
9/29/2019 19:15 – Facebook Post

4:54 p.m


The Source
The Script
E T.C. I

Liberty C Liscomb took me on a
walk on a path Thomas Lang had discovered.
She wished me to have a place and view of Dawn.

As we walked the path, discussing intelligence of the Consciousness and subconscious interface of which would awaken Humanity.

My groaning, that this 7.9 month Facebook posting, and Equating, was the E Manual
She laughed, with great amusement.

Emmanuel Kerema E.K.
Babalola Tobi Emmanuel B.T E
Jacinta Emmanuel J.E.
Rita Emmanuel R E.

That to interface the Two was as simple as 123.
Ah Be Ce.. See.
And that I had provided the World, and for the last 10-11 months in Hartford Connecticut..
Through portals rm 114 Grant Moor,
Red Roof plus Hotel Asylum Avenue rm 904.
29 Street Esteban Miguel Filgueira
217-219 South Whitney
317-319 Fair Field Ave
900 South Rd Harwington
All the necessary proof and data.
Manually connecting the dots.

I.had just emerged from 27 months at Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter where I was forced to prove my Equation of Conversation cures Mental Health and in its purest form is signs of Evolution.
I had spent 29 months straights in a shelter.
Lost three front teeth.
With a body twisted and glitching systoms now in not only in herself and her son.

* Air waves filled with Twisted Expression by peoples irresponsibility, and refusal to take responsibility for their consciously re-inventing and twisting the Truth.

I had proven manually, while in discomfort beyond belief, the Arts Science, of Existence Expression Conversation Consciousness using the pure western Empirical Methodology l.

And all my expressions with her, aligned with what she had read.
From Andrew Bartiz. A.B.
Mike Edgars M.E
A.Hodge A.H
Anastasia Fact or Fiction
* She has a friend called Anastasia son called Stephan
And after our conversation
Aug Tellez
And a Woman initials C.K.

Chufa Kabu
Chukwuemeka Kolo.
C K.
Clark Kent.

My Manual Work had not been taken seriously,
The most astonishing realization by me.
I had been treated with condescending superiority by nearly ever person, in nearly place including the world.

I was given the treatment of a Nobody.
Mr Nobody.

Confirmed by Stephen Johnson in his 11:43 post in which he called himself a ” Broke Ass
Mr Nobody who truly cares about the world”

This very Mr Nobody- a movie I had suggested amongst others which could see,
Was immediately followed by Busayo Alonge
post of Mr Nobody..
Master Gardner Guest..

See Tree Sage photo in a Garden and a Farm with Serenity.
The Script.

And it was a ” Mr Nobody ” called Stephen Johnson.
Sacred Journey
A Gift from Stephen / Esteban Miquel Filgueria
Created by Peter Bragino.
P.B./ B P
Beautiful Pride.
2 16.

Brandi Privett

Brandi Standford
Desmond Gpk Wheeler
B D Beautiful Death.
S.W.. South West. South Whitney
Wilderness School.

Sacred Portal 48

*5:48 p.m right now is

And after swallowing all these insults,
Solving even the riddle of E S P as well as how one can read peoples Minds by thier own Creations even their children, and their names meanings, dates of birth.

I was

5:50 p.m
A Tree just fell right across from me where I sat above on the porch.
Arden Autumn ( Small)
Ferrel all hollered out as the saw it fall..
They were down below.

It could have killed someone..

A Tree Falls
Does anyone hear it..?
I did, saw and heard it so did 4 others.
A F A A..
A F A S . A T. Aug Tellez.

Beautiful Death…Ah..

I had informed Liberty and the Force moving her, that this Script had demanded to know my I.D.
The Source? T S
The Creator T C
God … G O D. 7 O 4. 76 4. 7 64.

5:56 p.m right now is

I had not come to answer such questions,
Or be Tested Checked Interrogated to answer anyone, Seen or Unseen, heard or unheard questions and challenges.

But as I have proven through a play with Liberty in which we went to South Whitney and then paused at 509-511 Farmington that I had proven I could easily read, and transparently show how I and anyone could the Worlds E.M.Field
The Script of Creation
And the Blue Print of Existence

And make what is Invisible Visible
V.I. King.

And that is how I was led at last through all this resistance..
” Mr Nobody”
To prove something my own bio sister had stated almost a decade ago,
” you have nothing to prove to me” as well as my own bio Mother.

So who was I being moved by the Human Subconscious for.

6:04 p.m
Superiority and Competitive Human Paradigms really felt, and feel that I must prove my Idenity to them, so that they would feel safe?
The absurdity of solving riddles of Existence to those who had denied even Curiosity Investigation C.I
A Human Being.

And even now, at the portal of Liberty,
One month to the day, drama and all its play..
Body twisted, contorted, more questions demands.. Need that I explain to those whose arrogance and conceit, who denied me.
Even leaving me, to die in the streets, in their homes…

Aug Tellez is the intel which came to Liberty this morning confirming what I had done on the way home from South Whitney and 509-511 Farmimgton.

