
9/6/2018 21:41 – Facebook Post

A F A M ( I.L.Y)


87 8 8

Middle Names; I K E M E F U N A… V I C T O R…E


Thus EMEKA KOLO CHUKWU IKEMEFUNA…is the correct sequence..

88.( P) .. 87… 85….

V I C…22 9 3… T O R.. E…

E R.. O… T C…. IV…4 @ Delta.

1155 Face Book Friends.

K.E. E

K.E E was the people code formed this morning at Breakfast

Emmanuel Kerema E.K… sent me a message about the why I have the Eye, and even had the audacity to ask me to remove it…
( Jesues how I long for this Mentality and the people attached to it cease to exist, they are manner less and have no respect… for nothing… I do not blame the individuals but rather the disease of Twisted Ego and Self Entitlement which they for some strange reason belief they are entitled to despite merited earning nothing or even contributing to creation life this play nothing…
Parasites viruses…
8:18 pm
Human Race.. Lord I despise this Species ..)

The answer was already programed when I said happy birthday to Ant Manino and then a 61 years old man began speaking of 43 really being 34.

And then seeing the front page of todays New York Times..

Britain’s Web.. ( B W of Cameras Cracks Poisoning Case.)
B W… Bob Woodward… Book ‘FEAR”
William Bracey .. B W.. Phone.. Will iam is the same meaning as Ikem..( Which also means Ass.. Buttocks.. and Yes Colon.. Digestion Evacuation.. Twisting my Large Intestine..
“In Test IN E” Doctor Patrick Okolo is a specialist- Large Intestine… It has been Hell what has been done to me
Jordan Colon.. J C…
Stephen Filgueira share about the recently discovered Snake Galaxy…

*Michael A. Smith M A S…/ S. A.M.. just popped up liking something or inviting me to like something…

The code of my Name is not linked any longer to the Oinri Igbo meaning but to the Play Script and the Meaning…
No one owns the copyright on Sound…
*See meaning of the name Kyle…”
except the the one who created it…

Emmanuel Kerema question is already ordained by the 61.. F A… T H E R… ? FA 4th Sound.. Who sent me into the Abyss by binding my body…
The Christians…
C.I.K… W A V E S …
Against my Will, giving me no choice because of the imossible evil done to my body… Cruelty beyond belief, breaking all theLaws of Existence Creation in the process in his excuse that it is for the greater good, of all to sacrifice one to suffer for the many so All could come home
Yet I refute thenotion of the many, there is only the Individual who generates Change..
And it was, is an Individual who brought Creation into Existence, EVOLUTION Momentum as this play set up to answer the Arrogant Father I call the Illusion Alien Father…
Proven not real because he came as Aretha Franklin – a Woman and Woman is simply Man ..Man Woman.. MW 69..
Randall Michael Wiltz..

We had an extraordinary conversation in which we were so aligned to the point of view of the Individual is the impetus for change mirrored in his own experience and expression of what is happening to the Voice of people who have somethng to say but not the Eloquence Erudite and Education…

The article states that Britain is one of the most heavily surveilled nations on earth with 1 camera to 11 citizens…
( see the code K A… 11 1…?)
It has the latest cutting edge technology for visual identification.
It can scan an airport for a tatoo or a pinkie ring…And then there is that team of genetically gifted Humans known as “Super Recognizers”

The article speaks about how they Poisoners used Ninna Ricci perfume to poison the former Russian spy and his daughter…

N R..
I am sitting besides Nicola Robinson Matser P.T.S.D..
N R/ R N… Registered Nurse.

I am sitting in between Nicola and Reginald age 26…

N R…?

N E R… V E.. G A S…

N E A R… L .. A S.. V E… G AS…

N -E A R…A T..L AS T.. V E G A S E..

