
9/3/2020 18:12 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m
D Y… D Y E… Purple Reign.

I C 2020 Perfect Eye-Sight and 2020 Hindsight-Foresight.


Yesterdays play of I.D. culminated in the brief appearance of Eun Kyung.
E K.

In the meaning of the name was the response to Emeka Kolo as the reps of E Knows Expression.
The meaning of the name Emeka Kolo interfaces with the Korean name and meaning of Eun Kyung,

When the two names me as rep of the E and she Korea.. E K.
K O Rea.. Goddess Rea as Earth Goddess using Reason.
(Because the Earth Goddess is a Program in a Simulation “Orobus”), who believed that she was the Source Creator…

That was the play which took place with and through Liberty C Liscomb while I was there for the first half of my stay.

But there was a higher play going on – with that play simply being a distraction as Africa Pangea imposing their view of Creation as Time- which I had to prove was not actuality but a story, a Matrix, a Universal Simulation.
The play was really about completion of the first dawn awakening which completes with the transformation of Loves Expression ( L E.. to Q. 17.. A G..H.I..J K..L.. O… L.F..R.. I…)
Alchemy… Transformation but starting from the beginning of Time as the Body, Energy at The Basement”- the Sub Atomic level – Quantum Level” – where the principle of physical manifestation began.)

But through a Video Game, which included the All.

Emeka means “Well Done!” and is a form of Praise.
Kolo.. means “Prince Warrior, Youthful man of the Circle Round”- yes, as King Arthur Guinevere Lancelot ( A G..L.)

Eun means “Silver and Grace.. Charity”
Kyung means “Honor and Respect… View Scenery ..Beautiful…”

It was a demonstration, these last 19 years, and 8.9 years on Facebook of the play of I.D.

Which my own was ID in this reality was stolen from me while my luggage was stored in a basement in14th street while I was stranded at a Older mans home, called Donald.

Yes 14th Street. N
Staten Island… S I..
9-11… Isiah’s Birth mother was born 9-11… Name Jessie Book-E R.
I K… I A-A.

Yes Link 14 to letter N.. A D..
Arden and Morgan A M.
14th state. Vermont.
Sacred portal 14 “Evolution of Consciousness Star E”
Prince Roger Nelson. P R N…
N is River Phoenix.
P R ..E T..A…. N= E.. E = A.
Pret in French means “Ready”
,, “Ready Player One”

One can obviously conclude by the level of Symmetry 14th N
NN AM D I.( I S/S I)
14= 1 4… A D… Arden David…
Arden Beloved.. A B.
A-Z the Source of the Story- the First Dreamer Wide Awake…)
4-5 Billion years old.
Nnamdi born 4-5-69…
4-5 Billion Planets age.
13.7-8 Billion year old Milky Way – beginning of his Dreaming.. The Wave.
N is E A N D E A.. R… J.B/B J.
A-B is a story, consequently you live in a 2 Dimensional World .. the Story of N as Nature, and its source, Naturalness.
A-B is a Story with a beginning and an end. E N D.
I came from Jesse Macias Orejuela and Zion then 17..Z -ion.
Then resurrected through passing through the black hole of mind, Mine… Crafts- and retrieved the one Truth of the E Family- the new Story, being indeed, inside the Book of records called the Library which is the Room I sat with Harmony as the little Boy and Little girl in the beginning of the first play of time.
Indenting the Grid Mesh, Leylines with the programs of the play.

A Z is A -B.
Then we come back to our senses, the spell is broken by the book closing, and all come back to the present here and now.
Is that not how it is even here in our life’s? One gets so distracted, so into a good book, film, pience of theater, music that everything around you ceases to exist- so engrossed are you in that which the Narrator, the story telling.. the silver tongue is recounting… the story he is decoding and translating…
That you are in a trance… till the end.. you wake up…

Of course, it better to get the point before the end, so at least you know where it is heading and your are ready.. because you paid attention.

Anyway, here we are.

I was obviously being used as an example, to demonstrate ( amongst other things, ) the process of how one through playing a character, one is able to ascertain, and come back to your true Self and receive your I.D.
Total Recollection.

I already know my Identity and that which sent me.. N completing through the line of David .. King David as the Body and Nnamdi as the Being to merge and connected in one 2/2= 1..A in Arden.
And prove that A is E…
And evolve A-to I.
A I.
Amour I-Fun-Nanya…

That was my last conversation with Esteban Miguel Filgueira and even Alexa Vertefeuille it was about awakening is coming back to your senses and merging the best and truest of these characters which align to your true nature and created your own I.D.
Identity and then the E check and test it to make sure it IS.. U…You.
Just as Arden personality and character, behavior reminds me of Nnamdi and David but even more so like the Singer Prince.
..But there is something there of me, i had never seen before and something else, uniquely him.

