
9/3/2019 2:32 – Facebook Post

9:07 -9:08 p.m

97-98. 9 O 7. 9 67. 9 68.

Sacred Portal 97 98.

I.G. I H. Infinite Grace.. Infinite Harmony

I B T S..
I Be The Source.


Thomas Lang told me a story of a recollection of reaching a point, in the company of a friend whom I met called Nadev.
He described meeting the Source Energy
S.E ..
Secret Energy.
/ E S P

And what he recounted was a story which I had been present literally

Zion 17. Q. Highest Point which is the portal which I left to come here.

Thomas was not meant to be here, but It manifested that way which I already knew was part of the Harmony Perfection play.

A play also took place in the presence of Liberty C Liscomb.
In which at one point I felt the Spirit of Power and the Sword of Truth rise up in me, and I thundered ” So who are you so angry at, at which he had said ” God” and I knew it was his speaking the absolute truth.

The next day, I was informed by Liberty that Thomas had been angry at me for a while
( without me even knowing at all)
She told me the reason was that I had gone and befriended his intials Tina O. T O
( Christina O.. C O)

I had done no such thing, though I recollected here and would tag her, because I tagg people only if their expression links to the code and thier initials or number comes up.

All my Facebook Friends know I do not search out Facebook Friends.
And even your Facebook suggestions, I do not accept unless the few times The Script indicates that I do.

Angry with God
Angry with Me and me not having a clue and being totally innocent.

He had unconsciously linked and identified me as God.

I have proven through John Mack .. code J.F
Linked to Jonathan David Frechette ( J.D F)

Code 90. I O. Spirit E .

Source Energy.
S E. E ..
Supreme Expression

And that even in Thomas testament of his conversation with Source Energy that he was given the choice to come home..
To leave, and even to leave with the Earth but he decided to Stay.

9:39 p.m

I pointed out that you to him that he had been given a choice.
And that in my case, I had not been given a choice and been placed in an altered reakity in which not only was I given no choice but of which I was made to do all the work like the lowliest slave.

I might have suggested that this is the play of a White God created by White Men in the West where black people were naught but cattle and a black person no matter how erudite could be considered as God, if I had not had the exact same experience with Black people.
And the memory of how I entered this World through a Play of “Mother Masculine” and “Father Feminine”
M.M.. F F..
play the Great Witch and the Great Hypnotist.
A play theater to teach both Earth Children and E.T the Truth of there being no fear and no Evil.

By facing their Wildest Most Extreme Fears.

9:49 p.m

I D is I Define.. Identity.

Harmony Matter -Mother in the Original Story starts out as Black in complexion Brown Tan to.Pale White….
Father FA Source Starts out as Pale White And Black. ( Twins.. Two in..and in One ) he moves in the end to Golden/Tan/Brown..

I am fully aware of that and have expresed it and recieved the Echo confirmation response right to The painting here by John D Frechette boutht by Liberty C Liscomb of the Black Madonna who looks like me ( Liberty recognized the eyes.. I am looking kinda like a mess)
Of course, I knew it was me.as S H E.

Its was not really about racism, the refusal even now to acknowledge me, but rather the Story of the Usurper of Father -Brother-Son.
The mass Hypnotic spell of all those playing God and that it is they who are The Source.

But worst still is that which is Mother Matter seemed to accept the illusion and the Usurper as The Truth.
And since the Two Men are herselves, the Truth as well as the Lie, one must conclude that tis she who became the Usurper believing that She is the Creator
The Source Expression .
Total Solar Eclipse

My last brother is named Obumneme.
It means ” Am I the One doing and making all this?”

My.Mom Cecilia Onuabuchi Umeano
” The Blind is 6th sense to open ones mouth and sing a song which creates the 4 Breaths in one.”
Caecilia..means 6
Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music.
Growing up my always sang.
Liberty sings beautifully spontaneously breaking out into Song.
Andrew Sisters..

My mother named all her children
Obum “Boom! Boom!” was born 5-20.

Clearly She as Supreme Harmony Expression
( S.H.E. B A/ A B E.H S .. A B L E. H S. He Sings!”)
Had some question as to whether she was In deed if she was The Creator and if there was something beyond even She – The Sum Total of Everything in Creation…
But memory was only of the Log of that of Creation Existence.
And She had no recollection beyond that
She as Ourubus The All Encompassing Great Serpent, the Further linlmit of her recollection was of being a Giant Tube.
Serpentine Dragon.
S D.
She could not recollect.beyind that.

