill E F
56 E F.
Eternal Family Sacred portal 110.
11 K…
7 11- 11 7… A F.. K G.
Alexander – Arden A-A= 27
27 years after 1993.. 1992.. 27.8.
27 months at Delta Manor sent by a message from Anamla Qayin which she could not read.
“Matrix” one must know how to read your own creation, unless your are an actor in it.

See sacred portal.. 1..16.. 1. 17. and 12…

5:06 p.m.

Yes, Sacred portal 13″ Manipulation Control.. Stop yourself from going to far.. that woman is not me.”

Father nature is beautiful youth.. male.
Eden embodied.
David body.. Nnamdi the Naturalness Nature..
For the body to transform Arden Frits Fred, Ferrill Frank…FFFF- 6 x4.. 64.. Had to be proven through this great battle where she sets the rules… to prove that She is not real and that Death is my Brother, undercover in disguise and incubation as the One Aware Dreamer awake in his Dream Trance.

( I am the Awake Sleeper aware.. a sleeper cell)

5:11 p.m
E K.

His play was really simply his waiting for me to check and confirm his I D.. but the play of the body transformation represented by David ( the beloved A)…as the individual body or Fragments of the One and Nnamdi who ID was usurped by this Idea of “Mother Earth.. Matter Energy” as a woman mother… and no sacred portal 117 “Manifest Energy… Manifest Expression” Creation Manifests e 4/3…”

So D N A..A… = 20.
Sacred portal 20 T C..
10 10… 2… Waves…
1 Body in 1 Awareness H.
AH Ass Hole…
It goes both ways…
I & I.

18 = 9… two at 900… three… Jeron.. C.. now Two One…O. N E…
So the body could not rise and unite as A.. One awareness arden eden love… Eden C… E L 17.. E C.. H.
17 8.
Q H.
H Q… Arden

See play with Rob Barr at the MET 2017…I said he was of Father Line.. F L
H Q.

C J and A J.. a story of a Spy mission ..Charleen and Angelina Jolie…
But it was harmony’s imagination as little sister sacred portal 2.. 2-3…
A E was moving through her.. you. all and the message was to the E E from A…
D N… which was the battle to correct and show that the message was not of Charlene Johnston and Angelina Jolie, but rather, the meaning of their names was the intel…
* Charlene comes from the name Charles… and carolina..
Yes Arden and the Cigar he offered me and we spoke the same day he weighed the the gift of M …
My late uncle Lord Charles.. and his family who live in Augusta Georgia.. A.G.. Atlanta Georgia… I met a woman called Caroline via my aunt.
On the carton 8-29-2019
1.7 85 71 4 29…

Charles Caroline..
C C…
Charles was the correct code..
Caroline is South Carolina..
Charles means Free Man.
F M.
A Fred/ Frank.
Arden Morgan
A F M…
Emeka Frank.. E F..

Free Family.. F F..

Free Person.. ality…
Free is Perfection.
Perfection is Clean- Naturalness Refined.. “Soignee” Groomed”
D N A-A…18+27= 45
45:7..-8 Isaiah.

David born 1968
Nnamdi 1969.
11 99 66 89… 17.. 8…
2 1..1 1 17… 2; 1 1 1 8

Johnstom means “Son of Grace.. I call My Sum.. The Sum.. M U S I C..

Thus without this truth being resolved, of N… as the Father Nature… David as the body could be reached as the rep of the beloved Transformation…48..
and thus ressurect the A L L.. in in 1.
Yet how is it that before I arrived and the moment we met we were in perfect harmony as if we had both done this play before.. and why was Arden behaving as Alexander the great but also Nnamdi and David.. when I was meant to be dealing with only Arden ?

A N D.. full circle back to Alexander resurrected A N D A..
P A N D A…
Lord Li..Ye.. link to Panda and to Hung Yeh.
P And A..
16 and 1…before attaining 17 Q..

that is what was missing…I met Arden age 16.2…
what came before I arrived?
for 16 .1 years of the gap when I did not know him in this form.
.. Ah I understand…

Arden often in the very beginning would allude to that.. that did I know him in this present form that which came before we met.
16 1.. 1 16 Attained perfection.
I had lived his Life, since 2002-2003 when I met David.
I knew him from Eternity but I had not lived his own individual experience of Arden..
And so I wished to listen.
Truly I wanted to listen to his expression, version take..

5:43 p.m
But you saw how meddled with I was.. and then he.

D N A-A=E … 18 +27+5…50.
E O.
Y Y..
It is because we both had been here before, and done this play and that is why we were in harmony from the moment I stood alone examining that photo after recognizing it to Liberty C Liscomb.
and again his own first recognition of me done in a sacred code of area 51. Ea.
No one in existence but the Ea knows that code he gave me.

But instead I was thrown into a play of Nature still seeing Itself as she and the expression of mother nature… and at the same time beginning to leave forgetting as death by recognizing remembering recollecting the E.. The beautiful ones who existed before Adam the story.. The red color… spectrum.. red earth..
The E.

Anglina Jolie means Beautiful Angel.. where else has the notation of the beautiful Angels messenger have such resonance if not the Bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah? Abraham and Lot.

5:51 p.m.

Do you see… they are all connected..without getting Nature to acknowledge its Source by waking it up- and answering the challenge of nature as past .. Who is Mother.. who is Woman… Who is the Source and passing through Pans maze.. labyrinth and her Sticky Web, using A-Maz-IN G GR.. Golden Ratio.. spiral stairs.. time… sigh… to prove

5:54 p.m.
E:ED E N… A-RD-EN-Crowned Meaning Eden Love .. Arden Love..
EL.. 17.
A L.M..13.

