
9/4/2017 21:13 – Facebook Post

9-4- 1O….


Labor Day….

Sacred Portal 54…

Child Birth…

Sacred Portal 41…

“You will Never Be Forgotten”

The Fey Mirach code ( Jean Ann Dortch Genes DNE)

The N.G.C 404….
The Forgotten One… T F O..
The Neglected One…T.N.O.

That is what was on the Army Jacket of the Man in the Shelter whose name I have forgotten for the moment…
He turned to get me some food from the Pantry and I saw it.
He had served in the Military for 25 years or was it 30, and had just retired,
He was the one you may recall, I had asked him why on earth had he chosen to work in a Shelter for his retirement..
He said actually he was working for the Veterans V.H.C…

On another level, I was aware of why…
See my Barak Obama post yesterday….
Guatamo Bay… Parallel Universe… Mass Hypnosis…?

Never Mind…

Anyway, he was the direct response to that equation- its Avatar was the Man.
“A Grateful Nation honors you…” that is the code by the Chinese Take Away…

Chondra and Robert were here… R.C… E R C…I.C…E…

Earlier in was Jamila who was here… I sat besides her and then Lisa arrived…. J… E.L… E. J L… E 10 12… E 22 E V…E..

7:28 p.m.

As the he got me the plate of food,once more my being reeled, at the implications of what I am living… experiencing…
The last post… of course, I was aware.
I posted over and over again my sleeping in an Alley.
Obama slept for a night in an Alley..
I wrote about how both I then later my former host saw Obama in visions of Barak Obama at 268, and myself speaking with him.
And me at the White House
I spoke about the Work I found myself doing to get him elected.
I spoke of how he looked like my Bio Fathers Father who passed in 1967… Who was a Post Master General…from Amawbia.. Meaning “The Visitors”
And the Mau Mau of Kenya- of the Secret Society who transformed into Big Cats.. Leopards..
And the Famous Mau Oracle and Shrine of Dark Magic in Amawbia..
And his wife, my Paternal Grandmother, and her mother being said to be Great and Powerful Witches…
And how once my youngest brother woke up from a dream so angry saying “Grandmother came to him in a dream and sat on his chest and he could not move- and how when I told my bio father, how he reacted instantly and threw her out the House in an instance….

In perfect Harmony my Bio Fathers Daughter just liked two of my post.. just now with a love heart..
Obiajulu Igwe Okolo..

Amawbia means “The Strangers”
My youngest brother was born 5-20-73…
E.T. G.C…E…
Predators Aliens seeking the E.T.. The Beautiful Ones.

I took the food, saying quietly in my mind, the Gall the Balls – the ability to enact out such a play, in which a being is given no choice, his body bound, and utter such contemptible phrases such as “You will not be forgotten”… condescending tripe.

I went to bed, mind churning with this play again struggling with its being possible, real true.. fact…

I am E.. and E.T…and Hue Man… Undercover in a Human Story in which the Humans are and were given the role of my having to pass through their portals of which they have no qualms of empathy.. all they think about is what they need.
They read my post, ignore what I am going through but send me messages to ask questions to ask for intel…
Not all.. but most of the texts I get are demands, questions, challenges, or this sense of self entitlement which is so baffling, and which I would not even deign to respond to, they would not even have access to me, if I had not been forced into a Script…

8:12 pm
There she is again Obiajulu Igwe Okolo…. O.I.O..

I received text from Ciara Nicole Morris.. at 6:32 p.m…
Asking how I am before then asking a question, despite beng aware of my state at calling my response to the World that I am Sorry for them.. not pity but what I am really doing and responding through encoding to all from Human to E.T…
…They really have no idea what I am capable of or how a master I am at covering up my true intentions and response in courtesy calm and cool…

After all, what can I do?
For the moment they have the upper hand…

Clara Nicole Morris.. I do not blame her, I hold her accountable…
I know she is moved.. See the Meaning of the name Clara.. Clarity… Nicole.. ( my temporary new Case Worker…is called Nicole replacing Cassandra who is in vacation.. Nicole means “Victory of the People”.. Which People?
They do not exist….
C.N..Morris.. means Dark… Matter?…
6-32 p.m… Does not equate except as 3 x 2…6…But the Equation is A.D.D… “Jose.. Joseph”.. that is what it means…

3+2=5… E…Emeka Kolo…
Not 32..6… F..Fritz Venneiq….rep of Nature used by Nature as well as my Sister Nnonyem…
F N… Neil Furby…N.F… 14 6… 20..T…Truth? Echo…Evil Echo Lies not Beautiful Liar who lie to be gentle with others…
No Liars who destroy….

Speaking about Neil… Roland Neil bed 4-005, 45…With Dominic Edwin created a set up, to seek to get me thrown out of the Room, in a similar play of room 5A… Also set up by the Invisible Ones… I.O… Link Isis Osiris Ancient Egypt…
X..3 x2.. is a Story…
Delta Manor Mental Health.. Mind University… Erek Eclass Mateo..It is all a story…
6th sense is Expression.. 5 6…There is no 6 5…Expression creates 6th Sense and not the other way..

