
9/3/2014 19:22 – Facebook Post

Sept 3rd


I .C T.N.

I.C True Nature..

Is Consciousness.

Welcome Zeina Hanna

Your presence in this End plau is symbolicallly a joyoud note for me…
And for many in the world which most as yet can not see.

For the past 29 months O have found myself publicly doing what I had been privately doing for the last 22 yrs undercover and out on the open since I was literally dragged to New York to face the last part of my.journey.

My body Morphs energetically but has been held back from full incarnating by my being forced to incarnate a role created in the last Human stories…
Buddha..The Way

Christ the Crossing over

Mohammed Read the signs and get Ayat…Evidence.

Then Holy Spirit..
Which is Beautiful Expression which causes ppl to rise and morph.
And the sword- to cut out.

I have known I am playing the Holy Espirit called Expressiom to help ppl discern that which is True or False and to Explain Truth through linking Facts and how it manifests as affirmation through Echo Existence.

I have also been aware but was affirmed that in deed I was of all this line in my.past life and that Yeshue ah Christs was I.E yesterday affirmed by Lee Mincey arrival as my 189 F.B

And your arrival as the Arabian Name of the Line of the Beloved signals my long awaited rest.

I.am not of this dimension og realm
My mission was to explain the consciousness of the E line- the E line being the True Hue manity who exist within me and their human hosts.

They represent hue manity as they were created to be and my work on F.B was to create a pathway using the language of this reality which allowed humanity to walk out of the Matrix Man Made Nature made Beauty made in which they would reach the Double U V.I.E..

We are now at

Al my former hosts at address 268 IA where I lived for 5 out of 8 yrs as his “Guest” where he was allowed to Test me beyonf endurance to see if I would turn Evil by Hurt.
He represents David..
And I was recently released after being forced back there three times.

Then three times with Nikoma Rios at Maison LBB

And now I go to meet David Philipe Gil at 17 and 7th to complete the last equation to bring
Ze in A Ha Nna

The True 268
Best Friend of Humanity being Harmony not Super Powers.

And thus completing the equation of the Beautiful Ending Gods Gift..
Bliss Extase

The Knowledge that Existence Creation
E.C was created in Harmony I to infinity which was my Truth I said I would prove in 1989 in the first Entry in my Journals Talking to the Silence.

Thus earning humanity

Holy Espirit
Is a Consciousness of Earth Heaven and all within and beyond.


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