
9/6/2015 17:35 – Facebook Post

4:37 P.M.

9-6-8…Dark Matter 96% in Harmony with D
6-9-8….19 69 Age of Aquarius Dawn of Vision…

Nnamdi 1969
Ying Yang… 69…6+9=15..letter O
6×9=54… Yep 54…9..2O…I.T…I.B.O..
29…Zeina Sophia “Beautiful Wisdom”
11…1…18…Mountain View…

I have two new Facebook Friends….
A response to me from the E Line moving through you all to affirm thier E -E.T transmission are being correctly translated and Publicly Announced P.A..by me..
The True Representative of a Hue man Being Human..

Which brings us from 359 to 361 where we were before being forced to go back down
“,Diving into the Cee of Forget-full-ness and Deaf and Blind”- only to rise again.
As this ” Facebook fluctuating score board denotes..
361 is C.F.A…
Circle Filled A=1..
See Sacred Portal 1A.

4’46 pm…
See Sacred Portal 46…

Welcome Sjani Human….S.H!
and Okot Korea….. O.K….


*I noted today that Jonn Blackwell glasses are marked with the name “Twin Shock”

This discovery was proceeded by a little boy wearing a T shirt 88 with the word Thomas on it..
Thomas means “Twins”
Represented in this play by Jonn and Donna…

S H…O.K…
Means something else other than the Shock and Trauma of the experience of the level of humans ability to ignore the facts and Truths of others pain and suffering for them, in order for them to rely on others to do the work required to rise

Sjani means “Well Loved..Beloved”

Human means a Human but what does the word Come from..
Humans are classified as Animal.. An off shoot of the Ape family…
Which is why I obviously was taken over by the energy consciousness of an ape in 2OO6 when I first found Generation X Gardens and 268 and Albert…Along with Sage Isaac Albert…S I.A.
19 91…S=19.. I=9..A=1…

It also explains why a person called Gabriel informed me that I had come to East 4th Street to prove Evolution and refute Darwins theory if Evolution, Religion and the Church as well as New Age Expression …

And it explains why Nikoma R.I.O.S… /S.O.I R (Night) saw me years before morph into an Ape, then a Blue E T and finally a Beautiful Golden skinned 19 year old youth…
Then asked me which was is the True me. .
He wished my to say E.T…
But I said I am really the 19 year old Golden Youth…
That was my first Incarnation .
A Hue-man Being…

Human also means of the Earth..
“Earth Being”

Adam…but really from Adamu…

It also comes from word Hog man Hugh man…
Meaning Hug, Heart Mind Espirit ..of Earth..

It also means “Maker”… The Creator…
See Dune..the Worns are called ” Makers”

Okot means “born during the Rains”

I was born in Novenember Autumn Fall..
A.F..F.A….61..361…F B.F…
Falling leaves
Falling water..

O Royal Reign…Rain..

Rain is Infinity..
The First Drop became the Father of Infinity.
(F.O.I…liver in French the Cleansing house of the Body… Faith..which means “to Know” not to believe….As I have proven here…A Nod to Micheal O Donnell…

I am the Nomad… N.O-.M…AD…After Death =E..
NoD- A.M..

*Those who so ” NO” to this evidence and Truth are Mad & Insane..M.I….
I’M the Nod of the A.M.

Abraham Ibrahim means “Father of the Multitude..
The Many…
Rain Drops .
R D…
See sacred Portal 46..
First Drop.
F.ED…the Multitude…

Korea is derived from to meanings associated with North and South Korea…
“Mountain” and “Dawn Morning ”

As well as Ancient Ancestors..

And can be translated as Land of the Mountain of Calm…
Just as Japan is “The Land of the Rising Sun..
S R. R.S . Stone Ridge 18 Mountain View…
Where we have observed the markers in this play as Imperial Japan….

A Calm Awakening at 18 Mountain View…
Prepared by Enactment of the Will of the Ancestors… The Ancients who walked the Earth before man…
The Divine man first walked the Earth then the Divine Human Espirit.
Before their Shadows came…
The Human Illusions learning how to become aligned with thier hidden but openly revealed mystery The Human potential already realized..
In the very beginning…

Sjani Human…


“Beloved and well loved Human..
-Earth Man and Maker.(S H. E)
.O.K..A calm Awakening has been assured through the play at 18 Mountain View even though born in the rain so damned that it became a Flood.. No-Ahs Ark….
Living among the Angry Mad, And The Insane…
Because they could see and focus on no one else but thier own view
Sending themselves into non Existence because you represent the Truth.
And the True Origins of Man was a 18-19 year Old Youth


AH Supreme.

5:35 pm..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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