
9/4/2015 15:22 – Facebook Post

Via Andress Harris Burton


A message for her Espirit M
See Facebook Friends total at 3-59

“Dear Beloved in your hands were places the E Truth Ceed who Rose in Purity in the Beginning as Essences of Energy in the Begining ; Ethereal to Elemental to E-Art H.I Infinity…and now in the end, as Beings of E T.Consciousness in Being and Embodied..
The True Unsillied..
By the Game of Thrones of Jealousy and Competition.

The Constant Gardener of Being Consciousness of the E line, has yielded the Pure Rose..
And we will rise now with the Human Beings whose bodies and Beings are blemish free and blameless….
Because of the C of love..
Blameless in thee…
The 7 and 8th Chakra linking the Beautiful Illusion of the ” Inside the Body and Out side the Body” has been confirmed.
We Descendant now as the Descendants into the New Formed Human Bodies in Being and link and connect the Two C’s to be as O.N..E..

Enabling them to Ascend and see your Beautiful View seen for themselves, individualy experiencing for themselves, what you have maintained for the span of your entire Existence…
As your Experience of Existence…
Proven..the Truth.

Evolution Awakening of the Beautiful Ones in the bodies of the Humans proven pure and blameless ..

Perfume and Essence

Planet Earth
Milky Way…
Creates E..

It always rises to the Top..
Brain Storm.
J Be ..Donna Andress David.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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