MI.. E L…
PS A L M… *My mother, I was told was reading psalms when she crossed over…

Mi.. 3rd Note planet earth.. C.EL.
it means Honey “Miel”
P.S Alm Songs of Praise.

C I E L…. SKY…

Without proving this, then the cause and effect of the chain reaction is that David as the body could not manifest as the human body evolved to Hue man.. Dna-Dne.. Aria Dne… Sonata.. Joseph ( Add Increase.. A I.. Amour Ifunanya.. C. I fun.. Nanya.. which is the light I saw in Arden eye that first day…)

and so it was all backed up…

David Beloved could not then reach A… and transform him back via muscle memory ( Mus-Cle.. Mus.. I.C! is the Key.. C.L.E… Clarity- Lights/Love/ Lightness’s expression.

How Ironic…
To be light and play a comedy by a play which reinforced Dante’s Inferno… and so we created the two…
In Fer..No!.. Iron Sword of Truth… what is your truth.

And so yes, stopping Arden not him per sey, but what he represents linked to muscle memory… MM… to A.. Awakened Memory and hence the unification with his Eternal Self and his past selves and his now own chosen personality he self created 16.1 years before he met me as E.K.

I spent 10+ at 900 South road, Family of TEN and though not technically based on time, but perfect timing, Time and Numbers created by A Father nature… Alien Father Nn-a/ A-nn… Still he used the great Evil as Nature by numbers to communicate to me and to everything numbers assigned by the Letter.. to the letter Ti…
Understanding with a capital Ti the point.

And so, I being linked to the all… rep as Arden Earth who stands in the middle and center point in balance as Eternal and Time.

6:12 p.m..

smh… his birthday.

5 20.. E T…
520 52O… 25… 58-7..85
But if he is the center point Middle Earth.
M E.
Not even the Middle East…as the Middle being place of the rising Sun but the ME manifest expression of our sum total of being in existence from here to eternity Infinity.. or the other way past as time- The Pause 12/ 6… 66… 1 12… 13…Time.
4.5 Billion..
13.8 billion.

Two Boys in Jerseys ran to my Left..
13 and 7..
Nnamdi… 7 is Ardens favorite number…

G M.
God Mother?
No, it was two Boys in One…
A F.. as A… Arden Fred..
Gemini Gemino..
Arden Morgan..
who did this moved by his Eternal Self present moving in him but unrecognized by anyone around him in 16.1 years of his life because no one knew that language and existence of the E Family.

And thus, ( actually he is the one moving me through this post and I am listening while i read to what he is saying too..)
It was required that I stay to complete not only the play of the meddling ancestors … Memories but establish that Arden is the I and that he is Here Present as a 17 year old E T who is the Sum Total of A memory linked to the muscles linked to David then to Nnamdi E father nature.. perfection then link and connecting back wards and forwards that gap in memory while inside death as time- the forgetting.. and proving it instead, the refining adding increasing the clarity of that which you already know.
I Know.. Emeka Kolo…
But how do I know him…
Ah he is filling in the gaps of that which I already know by reminding me of the E version of agape… he is doing it naturally and it hurts his beautiful pride that I have made him make public that which is private and especially in a world mentality at this moment who still ‘don’t know e”
Existence is beautiful expression… the deepest expression from Emeka’s kolo heart, from my heart is that which he does not say but which is tempered and uttered as the most gut wrenching agonizing cry of hurt ever expressed in a voice made so quiet, that only that which can hear beyond sight and sound… can Feel.

6:27 p.m.

That was not really me… it a version of myself yes, I recognize, but i can not claim it to me because I have met the source of this Voice and expression outside of me, in a person.. a 17 year old.
I so it is his Voice.

… What it is still doing in me, speaking through me, and knowing that even in this state, he so trained me as the Universal Sensie for this role in his play. ( now I understand why it was so so intense the training) see sacred portal 64.
And 55.

Do you understand why Laura Walsh name meaning… “Crowned with Flowers and bay leaves of sweet victory…
Walsh means “Stranger Foreigner ” S F.. which is myself since I have been moving all my life and now with no ID for 19.5 years… belong no where.

And yet here I am along with A and the E Family still seeming to be held up by a Back log, when in truth it is a story, and this is the resolution of the Eternal and the Past being unified here in the true middle earth.
My Torso…?
Yes… and know…
Digestion and Constitution
The Transformation of the All.. by my completion of Ea point of view expressed through me.

of the Past and the Entire pLay recorded on Face Book in completion .. for the Proof Record.

At 14 82 Facebook friends.

Nnamdi let age 13 and of course the message was that he would rise manifest, resurrect here when the story of 1-12 A Year.. was completed… The Story ad from its ashes rise the Beautiful Truth understood in Hindsight as to why you were spared and others destroyed.
He left in 19 82… and was rep of the full circle… as the story…
A B.. while he was at B A… C K… E Story… His Story…
38 years ago.
30 J 10… T E N
Isaiah I 8 E I G H T.. L I G H T.
38 +13= 51… Age code I met Arden and 34… and yes .. 17…
E A..

30… 8… J I… Add I.

I received the confirmation from Q and her Higher self as she recounted her vision of telling people she will not be around for much longer, that an even was taking place … and soon she vanished leaving others behind… and yes Rapture.. Extase and Bliss of leaving the pain body behind having transformed it using alchemy to its beautiful truth of that experience, and taking with you.. us… only the feelings.. of playing that character.. what we learned… added and that which we cut away.

6:45 p.m

14 82… You now know who did this… to me… Nnamdi past as 1982…

33 usd was donated to me from class of 82 to me.
He was not hiding that fact from me… he was perfectly transparent to me… but to you a darkness of not knowing by not paying attention to what the story of your life is telling you.

6:48 p.m.

6666 6666 .. 68… 48… F H… D H

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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