
9/4/2018 21:45 – Facebook Post

7:41-7:42 p.m.


1152 Facebook friends.. – 20.. T…
K E B..
B E.K…

Temple of DREAMS
Paris 1994.

That is the SONG E…
And the SONGE…

Its a Riddle …

R B Rhythm & Blues…

O R B….. R E H T O R B…B R O T H E… R… Response =Robert….

Something is strange is going on…

I received a message from what I thought was from Susan Otelia Nelson. S O.N…

And it turned out to be from Dzidula Offiong .. D.O.

I then responded to Susan Otelia Nelson because of the code 5 7/ 75…Creating the code S O N G ..E… S.O.N.G.E…
Which I have used as the code in her name since she became my facebook friend, knowing that it was incomplete.
Because it is true, my S O N is actually playing my Father who is my brother Self Nnamdi, evolving to the E.
He is Every Thing…
The M U S I C…my past embodied in one Being. NNAMDI; my Back.. B A C K… S.P 55…Universal Sensei.. U.S is our past.

7:50 p.m right now.

The Dollar Bill I saw had a number just as I was handed it to Chris who serves here ( I asked him to give it back so I could exchange it and read the number)
The number written on it is 75.
The Code is 5…
E 5 31 27 89 4 G..
E 53 12 78 94 G..
E G…
1989… And today is 9-4.

I found I was sitting on a bench with two Bottle Caps at my feet.
I recalled the T-Shirt of Robert Kyle Murphy with the 7 bottles of Beer and an eigth which he says is now Heineken..H.
And the T-Shirt of Roberto Munoz with the number 914.. I N…
Looking at the numbers and Year 1989.. @4 Delta and 78 G H..S.P Pearls coming out of their Shell and shows “White” Man passing through a standing mirror portal to greet himself as a Beautiful “Colored” Woman..
and the date today..
1989 is when I began my journal Talking To The Silence in 1989 Sept
1994 was when I wrote the Freedom Song SO N G E.. In a place I called the Temple of Dreams in Bastille Paris.
8:42 p.m.
Chez the Model and Singer Ekayani ( Erica Chamberlain April 1963)

The caps;
Corona Extra… C E.. White and Blue..
A Red Cap with 4 letters discernible “T.. I C O.. and 27 in the gap… And the words “Irresistible”
C E I…

I hesitated to enter the play.. But I took the caps…
And as I was walking to Starbucks I heard some one pass by and I heard the person say “Flip It!”

31 Vertebra… Sacred Portal 31… California… See Anthony Manino from California and New York.
Link the T-Shirt of Rob Barr R B.. O R B ( Stoney Joseph’ Add the Rock.. Solid” See sacred Portal 3…B R O..T H E… R…

M US IC.. And NN A M D I… When flipped becomes
C I… S U M.. M A.T.. I O N.. E
I.D….M A N N . A T..I O N…E.

Today is 9-4-2018… 9-14-2O 18…9-14-2O9… 9 14 29…

I bought a coffee today and once more it was 29…
I immediately thought about Robert Kyle Murphy who I also saw this morning with Ant.. and Kassim who was sitting besides Ant..
( I realized today that he looks like the Genie in Aladdin character, Djinn. Ant looks like Yeshua Christ as a Wizard.
and Kyle Murphy looks like the Happy Buddha.)

Kyle has kept alluding to there being two 29… 58.
And now here I am at Two 29’s both from the Coffee at the Arab Bodega at the cross road of Beach and Archer…

I had replied to what I was sure was Susan Otelia Nelson when I saw a response at 3:20 am.
But I have looked for the message,to no avail.

7:57 p.m.

Some one wrote me in response to a message I sent to Susan which is still there but the response at 3;20 is no longer there.
The response was a response to what I had written to her, so I naturally felt it was her..It was but there is no record of it!