Area 51…

See sacred portal 34 and 26.. Both represent the Perfume of the Awareness of the Evolution Awakening..
E A.. 51… N E A R…
Poisoning the Air.. the Inhaling and the Scent of the Awareness of the Awakening by using Nerve Gas…

N.G…147… See sacred portal 147 A B… Emmy
147.. 7 7 7.. 3 7… 21… Understanding=Consciousness 3.. C Of Love…

S O N G…E. C E .. Chukwu Emeka… “ECE”= 13..M..
Manifest Mann…E

The poisoning was on March 4th…
3-4… Do you see how I am being used and manipulated to solve riddles…
The Arrogance would be immposible to belief that one could manipulate The Creator, take advantage of his coming undercover for a totally different purpose and have this force calling itself the Rep of the All daring to go this far to meddle with the play script challenge it with the excuse that no mann isbegger than the Whole..
The Arrogance would be immposible to belief that one could manipulate The Creator, take advantage of his coming undercover for a totally different purpose and have this force calling itself the Rep of the All daring to go this far to meddle with the play script challenge it with the excuse that no mann is bigger than the Whole..

Which of course is Its Delusion Iullusion because the I came before the O…
I O N… E… E I O N E…

Yes Eion Ian…Eon unbelieable conciet of the Lie unless I had not lived it myself.
Knowing this goes back to Africa India Asia Old World Ideas which are lies…
Happy Feet… !..

Then there is another Article on the same page…
Online Eyes For Watching Students 24/7…

That a person called Emmanuel Kerema would be stupid enough to be used, and not pause for daring to come on my sacred page and without manners, respect.. make a demand that I respond “on demand” to his question.
This is why I did not give Kirtan the Ear Phones despite explaining to him the night before why I am rubbed the wrong way by such expression of rudeness.. self entitlement…
They earn nothing and then give you attitudefor generosity and condition terms…
I loathe this mentality… these creatures…

Big Brothers is Watching…
1984 George Orwell.. G O…
I explained this so many times..
All Seeing Eye…
The USD one Dollar Bill..
The Trinity…

Is it not obvious that they Evil which does not wish to evolve uses imbeciles, manner-less morons whom they sacrifice knowing exactly what they are doing, provoking, using these idiots as living Shields to attack annoy and irritate me to move me in just one moment,… through human idiots mannerless louts…to rage and thus, make some error or mistake…


A F K…was the people seated in order today at breakfast…
Anthony (Igbo) Ottah
Francis Frick.. F F..
Kirta Locket… K L…

I took the only place free besides Kirtan… E but I saw his energy and disgust filled my stomach.. like a lodestone…
I instead connected to Enoch…
The A F K… / K F A… Africa.. does not Exist… I cut from Kirtan To Anthony Ottah…
Filth… and if the humans are attached to it so be it…

“It is almost impossible in this country to hide.. almost impossible”said John Bayliss (J B) who retired from Government Communications Headquarters…
Britain’s Electronic Agency, in 2010…”
( G C H….E I A…. 7 3 8…. 5 9…1…)

Have you ever wondered why 17.years after my British Passport was stolen at a Jamaican Rest basement on 14th street, ( 14 N) surrounded by MAC cosmetics during 911 ( I.K) while I was in Staten Island staying at a persons home called Donald- where I could not leave because of 911,that I have not been able to get my passport from the British or even through this Shelter 23 months later..?
17 is the Letter Q..
Head Quarters… H Q… 8 7..
C H U K W U…= 87…
The Creator..T C…
V I … T C… O R…

The M.W… Universe.. is made up of Dark Matter really Clarity Light of Sixth Sense .. Music..
C I.. Sum…which moves Everything ..
And who is the Source of the Music Authoring Song
Harmony Eternal…

MW 69… MW.. 13 23… 36… 9…I… 69… 15= O… 6.. F…ACT.
54/ 45…9 9.. 18..R… 9..I…
I E.. 95… 14…N…Nnamdi/ ID Mann..
( Le Mann France)
14= 1+4.. The First and the complete 4… = 5.. E.
Apart 5 is in my Locker in my Room 4B…Locker 018.. O R..

V I C T O R… E..NE.. R..O… T.C ( SP 20 ECHO) I V… @ Delta Manor… Manners..N

March 4th…
March Forth… A Poisoning of the ability to move forwards.. to affect my movement, my bowels.. my intestines…

A Map of Crazy Town”

Bob Wordward’s book “F E A R” A look at the Trump White House.
“Fear Portrays Donald J Trump as a president displaying little knowledge and an utter lack of interest in learning anything at all”

Bob Woodward. B.W.
William Bracey B.W… is the name of which my phone is under given to me by William Bracey formerly of bed 4-005… 45..
Today they stated they are sending me a new govt phone in 2-5 days.
They stated that I have a balance of 29 USD in my account.
29 is the Age of Kyle Murphy 10-13-1988.
Kirtan was born on the 10-29-1992…
Gap of 16 Days. 4444…
I have proven there is no Gap… 16=P… Perfection.
Perfection is Naturalness.