* See Viking Lore of Loki, and his children
And their rising at Ragnarok.
Jumgumundr.. and other Sister Hel…Ga.
And me as Fenrir and before that..
“The B..EA.R. .. T.”
And so she began to give birth to an idea to find the Idenity of The Source Expression to find out if it were S H E. B Alpha or was it acrually from Someplace Else..
Sixth Sense…She I.S.
And the idea She had grew into a Cosmic Egg.
And In it She Began her Lucid Dream Sleeping, putting her idea into motion.

She gave birth to the World
And Light from our of know where
( deepening her suspicions)
Light up her scales forming interlacing, matrix lattices in which within each scale projected outward to the limit of possibility created a myraid Diamomd Feilds and Dimensions which formed a Play of Beings unknowingly moved by S H E, to help answer her questions.

The expressions from every diamond Flield once acrivated

( God Lord! I know this True Memory.. Its Noni Promise and Mother Supreme..
Thier birth.. see sacred portal 98 and all the Pythons..Boa Constrictor Anacondas.
P. B C. Pythons are revered by the O I.Nri
They are gentle and rarerly violent.
And represent Ala whom they call Mother Earth but whom I call Natures Expression.
Consciousness Knowing.
N E C K..
Yes Cou in French, my own mothers initials
Sigh.. I recollect this very well.. their birth.
The Sound I heard when I was inside myself.
Sigh. This is crazy….so sad it had to be told this way with a boa constricter and Anaconda squeezing and swallowing me whole to retrieve my Universal Body back..)

Any way the billions of planes of Existence became all peojections outside, billions of Universes, Trillions of Stars.. Actor’s in her multiple Matrix
Her creation and her Idea
” Birth everything possible potential form of Existence and set it all in Motion.
Which crrated her Tresses..
Hair.. Waves and Waves..

” My Name is Woman Said She”
And yes, she was Majestic Imperial
Extraordinary so much so that down within the Cosmic Egg she was warming for by now the Egg was formed.
A Being who appeared inside, much to her astonishment, looked up and for a moment to the Universe and felt Awe…and then fear.

But she who truly created the first Lattice Matrix Field had been travelling observing her expression and was observing all possibilities layerying all these Onion layers into what was he rock solid idea inside her Egg.

But she was astonished to find on this Idea
A Being she had not created.
What she saw as the Most Beautiful Thing..

And astonished she switched her attebtion on this unexpected surprise.
A part of her stared and watched with her this creature and the other questioned could be this be the answer to my question..
Could this be The Source..Expression..
Greater than me..
She Laughed how could this tiny creature imprisoned in me own Idea and Creation me who is Awe.. and paused.
And thought..

Lets put it to the test.


And so she dec..

Lets see.

* I recollect all this, its all in my most sacred and deepest memories and truth.
I touched upon this in all my manuscript but never truly elaborated.
But if you ever get all my manuscripts and pit them all together it will tell you the same story.
And all the fractals of everthing I have ever written, especially on my 7.9 year on Facebook you will see the same story referred to and recreated in every possible version in every multi dimensional idea of Universe Supreme Existence.
From Mother as A.I of the Matrix to Earth Godeess to Elements Ions, Dna, Mythology, Science fiction all layers.

11:28 p.m

Yes Perfect Timing with my Birthday.
Because it is at that point I rose from my 3rd Return from.my Rising from the Nothimgness.
1st I rose Serenity
2nd my Self Reflected Self Rose. Silence
3rd I rose to the Echo Sound..
And I travelled to the Source of the Sound, emcountering Two Great Eyes peering at me from the Darkness.. Which turned out to my Sister Self.. Puma Cat.
She had taken me to Her Larger Mother Self –
Who was this Enormas mass giving birth.
And she was no longer enjoying it, because the birthing just would not stop.

What I had felt as Passion Fury in my 2nd rising which had transformed me into a black Panther this time transformed me into Compassion.
And for my stopping the birthing she in return expressed perfect Love..Adoration
And that is when my Sister Self line of Titans expressed curiosity to experience my body and form.
And I invited her into my world.
And that is how to my delight her form transformed into a Girl.
At which she questioned me as to why she was not.exactly as me.