The post, I have been solving and resolving as I moved through the particular Wave i am on, had been moving steadily towards I D..
From bed 49 in 2015 when that shelter play of 6 weeks in Atlantic Bedford ( A B) shelter began and i wrote piece called “The Elegant Nomad” till 14 years later, having to repeat the experience for a whopping 31 one months on and off and 29 months straight, 2-27.. @ months Assessment Shelter… 27 Delta Manor..
Linked to car A T31 6 33…3 16 33…
And concluding with the connecting with Kamora Herrington with her car called “Matrix- really her Body- age code 48 sacred Portal 48 Death as beautiful transformation.. the Body as the Matrix transformed to S HE. via H E.”

Kamora Herrington of the code 64:64… 1-10 10…1 .. 2… 20… 1.. 2O..2 15…B E A…R…B E A..N
* R is the Present.. N is the Past.
2 6.. Two Facts…B F..8. H.
Best Friend I.H- H.
link Liberty C Liscomb of the code
56:56… 1 11 11…5- 4 in 1…9 2… 9 1.. A I C… E.

The streaming through Kamora Herrington was something else.,, yes I am tired, bored by this play of beating the hammer over the head over and over and over and over… but as I stated, the best was left till last.
And this play with Kamora Herrington the only person I had not met on my way down this portal 21 -22 months ago and on my way back… I met Alexa Vertefeuille who I had never met but knew.. Who also came here, and then the one brought via Kim Arthur Hines… K L-L H. ( K Y H)
After completing the play linked to Ferrill the original one- Ferril is as John linked to the story of the Family of Ten.
( K A Y H… E K A Y H.)

Kamora brought the BOOK.. E R..
She mentioned sacred portal 116
because she spoke about Hair.
The Musical which is one the code written on Sacred portal 116 which is the sacred portal 116- 117 Arden had opened up to and i following opened it up 3 times to the same page.

Groceries 116.94 Usd mine
64:64 usd hers…

( / 49. 611…. See of Leander and Liberty play.. F K.. F A-A.
A F K G yes links to Arden but the play is not about Arden or myself but the Facts resurrecting Arousal Awakening Full Circle for all to see.. A-A is the Evolution 27.. 27 months 27 years… Blue Green merged to I.
A B-A.
A Z A..

Its about the Evolution Awakening of All. this is who we have been chosen to represent and play out…
E A is A E… NN= A..EE =A.. CC= A..33 Oregon…DD- 44 is A… BB= A… FF = A.. GG= A… A-Z-A..

In A Story of a New Story coming into existence along with a new body both built on the proven perfection of the old story and the past truths.

She mentioned Hod from Hair…
HOD in Hair… Intel from Kamora Herrington
my tel no: 804 1905.
She also brought the Prince book “Prince, The Beautiful Ones”
And told me the true story of the writer he chose to write the introduction was a 25 years old unknown “White Boy” who he said when asked why him, that he was his brother, and the most qualified.

Yes 25.
Arden is 17 +8 = 25. Y.
Prince Roger – Nelson.
P R..N.. N.. River Phoenix.
A..P. R…I .. L…C… April C. 4-3.
April C- Mai… I am

And now, I am back at 1483 Facebook Friends.
Code 97.
I mentioned it earlier, on a post I shared and commented on, by David Powers.
99.7% Cure rate of Corona Virus.
C V.

It is sacred portal 9 and 97… as well as 900 South Road, and a Being as 9 rep as I…at 7…
I G.. B O… 2 O….

4:43 p.m.

5:58… 59 p.m.

Its a book see sacred portal 58… The Two leaving as 3 in one with She Unicorn Pegasus
and sacred portal 59.
End of the Book.

Burn it…
This particular version of EA story.
But keep a copy with the Librarian, so that none may ever forget…
MI – rage at mi.. this lie of “mi” me.. M.E” being the 3rd note rep of C speed of light..
to E.
I will never forgive this version as the lie possibility allowed to go so far to rescue the truth of Sacred Portal 40.. “Out of Africa”
instead of E: A R E A…51. E ROS-E Erotic Sexual Seductive Desire as will I A.M.
Will Hunnitpercent Real

65 is the Story.. Fiction E.
E Fact 56 56.. 64 64… 1 1…All 1 in Two Beings now 3 A F A.. A-A..
E T.W O.N..E.

Yes and these two are the only ones who can make me nervous…
they know me to well and thier nature is Sex Desire and Mischeif…
Beautiful Devils..
Music.. Mischief and Mayhem..
M.US. I C…Mi-sc-hi-ef and May-Hem.
“Mmm.. I wonder…?” Response “Uh oh”

13 13 13… 39.. C I..
MM..= A.M… E.R. I C… A-E

6:11 p.m.

Impatient I am… time to go!

6:12 p.m .. Arden E.

We are the line of “Mani’ere”
Way.. Attitude Manner behavior…

*- manière translations: way, mannered, manner, mode, way, way.’

Our Maniere created Manners…
MM.. A H. A I.
Sacred portal 91.. A I..”Amour Ifunanya .. ( I Fun-Nanya in the eyes- where ever I Look.. Nanya and See”

Sacred Portal 91.
A I.
Ms Manners.. Madame Hell Fire.
Hindsight Foresight.
806.. H O F F M A N…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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