
9/29/2015 20:28 – Facebook Post

9/29/2015 20:28 – Facebook Post


7;O8 PM… 78…87…MW87WM78… Perfect Symmetry…

As well as the response to my last post by the OINRI (True Nri- Peaceful Warriors who fight with prowess beyond even the Legendary Viking Lords, and the Gods Ares Apollo, Athena Aremis..AAAA…1111…
To destroy abomination…and those who commit it despite intervention and Grace…)

Perfect Symmetry of Nenad M. Djurdjevic post of St Micheal aligning to Ele Mmaka..Arch Angel Michael Melchidezic…

Ele Ife…E.I…

With my New Face Book friend Ele Ife… which brings us back to 389 Facebook friends..3-89…C…H.I…See Hi…Ino Nno…( Meaning “4” and Welcome..Eke Afor Nkwo Orie..E.A..-51 ( Jonn Blackwell) A.N…1…14…O..15..5115..66 48)


Okeke Tochukwu

Chineke which literally means that the “Chi” creates is a feminine aspect of Chukwu or the Creational force “Adama-n..A.D A Man”- The First Daughter of Beauty…Naturalness is True Nature…

My Great grandmother who was legendary where I came from, was said to have descended from the skies, as my Mother being one who rose from the Sea (C.of E)…
She is Mbaforocha…. Afo is the Second Igbo OINRI Market day…


First Man First Woman…Sunday Monday…Tuesday W T F S..
Do you see the literal trajectory of the play aligning S.M…T.W.T..F.S…
Sam… Sam Nnam…Same Name…
T.W.T..TOM..MOT..Twin Words
Tom Benzian
Thomas J Brock…Double U..
Frank Sinatra… (Frank Albert Sinatra)
FA…4th Note..S…
Feelings Sensational
Stephen Filgueira…

Aligned to Eke Afor Nkwo Orie…E.A..N.O..

U.M…Universe Manifest EANO…Through Breath…Dibia Mystical Way of the Four Divine Breaths…
The Four as One..Eno Ino…E,I…ON I
*Please see the meaning of the Oni in Japanese ” Demons, Monsters”
Mmuo in OI-Nri Igbo…I.N.O….Meaning 4…

“Tuesday is defined as the old Germanic God “Tiw” of the War and Sky..
Equated to the Roman-ce God Mars..Aries…April 5th..4.55 4…

E.A…The true Conversation between Energy E and Ahtom..
Expression Created Atom…Nucleus ANDD.N.A…Atom-Nucleus Dna…
And…E= AND-D.N.A=E…

Ele Ife…aligns to Ele Ife…Two Face Book Friend..

El is E..IF (96) is E…

Mgbafo Ocha.. the Fair one, my Great Grandmother looked like a Tall Japanese and Fulani Woman..

I recounted the first time I met and my shock greeted by her mischevious twinkle of Mischief in her eyes…
“Your Me?” I called out Silently to her laughing eyes…
“I know” I finally realized that she was saying..


She was Ala incarnated and she used to be a painter.. painting beautiful images on walls..
And she was warrior with the tongue and the sword..
She was from Enugu Ukwu..
The top of the Hill..
the X marks the Spot.
Esther Uzoma..
Ele Ife
Ele Ife…

Ele le… is what my mother says when she sees someone of indescribable Beauty..

E Lei Le..I

8:28 PM

Its all about Perfect Symmetry..
Not neccessarily a Full Circle.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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