
9/5/2014 22:14 – Facebook Post

Sept 5th.

Cafe Bean


I.E…True Nature.


I roared forcefully at Nikoma blazing eyes..

“You always act as though everyone is wrong..
I have tried to read the codes..I read them bt you do not acknowledge…” he quietly bt violently challenged me yet again.

At least 9 yrs of this…aurgument with nothing.

Defense so powerful it was no surprise that his consciousness represented the invincible last wall of the True Man show.

Imagine that I am speaking French a language you used to speak in child hood..
And I say the pronounciation of a word is so….
And you and your line say it incorreectly…and I say no that is wrong…
Well this is what you and those others on f.b and in my life on this mission have been doing to me..
Because you are not in the consciousness of true nature you were born with you do not recognize the meaning of my words until I have to shout scream holler turn to rage…
A species who only listened when bullied and threatened with extinction… And even then…Joan Rivers Died.

He sat down…

“I am not attacking you I said criticizing you but the message is not to all the ones who rise in you.. You have done a great service but now they we need to know Who are you.?”

His eyes tears of pain frusytation transformed into magic when he gets it as David Philipe Gil its a Joy to witness…

“My Heart is singing inside”he said”

I had walked to Prince and Layfayette yesterday, everywhere I could see abd read the codes on the magic mirror.

I knew I had completed the codes of the line of King Davids of this world right to Rob Barr to Filipe Arkadiusz and Albert David David and Philip they were now Gil…which means 78 meaning they had entered the line of the E Brights….

Only the rage of Existence to what had been done to our Truth through the ages remained to be expressed.

They would walk on the road I had been so bullied whipped sodomized raped and enslaved into doing
They would take in the sights and the truth of what was done to me…what they left me to endure and thier rage would rise.
For they would see the Beautiful way I had transformed the most evil viscious and cruel treatment of a being all done in secret into the most Beautiful scenic view, end and destination.

I sat in the Subway, my mind battling being used 13 years 22 yrs I had never stopped fighting what has been done to my Individuality.

I could not surrender no matter how much more bearable this outrage would be…I just can not.
I would reflect on my intentions, my efforts I had made with ppl…
Through my journies and thier response, this F.B played…
What I really saw and knew but did not say.

The rage in me..the hate was not in me.
It was the sense of injustice and I thought of all those especially the Beautiful Ones FORCED to endure the arrogance of Man.

Forced because we I would normally laugh and simply walk away or bring out my sword and teach it a lesson it would never forget.
But in this play I was as a cornered beast, rat harnessed by the sum total of cruelty of humabs to Humanity, to animals to Nature.

I recognized it but it was grossly exxagerated…
I would Huff, speaking to the illusion which created this Script…Mother Nature as Death Dreaming..
” It is almost as if All humans did was evil and there were none who did outstanding acts of Beauty and Kindness!”

I bent down and picked up a metal tag on the floor..
It read “Bon Voyage” B V…
Being Victorious..

I ignored it.
And went to see Nikoma Rios
He was not expecting me.
I had solved his riddle last night and when I woke up sitting in a meadow as I completed my morning ritual before going down each day ..

In complete Harmony he buzzed me in.

He stared at me ever gracious bt confused.
“No we did not make a rendevouz but I have a message for you”

“I am glad to see you though but I am abt to go and work from home..”

“Its about money..”

“Oh Sure…”

I was touched but also so insulted by this play of 13 yrs with money, I had literally had to spent my walk from the 14th street station to his office mastery a cold cold chill rage…
Never have I felt such an emotion.
Only one person ever pushed me this far to heat…Tom Truman..
But this was not to Nikoma it was to the source of this play..Humanity.

I mastered myself.

I had known Nikoma for 12 years he had been in his very early twenties when I first met him… Near Chris Franco I had been in nearly every one of his moves and portals through out his 12 yr journey.

He was is a being who could be as hard as a Diamond and as gentle and flowing as the tears of Praise or laughter of the understanding of the true meaning of s gesture or phrase.

He was is Understanding…

But he was also a Prince Charming gracefull aloof and very quietly comfortable with himself.
Comfortable with his true self.

But I had watched New York infec him…Not that he could be infected.. Not really he was E.T but he was becoming so Human that I actually gave up on him.

Because I knew that he had retreated to a place of Neutrality.
A place which served a purpose for never had I witnessed apart from my former host A.S at 4th a person who was such a medium and Avatar…

But my former hosts was more the Medium channeling everything in Existence just as Tom Truman had absorbed all the World…
My former hosts was Always himself.
He had done the work with me for years before giving up om its manifestation…
And he had been loyal to the equation even when he pretended to be the illusion of deception and ultimate destruction.

But Nikoma was even more dangerous because there was no intent of evil destruction or any such thing..
He was the River which flowed and thus the ultimate Avatar..carrying whatever wished to flow im his River.
He could tolerate all.. Nearly all things.
He could be ultimate angel ultimate hypocrite but never by intention simply because he was the river and most times the river is indifferent to what it carries..
It is the River…
I am.

But I did not stand for it just as I did not stand for it in Geoff La Cour my Spirit..
You can not just flow..
You have river banks now it is called a Body…
It is not a limitation but it is an awareness of a different nature other than water B eau..
As the name of Filips son…

Beings of Truth are Facts Acts..

You have to chose Side you have to Be who you are..
Your true Nature or you are sent out of Existence.

The play is done..I am being delayed because ppl who ate not in the seat of yourselves go…

And you can not be as the Swiss-

You have to true to who you really are the Consciousness that is your truth. You can be under cover but all decisions must come from that seat all actions.
You can not betray your Soul consciousness…
Your mission was to be an Avatar and then with that experience Be.
No more Swisss Nuetral Watch makers of Time.

You are N.T..Nature True so Be.

He was laughing so much quietly… Not 50 50.. 51..


And he burst into laughter as I hugged him good bye his head tears falling on my shoulders.

He saved many of you he represents


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