
9/6/2015 18:39 – Facebook Post

From Michael O Donnell to Emeka Kolo…

Dare Devil…

Signed: The Beautiful Devil –


Emeka…Dared D Evil …

Don’t Trust me…
I really am the Beautiful Devil…
J A.M…E Supreme Bond..
Trust instead the words and the play I post which resonates with your own Truth..
Cause you’ll never know what I am Ceeing and Linking or perhaps setting you up to reveal your True Nature for you to see..
That perhaps you missed a huge blind spot after taking a Bath or Shower thinking yourself so clean when you look in the mirror which then reveals how you treat and speak with others..
Clean is not skin deep..
Cleansing means cleaning from Top to Bottom and deep within to the Hieght…

It applies all that to all it does..
Especially how they talk about and treat other people…

I Dared the Devil..
While knowing that my exemplications of Natural Being and Expression is the True Example of The Human Spirit…

Curiosity Investigate Truth Affirm…Express To All…
By Exemplification..
Tell a Story and like me, Ignore what people say but instead watch how the play with other “Children”

P.S Children are Spirits Embodied who “Grow Up to transform (meant to) into the Eternal Youth…
That is the True Nature of what is called a Human Being ..
A 19 year old who gets it..
And is consistent and clean forever..
No matter what they do..

Don’t trust me..

Trust as Donna wrote to..
Trust Love Beauty Truth Joy Bliss Harmony…

Trust these principles and nothing else..
If you project these principles you are not projecting ” EGO” you are Radiating (Graduating) the Light Clarity of The Point of a Star…
I am
6:39 pm
F:C I.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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