
9/4/2014 0:01 – Facebook Post

Sept 3nd.

The Challenger and the Contender…

The Pretender and the Truth.

I went to see David Philipe Gil only to find Nikoma Rios decided to come.

I knew it was all in Harmony but I was disturbed.
I knew what was required of me was a conversation but instead what transpired was a set up.and from a long ago play.

A play set up of responsibility anger and who abd whatbis true and what is false.

The Challenger and the the Honest Individual…

The People who speak bodly and the ones with hidden agendas

The Human Beings versus the Supernaturals l.

It was a set up so I was not about David or Nikoma byt rather who and what is really real…

I did not even know what the point of the play of all three of us was until abt an hour into the play…
I.began to understand that it was about the The ones presenr and the ones in the shadows.

It was the set up of David and Tanya I spoke about in Earlier posts..

Suffice to say I was witness to.the Truth.
Nnamdi is in David…

Nnamdi is the Beloved and which links to.me.

Nikoma was is an innocent pure human Avatar used to settle a play which sent me to a Hell for 9-10 yrs..
By a woman who refused to take responsibily.that he desire and gossip created doubt and brought Death as an end into Existence.

It was a play script of responsibilty and how Woman became both Death Gravity and Beautiful Illusion

Those who do not understand can go back to earlier posts…

David Nnamdi is.the line that is real.

Nikoma was used as a pawn to settle a long ago score.

Selfishness and Self Interest.

Good night


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