I saw Aturo and Kyle Murphy todays as I left.
Aturo Snow is 58… 29 29… 58…
Thus the Two 29 29 link to him.
And 24 year old Ian was there and said Hi as I left.. X.
I was thinking of 24 years Jace Horsford have to call him..

6:48 p.m….

Aturo Kyle..( Robert) A.K…A R…E…

F E.. A R E…. 6 5…1 18 5….
E R A .. E.F… 5 18 1 5 6.


I saw Roberto Munoz first thing this morning.. R M.. Munoz= 9.
Randall Michael R M… Wiltz. R MW… R MW69

Kyle Murphy Robert Kyle Murphy…R K M R M.

The K in the middle equates to Parallel Universes…
K=11… Meaning is

*Kyle, a topographical term referring to a narrow, straight, channel, is derived from the Gaelic caol (narrow, a sound, a strait).
A Vortex a Tornadoes, Centrifugal force…
The Human Body- made of sound…
Rite of Of Passage.
The Tunnel of Love…

Thus the Two R.Ms above as RM9…and RM…W. RMW69…
R M 9 is the portal 2012.. Which I passed through 61 days in the “Wilderness of Civilization New York just Off Broad Way..
Bob Woodward… BOB.E… Robert Woodward…

7:06 p.m.

“Wake Up!”

I am Robert…
“A Map of Crazy Town… World…”

Thus RM 9… RM69…
Robert means Famed Bright Shinning .. OL..of Light.
Est as Moon Light…M L… Michelle Lobsinger portal 57th Street
M L.. 13 12… 25…

Kyle was born the 13th…
Nnamdi passed age 13… M..
M A R K… Kyle Robert Anthony Micha .. which Ant calls me…Michael..

Randall means “Shield… Wolf Shield.. S H I E L D… Wild and Passionate…”

The Two Parrallel Rooms in Space or Universes
I call then Andromeda Milk Way…
A M W…
Thus A and MW… RM 9 .. Robert… Room MW69 Randall…
And the Robert K Murphy whose Father and Big brother share that name Robert Murphy…
Link Father and Son R M Sacred Portal 57…
And thus Kyle would be the 69= 15= O.. 1=5= 6…
Thus RM9… RM69… RM96… RM6…
Ant and Susan’s Birthday Days today.. 9-6…
96% Dark Matter…
Anthony Susan..
A.S… Aturo Niege ( Snow) Albert Santana,, A S…
M A S…
Michael A. Smith….indicator.

Thus it is Roberto Munoz rep of “Hill” and number 9″
9=I… 2-012… is linked to me as the portal I went through leading me after 61 days to Albert Santana’s Generation X Gardens and 268 East 4th Street apt 1A portal, thus linking me to A.S.. And Niege… A N… AS S A A N N A… N A S A..
A S A N…E….

Randall as the Wolf Shield.. Protector Wild and Passionate as the Ying Yang… 69/96…
*For the first half of 1996 I was living near Le Mann France with a Man called Christian and two other Men.
The Second half I moved back to London where I went to work as a Bartender at the Fancy Swedish restaurant in Chelsea called the Collection. Where I met Jay and Taun, and Jerome…

At Poille Sur Vegre I had written a play where I had stood up on Stage and demanded who had written this preposterous Script.
I stood up in the middle of the stage and stopped the play and protested the Script of my life through this play but of Life itself.. The Play… of Life.

I then designed a Festival with Christian Gerald Pierrot and I the three men C G P…E.. which was acclaimed and got them more accepted by the community..
I then did a exhibition called “Portraits Within” where in a bid to get the three “miserable but very likeable men to lighten up”
I wanted to show them how I saw them… from within…

I had just come back from the journey to the light in 1993 and had been moved “invited” to live in the French Country side to recover..
I had been bored out of my mind and decided to work with then to quell their discomfort with my very Stylish way of being.
That is where I got the Scar, working with these men to help them see themselves..
It was not because I sough their approval or respect..
They were mens men…
I knew that this was a play about my Fathers…

7:42 p.m.