There was a message also from Chris Inabnitt signed CK.I…

Suddenly, I realized that it is all a riddle…

Dzidula Offiong DO….at 8:04 a,m

Susan Otelia Nelson S.O.N….last message to me was at 6:29 p.m.
and I replied at 1:29 p.m.

Chris Inabnitt at C.I.. C K I….9:49 p.m.
My response 7:28 p.m

Bryce-Anthoney Dixon B A D…@10:55 p.m

Emmanuel Kerema..E.K.. at 11:44 p.m.

And just now Adam Dollins A.D @ 8;02 p.m.
Response at 8:07 p.m.

Actually it is rather incredible…
You can read it by aligning it…

8:16 p.m.
Harmony Perfection.

C I D O… S O N ( G E) B- “A” D. E.K….A D…
D AKE..D AB…(E G) N OS ( Our Numbers )…
9:14 p.m. IN.. Roberto Munoz number 9 is Famed Bright Shinning.. Of Light..( O.L/LO)
O D I…
DI Means :IS… Nnamdi…”My Father is Present”

The father is Code reflected in the mirror as Emmanuel Kerema
since Nnamdi and Emmanuel mean the same thing..
*Recall OG Emmanual and Chase earlier in the play…
He gave me a gift of Weed before he left- the first person to show me appreciation… Emmanuel..
See the play of Thin Man O.G From ANT… 10:00 usd.
See gift of Robert Kyle Murphy Butter Cheese O.G
And the Chess Match which Susans Brother Taught her..
3 D..
My sister and I played Chess, but I was not interested in this world Chess I taught my sister a different kind of Chess, seeing full Circle first as the foundation and then from understanding the full circle, Pi.. The 88… 16… Perfection of Everything-only then could you enter the play.
My sister and I played Chess, but I was not interested in this world Chess I taught my sister a different kind of Chess, seeing full Circle first as the foundation and then from understanding the full circle, Pi.. The 88… 16… Perfection of Everything-only then could you enter the play.

Harry Potter .. H P… H O P I… Harmony Perfection.
Ron Weasley ….R W… R O W E…. R OWE’S Emeka…
Hermione Granger… H G.. 8 7… H U G… H U G E..

H R H…See sacred Portal 88..”E M E K A K O L O= 88..16′
And middle names Ikemefuna Will.. and Victor…
I.V… 4 @ Delta.. 4th Dimension Green…Fa.. D…
*I saw these prongs laid out on a ledge on my way back to the Shelter last night it formed the letters V I..
4 6…
Sacred Portals is my rep of Me as my Great Grandmother, modeled after Elvira Adams..
Linked to Kyle Murphy Step Father Sam Adams..
To my Richard who used to always drink Sam Adams..
To the Adam Dollins – the only Adam brother left as a Facebook Friend…
And his message to share a niegbours daughters image who is sick and the sharing generates one dollar per share..
It was sent to me at 8:02 pm.. 82/ 28..
1982 Links Nnamdi and the 2-8 usd Kyle Murphy gave me…

This is crazy.. Its a riddle which I am solving even now…

I just tore a dollar bill by “Accident”

I found the number 468 (2) this morning in the T.V room.
I just checked it it is code 12… L 64 40 70 49… Link Chris Inabnitt 9:49 p.m. I D I..Full Circle…
L 6 44 O7 O4 ..9… Munoz.. 2-012… 32… 5.. E.
L 64 4O7O4..9…

The one dollar bill D B.. Remaining is serial number
1… A…
A 26 86 30 46 D!
A D…Adam Dollins at 8:02 P.M.
A 2 68 63 O 46…D…

See Sacred portal 46…Gode …Cloud 9…
See the meaning on the name Susan Otelia Nelson..
Nelson means “Cloud.. Passionate Champion..!

