
9/6/2015 20:28 – Facebook Post

7:58 pm

Scent of Hawii…
The 5Oth State.
The 5O State of Consciousness is a Scent…
5th Dimension…

Hello, I have a new Facebook Friend..
My 362 …code C F B….
Cee Face Book?
Consciousness Fact (of) Being…
Circle Filled (with) Being..

Or Cee (See The) First Being….

Which would mean that before Humans were born, within them they already contained the Full Circle Chip of Being in Existence.
(And a 9 month briefing in the Womb of their Mothers and Divine Mother..The First Being who rose and activated Being, by creating the First “Circle” and Cyckes) then filled it with Knowledge Data, Information… I.D..K…which caused the Twins to rise..Awareness Everything and Expression All Cee

Meaning people already know how to Be..
But with certain “Human Adult Children Knowledgeable.. (H.A C.K…H.A!…C K…Chukwuemeka Kolo)
Only Fear Discipline and a promise of Justice and consequences keep them in line…and in Existences Play…
The Hacks.

Welcome my 362 Facebook Friend Melia Francis..

Whose presence fullfills a long awaited code…
M.F is Male Female..
Which is the how the First Being rose in form..
With a Pen-Is attached..
A Serpent…
And within E.V E…Expression Victorious Energy.
He kept it his Awareness of his knowledge Recognition Acknowledged (A.R.K) within so that those twins would have a chance to discover for them selves not only what lies within them for themselves, but Appreciate Praise the Greatest Creation of the First Being…
The True Hue-man Espirit. .
The Heroic Energy he transmitted into all…

Melia means the Scent of Hawii..
Hawa Ali…II…
The Frangipini Flower of Aloha…
Welcome Bien Venue…
To the 5O the State of Consciousness and Being ..
Which in order to pass through…

Francis means ” Free Man “..

” in order to pass through the Invisible Portal you must carry the fresh clean Perfumed scent of a Free man… A Hue Man Being..
Exemplified by the First Being…



Harmony is Being in Perfect Symmetry with the First Being from top to bottom, Hieght to Depth…and beyond.
No tis easy..

Be Natural
Then refine your purity of intention
Expression until it transforms into a perfume..
Your signature..
That without even seeing you…
Or even knowing you..
You are recognized by your Scent…

This is Harmony..
Flowers of Paradise..
Sent into the world with the fresh clean baby smell and leaving this realm with a signature scent that everything real and True knows you have entered the Room …

Free Beings smell like flowers…
And are always inside and out
Well groomed
Well spoken…

Their credentials?
Thier Scent speaks for itself..
Animals Knows.
They Judge..

Not I..

I recognize Perfumes scents…

Even odors..

8:28 pm..


Bien Venue

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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