Yes there is a Farm here owned by Liberty
A Garden
And Green House
F.G ..G.H
6 7. Galatic Historian .. Moi?
G F. H G
76 87.. See sacred portals.

The ability to read:
From Aug Tellez

“Trauma.healing D.N.A. Unlocking”

“There is a technology which exists which enables the Consciousness Mind
*( C.M
At Jesse Macias home I occupped the room formerly rented by Carlos Maurice..C.M.
C Me 4/3)
” to read the subconsciousness.
It heals Trauma and Distortion programing..

Sigh 6:19 p.m right now is

You do recall my post on Ragnarok
And the meaning of the name ” Loki”
* Sacred Portal 77.
And Jorgumdr Ourbus..
And the Expansion of the Perfection
O Full Circle?

Ehh, not concerned if you did not.


Or my Post about P.T.S D

Really P.T. S.D
Perfect Timing Santana Dharma.
Eternal Law.
Emeka Liberty.

Perfection. Poise.. I. DON.
Arden Garden Harden ..I A RD EN
His name means ” Love ”

P. T.S. The Source The Script. T 20 S 19.
2019.. Delta Greed. Oh by bad.. Green 4
Da V. I D. E.

Or Mila Starfyre share on the refusal to accept the Truth and Proof of Quantum mechanics
All is Energy nothing Solid just empty space.

I did not come for any of this.

I was sent by my Father Nnamdi Yeshua Christ Eros to alert the world to the Evolution A.M.
And not up clean up as a slave and rag of ages the mess of people’s Anger Temper Tantrums Temporary Rage.. Insanity going back 4.5 Billion years.
April 5th 1969.
April 6th 1982..

6:31 p.m

Ikem Patrick Okolo
Brenden Velez
B P. V O
Beautiful Pride Victorious Full Circle.

Nor did I come to Prove a non exisrent gap.

Or proof the Identity of who I am.

E ..A.M.
Dawn Awakening D.A.

If anything if any one wished to know my Identity and Authority, observe my Being and Doing..
It reveals as S.Johnson
John Mack.
Easily figured out by simply reading my page and meeting and conversing with me, and even meeting me was not required since I have never met Steven Johnson..
All it required was that you read.

I mean who do this “Force” think its kidding.
That I am a Total Idiot?
That I could not read this Script or I would forgive and forget all I read saw and lived that which was done to me, my life, my body, my truth, my intel my knowledge..
And the Shit sandwiches they served me which i refused to eat..
But had to clean.

That I could not read the true meaning and implications of their your quiet, undermining, delaying, dissing, disrespecting me..
Or that I have been feeding and inforning you day and night for 7.9 years
Since age 19?

I just wished to get the End of this and see how far you would go in lying to me, denying me, pretending to agree, see and have no one testify for me especially those I lived with was sent to expressly..
Yet I was and am fully aware of what I have been posting being used, plagiarized

Nade Nakendela
” He is Authoring Harmony
He is Feeding The World..”
She figured this out in 3 Days..
In 2012..

How can anyone be dumb enough to assume that a persons proving consciousness C
is so blind he can not see read and know exactly what is going on?

Or that only now, that I have “survived ”
Years of Public Abuse and Public Humilation, seeing why suddenly are changing their Tune and Tone.

EEE Mosquitos

Fear makes You respect me?

H.O.M M.E.

= 29
I came as A MAN
29th Today.
One Month

Since my arrival.

We walked the passage way, no longer a secret trail.kept by Liberty and Tom
– a Van and had plowed through it, and some one had died.

Ah Terrible Death. T.D. 20 4

I walked with Liberty a sloping Trail with Jerone on her back, hardly taking in the breath taking scenery as Atumns leaves did gracefull Fall Land gracefully.
We passed an Alcove, like a Wood portal, where she paused to.explain how Thomas and Leander..
* Tom Bocek.. just liked Sacred Portal 56. 114. Code.

.. Had cleared the trail.

There was an Altar in the Wood like jutting Barrier where a Branch forming the letter Y had been placed.

Please, observe the Two Sacred Portals, I had posted from Facebook Memories Today just before I took my walk to lead where Liberty lead me..
Sacred Portal 13…That woman is not me..

Sacred Portal 25
” That One is me”

Letter Y..

Masculine Chromosome.

A young lady called Alexa had come to visit Liberty.
Her Tan Brown Honda
License Plate
M.C Y..

Y.C.M e 4/3.

Please no more excuses.

7;06 p.m
76 6

I know exactly what is going on.

Why on earth would I forgive, those who can not even admit that they wronged others..
Will not give credit to the Source which for 7.9 years they had access to knowledge which saved thier lifes, brought them peace while I lived as their slave and Pauper..
Shit cleaner..?


Liberty and her children are protected.
And those who contributed to the Play.

But the rest..
Those who just took.and took.

7:11 p.m

P.S Its V Manuels Birthday today.

Victorious Manual..

Venus Mercury
Aphrodite Heremes
E Rose.
Ive known exactly whats going on
And what will shall happen to all from past to present,
Dead Alive..

7:14 p.m

Cold Chilly Stare..
Terrible Death and Sacred Portals

Always at The Sunshine State.

7:15 p.m


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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