But I know my Fathers Brother lines…

Jay Tuan Jerome… E.
Who all recognized me instantly especially Jay and treat me in the manner which I recollected even as we worked at “The Collection”
When I met Jay, after leaving Johns home who eventually came to Paris and we left to London England together..
I knew exactly that this was the completion of the 4 Fathers…
3 4../ 4 3… The First and the 4th is me…
I have 41 cents left in my wallet…
I had 66 and spent a quarter… leaving me 41…
Yes, I often want to burst out in hysterical laughter at the level this Script has gone, how petty and detail oriented really a nit picking of that which the Elemental linking to the Ethereal has become in the merging of the two E…
Emeka Kyle… at my ZTE Assurance Wireless Phone..
Emeka Enoch.. ” ”……

41 Is Sacred Portal the Crossing Guard – Eleggua.. Elu… The Latter “Elu” means “Elected” to play that part but by whom.

The lines of Father at Poille Sur Vegre – a Piantist/Composer a Photographer and a Sculptor.. And Myself…
C G P E… 3 7 16 5…
Chris Gerald Pierrot Emeka… France..

Jay Tuan Jerome..Emeka…
J T J E…


The ones in England where the originals linked to the ones in France..Ethereals Elementals..
E F.. E E M A L E…S
It was in France Le Mann where I painted the Self Portait of my self which a Millionaire sought called Alex sought to find at all costs…
I realized later that I had Drawn that which was within me and it manifested outside.. David Roman Nicholas is a spitting image of the winged being on the top part of the 3 personifications of the same person.. Me…
D N E.. David Nnamdi and I Emeka show rising from and with the Earth starring at wonder and the scene being played out before me.
Nnamdi as I was modelled after the black model called Thomas used so often but Robert Mapplethorpe… ( M R) He as in a large Tunnel much like an Oil Pipe Line which Keith Grant worked on.. Yes Link Kyle.. name and meaning…
Bed 53…

Then David the Blonde winged being…David I informed you all had the same memories as Nnamdi and showed me his “Wings”

Keith Grant I knew was not really Usurping my role because I saw him and knew him as Father and that he was indicating that which I had to attain move from 49 state Alaska in the US template to 53… E C…H O…
Which I see is the merging of the Two Rooms 9 and 69 back to 96… 6… 9 66… I L… Infinite Limitlessness…
( F A M I L…)
Y… Is E… The Song… songe… which explains how I just could not give the Ear Phone sacred to me, given to me by Michael Bell Vue.. through a sacred play which I had earned and which was the color Black Red B R..
(Rob Barr)
Which my parents had worn these colors in matching outfits on my 10th Birthday…

Thus R K M.. K M… is the play of which the Alignent of the MW69 had to be flipped to 96.. 6…
O 6… 6 6…12…3..
9 is I who remain Constant as the Individual never a number…
Hence,we complete at I.C…
8:08 p.m

Robert Kyle Murphy thus would be the reflection of the Room as 6th Sense.. The Link to Randall Michael being that Kyles best friend is Randall.

Robert through Randall links back to Robert.. Self…
by flipping the R M…

I thus saw the three 29 29 29… 87…
C H U K W U…
Gabriel Binky Signar…post

Had a conversation earlier with Ant Anthony Manino. A.M

His birthday is today the same day as Susan Otelia Nelson
He is 43…
Sacred Portal 43.. E Door of Life” E D O.L
she is age code 47….
My Mother 1947… 11 22
47…= 11 28… 39… D.G… K B.H.. “A-A B H” C .I..

Then saw Robert Currin, my former room mate- he is now got a place with his lady Jessica in Queens.
( Yes I solved their riddles right here on facebook and with him)
R C…

Then I had an extraordinary conversation with Randall Michael.

But I will pause now, from this Crazy Word Country Town Village Battle War… B W…
P.W… P.O.W… ME..?

9:40 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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