Well, after bed 4-5 collapsed infront of everyone after challenging me to a Fight…
Embarrassed I suppose, I woke up to the the voice of the Army Veteran letting us know that breakfast was on..
I was awake ( with Ear Plugs.. E.P… Blue and now Orange… 5th Color and 2nd…or 1st and 4th…)

I smoked a cig and dealt with my body stretching the seemingly mummified with resin so sticky, stretching and seeking yet again to re-align the little progress made the day before which I have noticed that when I sleep in Delta Manor, whatever progress I have made, is curtailed, like some virus of the Matrix creeps back into me as if I am absorbing all the Evil in the Delta Manor… The 4th Quadrant… QUAD.. BOX… RANT…

I went came upstairs only to find the Poisoned Dwarf Neil Roland waiting for me in the mess room- he had chosen a public spot…
He accused me of slashing his mattrass…
I did not bother to really respond and just made a face of disgust and walked on…

But as I was walking up the stairs. Jose was coming down with another, and thus, the Dwarf said it again, and said next time cut my face…
Finally I responded, ‘I do not Cut people”

Connect I cut…

Actually I destroy what they represent and if they are holding onto that virus, it carries them away too..
I had done the code yesterday…
I knew it manifests, just as the one with Rosario Marsi in room 5-008 and the one he made his Flat made of bed 5-007..

This was not 5-8.. R M…But it was 5-7 and 4-7…
5 4 7 7…. This StarBiucks number 7745… And the Code for the Toilet is 77 450…
Bed 4-5…N.R… Yes… bed 4-7… and 5-7…
45 77 45…0…
I am 54/45…77…14 5O…E.O..

You get my meaning..?

Toilet.. Flushing away.. Queens… Abyss.. the most dreadful flushing out of Existence.. unimaginable… But I have manifested it as promised for this Script this play, its Source.. The Insult, the Money codes, the Shelter… Everything…

I had my breakfast and then the Army dude came and asked to speak to me…I finished my breakfast it was he and J’Amie..
They told me that one of us would be transferred from the Room.
I told them that there seemed to be no problem that they guy put the music down when I went to bed and only played it when I got up…
I was fully aware of the stupidity of the play of the Two in 5A and now the Two in 4A.. They wished to be the Big Boys… in a Shelter who can do as they please.
And despite my having no interest in that agenda..
8:47 p.m.
( Good it is in Harmony.. S.P Encoded)…

…I speak up when people invade my right to sleep especially when I am made aware that it is a set up.

So, I went to take a nap. and when I woke up it dawned on me that I had stated that there is Evil here infront of the Staff just before the guy collapsed and that perhaps he had slashed the bed himself, no one i that room will do that…
I knew that…

Ah… I said…

Bed 4-009.. 49.. Existential Death and Bed 4-008.. 48.. Nicholas were present and Bed 4-001.. Who I had asked before resting earlier if he had seen anyone come in he said no.. he is mute and was the One I had first defended from bed 4-5 verbal abuse.

Bed 4-002 was present…

49.. Is S.P Existential Death… D.I..E… Death Ray.. D.R…
48 Is Beautiful Death with the Sword of Truth, the Stake the Eye…
41 is Da.. Eleggua Elu ah.
42.. Is Ohm.. Power of the Buddha and Male Female Sexual Energy…

8:54 p.m.

Sacred Portal 54.. Super Nova.. Mother and Father. ( MAF) Father and Mother ( F A M .. I L Y.. E).. Finally Dancing in Universal Harmony Infinity Song.. ( F D…I U H. I S…)
Child Birth & Labour.. ( Labor)… C & B.. 3 2.. 12…

Today I Have Given Birth and look forward to the End of this Life Time of a Labour of Love… Truth… True Love…

They guys laughed when I expressed my truth.. that the guy could have set this whole up, I got the impression that they all knew…
“Yeah and so now he turns and blames you..”

I went to the Army guy and told him me suspicions he seemed to already know, and when I had informed him that I did not have the best experience with this place using correct discernment ( despite it being a play)
He looked at me directly saying that they were not the same staff.
And that I should look around at where I am…
But your “Good’ he said twice.

I knew what he meant..
But I had been fully aware where I was…in Evil Present and Beyond…
I just wondered why no one else spoke up and why I had been the only one who seemed to speak up and get not only punished but saddled with the cleaning up the mess of the Expression Room 5..
And Book.. Box.. Room 4..

I understood that they had wanted me to play dirty as these men this world this play had…
But I did not have to…
I have another source of power.. Truth.. Eternal Law..
I do not Lie…

But to respect Eric the Red and Espirit code Legend.. Both Colognes I found… POLO…And C.K… Yes John Legend…
I told Dee and Moe in the Mess Room so all knew that I had communicated.

And then I recalled Lisa Natalie Johnson 5 55.. code she expressed… Mind -Intelligence… Voice Expression “Speak Up.. no matter your Truth…’ and Heart Empathy not Selfish but thinking of others… All three I witnessed she expressed…


It ends with Fey Mirach and Lisa Natalie Johnson..
E.F… E.J…E.A..In the Ether… Amoza Born Jean Ann Dortch
and E.. J.B… Emeka Jean Born… Emeka Genes Born…


E F.. 5 6… E L.. 5 12… 5 66…See sacred Portal…

9:10 p.m.


I do not forget nor forgive those who show now remorse or learn no lesson…

Then I reveal True Hatred Evil ..their reflected right back at them…All..

E.T Human Super Natural….

Unimaginable Horror.. For taking advantage of the Beautiful Nature of a Gentleman…

9:13 p.m

I.M… Intelligent MUSIC..F D CINQ

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