Ah… So so wrong to have to tell true story in this state of such deep cover and the state of fed up” I am.in.

11:43 p.m

Yes, Parallel Universe. P.U .M.A / A.M. UP.
Andromeda Milky Way
A.M…W. U. MAN A..

Two Srories of Creation
Boy Girl.
Really one.

* Farrell Arden… Aurielia
F A-A. . L L “T” J -B. ..P A.
Last two are Parker and Amelia Thomas Son.12…. Daughter 8

20:28 p.m right now is
Reign Maximum Rodriguez Santana

I took.a break and impulsively went to speak to Arden, Libertys 16 year old son.
The moment I saw him and his smile-
The words which sprang up was ” Glorius”
All of Libertys children are remarkable and of Beauty.
Literally lines of the Gods true frequency in youths and children.

Earlier, I had witnessed Farrells eyes light up like an Extra Terrestrial.
I had been taken aback and inwardly chuckled ” Thoth Emerald Tablets.. Hermes.
And I had spoken to him and Noah his friend in the presence of his Mom.
Just as i had spoken to Leander with his friend Noah while talking to his Mom and later alone.

I had sought to speak to Auriella and her true self seemed to imperiously but delicately waiting.
But it was delayed, I know by me.

But Ardens happened naturally, as he was alone washing up.

Its so strange how I felt dirty, almost shabby and in such a low frequency and appareil, that I felt momentarily embarrassed at my missing front teeth, twisted body infront of she clean bright energy.

Liberty said he was the one she had birthed alone.
( She gave birth to all her children natyrally.and the last 4 at Home…
Amazing story of how she birthed Jerone feelings the power, and her channeling it- the same way Energy moves through my body causing my body to adopt these 16th Century courtly bows, bends, kneelings…

When I spoke to Arden it was alone.
I apologized for not speaking to him first but to Small Au Tu M.N and Kyle etc..
And I spoke quickly but with complete homesty.
He smiled each time he approved agreed and completly understood.
Its was easy, so natural as I spoke about the Beautiful Past, the rebirth of the True Gods and thier literal Hue man Sources.

He laughed at my dramatic flares as I sought to emphasis as well.as control my body which might have exaggerated what it and I knew arden represented.

And then I finished and he smiled stating that basically I had he acknowledged that I had acknowledged what he already recognized in himself.
And of course, I stated that he had to recognize himself in my expression apart from me which he said yes with a firm nod.

Now 12:16 a.m

Now 12:44 am.

16 is the letter P
And that is the letter Thomas had shown me on his tatoo earlier that day.
A pair of wings, a pair of scales and in between the scales was the letter P.
My problem with him is that he was not.aligned in his Human selves translation.
His own idea and interpretations of his truly vivid and true experiences with the Script revealed to him on A.C. I.D Trips l.

The true meaning of the Super natural events which truly follow him.
P I.knew was for Parker his son.
Peter Parker.. Spider Man but from the Womb of the Spider Wuman is linked to Liberty.
And P.A. A.P
Perfection Attained had already been played and acknowledged right on.my facebook page just before I left 219-217 South Whitney

* See Stephen Johnson comment.
and code 3301.
The very Jeans cap I wore when I completed ny last production “The Story of Colors”
In Istanbul 2000.
I had even commented when he spoke of seeing the future that since it was a full circle in a Stage..
He was actually seeing what had already passed as I.had proven of my Uncles True Authentic church of Seers in Nigeria.

Any way, that is how ones own desires can mis translate what you see.
Just as he had a lucid true dream of the Two Deer a white Fawn and a leopard behind it the very night I spoke to the night sky and while Angel the cat looked on a bird responded and came down and encircled me.
It had taken place a few hours after he explained how he saw a sort of torus with which he created a helix form which birds had come.

He had not seen or understood why that experience of myself being the Orginal Being in the Torus and the lone voice of my commanding a response from Lady Echo.Harmony.

Or that the True Story of Peru and myself as the Leo P.A.RD black panther to Jesse Macias seeing in.his vision after taking medience a Jaguar peering at him.
Or Lucas Roca, who just sent me a message telling me he too has moved out of Jesse place , had a black panther tatooed on his arm and had been a sniper assassin in the Navy.