Coffee Star bucks as yesterday 102…
29 102.. Twice
Served to me by Chris Last night and Lynn today..
C L.. 312…
Assurance Wireless.. A &W number I called through Kyles phone this morning…
888 321 5880…Spoke to a Woman called Anna took 30 secs to get through that notoriously busy line…

The message which D.O sent which I thought was from Susan Otelia Nelson which brought on the full extent of my sadness..
It did not come Susan Otelia Nelson.. S O N…

*Excuse me Susan Otelia Nelson.. but I still recognized the portal of M U S I C.. S O N G..E… Being through you.
And did not put any blame on you but rather chose to ask you to send a gift code in stead so I could get the verification through the M T C N code or Ref Number that it is complete C I Sum of the Music which would be the SONG..E..
The putting Words to the Music.
M W…
W.O .. R D.S…/ S D. R..O W… E..

See the Riddle I just completed today with Rob Barr and the D O C… B.T… DO.. Cee..
Excellent Healer E H… 58
Chi Excellent C E 35
Jace Horsford J K H… Age 24…
Doc…Truth Beautiful is the Excellent Healer .. CHI..E..

M D../ D M..
Manifest Destiny Delta Manor…

* Where I have been made to wait and at which I am furious with this childish game…
Of placing my expression for 6.9 years and 17.5 years in Non Existence ( making me and all I have expressed and done seem valueless that I deserve to be in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter for a criminal almost 24 months….)
When in Truth, I am playing the Crossing Guard for the ones I am directed on Land; Delta Manor, Sea; Starbucks, Facebook; Rep Space really Virtual reality…
When what I really came for was the Harvesting of the Family who have attained the Wave and Cee Consciousness of Harmony Naturally…

Mon 8:40pm
Read it again please….Great Changes are taking Place upon this Planet. We are being called to Venture Deeper into our Hearts and reconnect with our Higher Selves.

These changes are also being felt in our bodies, our Chakra’s are effected as our bodies continue to integrate the magnetic energies coming in. You can literally feel every cell in your body vibrating right down to our bones. Lot’s of tingling sensation I feel all through my body, like our electrodes are all lighting up and being activated more.

Some symptoms I have been experiencing is a lot of pressure in the back of my neck, as well as pressure in my third eye area, at times I even feel it all through my spine the Kundalini energy is vibrantly flowing through us right now.

This is also associated with having a scratchy throat, the pressure in our heads will make us feel a bit foggy some days, associated with blurred vision. I have noticed that there are like two glands right below my ears that want to keep filling up with fluid and they become tender so I massage them and focus my energy towards all these areas to calm it down a bit,

The frequencies will be vibrantly heard in our ears, I know mine have really been elevated, if I sit and focus long enough there are messages in those tones, and when I am outside it is like the Sounds have amplified as our senses are heightening as we tune more into the frequency of Mother Earth.

I hear many sounds that are not familiar, I love to sit and listen to where they are coming from and most usually they are from Nature or deep inside Earth. I have been having some awesome vivid dreams as well and while Earthing last night and looking up at the Stars they appear to be moving closer.

This has to do with the expansion of our Planet as well as ourselves. We are seeing things more vividly as our senses become heightened we are tuning into to everything around us. Whatever you experience do not fear it loves, align with it and bring it into your awareness.

Be the Observer rather than reacting or wondering what is happening, flow with it loves.

I admit the last week of August after the Full Moon things have really amped up and there are many Portals opening, I saw several last night while looking up at the Stars. The Stargates are wide open and Mother is moving through them.

Lot’s happening Loves, I know it is hard to keep up with it all, as we are experiencing this within us while our outer world seems to be crumbling, in which it is only transforming.

Sending Love and Healing Light to all on this Planet, shining in the Golden Rays of Christ Consciousness.

Carry on Loves without fear and allow yourselves to align with all that is happening and transmute it all with Love.

Namaste ?”

Talk about preaching to the Choir and to the one who did the D O… IN G… Of Perfection and then its Reflection “EGO”
Not money..
But the perfect Projection perfectly aligned to The Original..
T O..
B O O..
B F F..
B L..
Brotherly Love…

9:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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