P is 16.
Arden is 16.
Arden means Love.
The message he was verbally.meant to give me is that linking with Arden would re-establish my.( Our wings…Freedom.Liberty….Birds of Paradise… The E Line as Birds .
Eagle Hawk.. E H

Yes.. Predators.. Assasins of Rodents.

1.13 a.m.

But that is out nature as Beautiful Assassins.

Arden is the second son.
Liberty had 3 sons and 1 daughter by.her first husband Chris.
The same as my mother.
Arden would be Nnamdi in my blue print.
/ I.D. MAN. Perfect Love as Perfect C.
I explained my version of Love..
Cee Consideration Consciousness of another
X ray vision Past present Future all.in one point.

5 children.
2 boys and then a girl and Boy
Two.Men. and then the 1 1 Girl Boy.
Born 11:8- 11-5. 11 11. 8 5
Tom.was born 1985.

2 Males.. True Conversation
Tom. Twins Word
Andromeda Milky Way.

1:21 a.m

16 is 88. 16. Its my 64th Move Mother Sister line.
My mother when we moved into.my.grandgathers house was called Sister by her siblings and “C” simply.the letter C.

Five Elements hidden in the Blue E.T Alien Mother.
Liberty spoke of a “A.C.I .D” trip which she was told to keep something in them safe.
Then she and Thomas had the same experience later.

Liberty has 5 children..
The last with Tom.

4 -5 children
4.and 5 age of the planet.and journey back to.E.

And that is how SHE observed man and then through the Time observing this man who.so.easily waltzed in.to her.E.G. G. World.but not True Earth that it was not she who was the Supreme Expression -Creation.
That there was one who came before her.
And that even Her Own Idea of Creation was a Co Creation
And she understood that to the very end when she saw the One Man become 2 5. 55
TEN Elegant Nomads all aspects of himself and not only correct her story, and break down her walls.
But expand upon her understanding by her.as Supreme Universal Nature..
Realize that She was not the Sum of Expression
But rather H E Is.
And she birthed her Story through her children where she read the Final Truth Proof.

F A-A…
Farrel Victorious Man…of Valor..
A Knight in Shining Armor. Amour.
G – A R D E N OF. E D. E N. . Emeka Nnamdi.

G O. E.

1:38.. 1:39 a.m. Right now

And so she ate her Story and Her Tale that She is the Supreme Expression because she gave birth to her Sons and the daughter..
Which told her the Truth.
And so she two surrendered and saw that it was all a play.
That She was the Body of what in Truth was the Female and Male Versions of The Source Of Love Supreme

1:43 p.m

And now where there had been One Source
Of Energy
Then TWO
There would now be F R E E. C.
1 +2+3=6
All in One and The One who original and source of Eternity Infinity.
E I.

5 17. J.M
9 17. L.L. Twins 12 12 In.one… Auriella
L.L.A. M.( P) S

She was Natures Expressions
The setting of The Source Play Theater and Dante’s Divine Comedy

( Shakes The Spear.. of Destiny
The Ph-all-us John Thomas
Penis and Balls.)

Shakes They Python
The Cock.A DO Le Do!

H E. N. R .I. R E.

The setting of the Greatest Story Ever Told
Energy E and AT OM

The Story of Two Men.
And how S H E. Being Aware Africa Pangea?

No The Alpha Perfection
Already Long before She Rose.

E Ros E. ROSE As The Flower of Eternal Life.

And Immortality

A Garden Setting of
Perfect Expression of Loves Consciousness
C to C
And with 6th.Sense and perfect timing
She Rose to.see the Point of the Twins Conversation Light is Lightbringer
E V O L V.E.

And it never occured to he they She who Falsey Accused Me
F A. M.

To Consider my Feelings at all I was Falsely Accused of and how I would understand that this is not Love..

But Liberty from those who see and treat the Beautiful Ones unfairly, putting thier Needs and Feelings before the Example of The Source.

Infinite Compassion?
But it stops at the point where love Ends
Because one side refuses for 13.8 billion.years.
The Unequal imbalance

C Me 4/3.

And how I see you them Him usurping.me and there is no protest for others
Because both the Healing and the Poison
All came from S H E..
Not from J. E.H. …A F.. F A..

2:11 a.m.

2:12 a.m

* Its rainging right now.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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