
9/29/2015 17:59 – Facebook Post

4;14 PM..D.N…(1+4=5)..E


9-29-8…. I.BI..H..

I Live (“BI”) Beautifully, Wisely, Individually Harmoniously..


I would like to brief today as I have grown more and more weary of this play..

We are currently back to 3-88…
instead of moving from 389-39O Face book friends, we have been moved back minus 2, which created us moving back to 387 Facebook Friends..
see sacred portal 87…”Returning the world to its Senses and its Sensie’s”
And see sacred portal 88…

Thus, it gives us an idea of how the play is unfolding and why the awakening is constantly being delayed by the Africa D,N.A consciousness of OINRI…
What humanity call the parallel dimension or the Spirit World who of course occupy in this play the 4th Dimension,but really is the Dimension of the 4th Kind…
See Dragos Gheorghe post.

Which I call the Evil Beyond the definition of Evil which humanity created through Expression false and which they never cleaned up…It created and manifested with the “Void” a “Space” also created by Humans stubbornly holding onto and using unclean expression most of Blame and False Accusation and usurping the rights, creativity, expression, word, voices of others right to their source.

The fourth kind can be described as the place where the Ancestor go to who held on to old points of view and as the saying goes, “Could not enter the Light called Love, because there was no Love as C, in such creatures.
The occupy this realm..Leviathan, the Beast and lure humans beings into that realm by encouraging them from the Unseen realm…

The Truth beautiful ancestors exists in the 4th Dimension called ROYG..Grace…

Yes, it is real… and Grace has been extended and extended to give people time to Cleanse themselves of Abominations- which is what the Priests Kings of Ancient Nri and the Ancient world of the Dibia and Shamans used to do…
Ritual Cleansing…Passing through “Owu Mmuo” O.M..
Dantes Inferno D.I..E…
But none could pass through the portal which I was sent to by the Dibia Shamans challenge answered by Nnamdi O.N.U…U.M..E,A,N.O…
(Eke Afor, Nkwo Orie.. the four cardinal Directions and Elements of the 1-3 Dimsension and the 4th Dimension as the Spirit Realm)

please see the Leopards of the Magical Dawn by Chukwuka Omenigbo-Nwafor…. it gives a very detailed and well interpreted understanding of the Nri Cosmology and why they are the First Borns of Adama, the Daughter of Erie -and from whose womb came the children of Nri, who was her brother…

I do not have much interest in the Story of the past and have already given OINri and the Igbo story enough of my attention- nor did I came here to translate or prove the Supremacy of the OINri creation Story or that the Western Caucasian story in this “Modern” world has only just caught up with the 96% of the Spirit world ( Water World) consciousness aligned now with the discovery of the Quadruple Helix…4..
As in Jonn Blackwell ( Huan Delguidce) and Donna O’Sullivan
J.D= H.D…
HD=48…12-O..Completion of a Cycle
Onwu Ndu.universe…..O.N.U…U.N.O…
Life And Death…L.A.D..I.E

So yes, as I have already proven that Humanity is in the Womb of the OINRI creation story….The dream of Nature Naturalness…

*After the most extraordinary delay a Wine red cap (See the NRI Red cap Chiefs meaning and the feather in the cap…) ordered for me by Donna O’Sullivan finally arrived… marked on it was the number H-28..
Donna was working at her job and suddenly received on order sheet with 8-28 stamped on the bottom..

She then went shopping and her bill came back to 24;24..

Which also makes 48 she pointed out..
Jonn just bought me a pair of lounge pants 12.99 usd…L.I.I…LI..GHT..
Which are deep blue with lucky charms, Japanese style pants…

I am fully aware (Because I remember and can read) that I was sent through the Dibias ( DI Bia..meaning the “IS” came…( The Truth) and the “Husband Came”)

My Husband ( and my Wife) would be Nature and Naturalness..
Father Nature.. IS
Mother Naturalness..Breath..
In the Story- which I keep getting dragged back into by the last of the Spirit Realm ( Thoughts.. manifested in the realm of Limbo Purgatory this current Existence and low Consciousness)

The current play is N and N evolv-v.e, back to what they originally were and are the E E…Everything Everywhere…
Expression Of Existence…
but now they are embodied and rising in the True 8-28…
Donna O’Sullivan birthday..
aligning in perfection through the reps as Jonn and Donna..
the True of the Universe=Existence..B.EE.

( * The reason I break things down into initials is to read what another expression is saying to me- the E-spirit world…For example, To “Tue” Be E… means To Kill Be E… and To Tuesday Be E…Both Being Correct… Amadioha as the Igbo God of Thunder and Lightening as ODIN-Nani…”It comes from within” is the Lord of Justice and Conseqyence- Mirrored by Nenad M. Djurdjevic post which I transformed and upgraded and then played out the Sword of Truth…Ile Bu Ife….
While today being Tuesday, is aligned to code 29..BI…Meaning Live in ONRI Igbo…Or BI-Sexual…Androgynous which is the true nature of CHI N EKE.. Being of both genders and where male and female originated from, and now return to HI-M, Because the Female Forms has completed Herself on the Male and the Male has completed the understanding of the Female. While both always where complete, through this play of the Human Time Line.. tl 2O12 which ended in 2O12, and then 3 more years were added without my consent to complete that which was already complete.. They play of how you already know. but where simply afraid or did not how to be and express the two sides as one…
Monday Tuesday is the second day of the week,=Afor in the Igbo Nri
4 days 7 week Calendar ( 4-7..D.G.. Dragos Gheorghe..11 28..)

Considering that Eke is the First day of the week and is considered the day of Rest… the second day Monday of Tuesday or even any of the 7 week day based on its Rotation of 4 aligned to the 7 day week of the west..
Which aligns perfects with the Igbo cosmology..
Where each is a sacred portal linking the Spirit realm or the 4th Dimension…
it is symbolized by a four headed statue..
4 is one..
Thus, you witness how I align the Spirit realm…
Heaven the Human Being and Earth…the Physical world which humanity as Light EMIT came to experience the invention called TIME..

Meaning in Donna and Huan (Jonn) are the E rising through their own Being ( because of all the cleaning and work they did in their lifes, their yes and no decisions 1010101….before they met me) they are representing the 2,3 Billion Human Beings who will ascend, and the 500,000 who will ascend all the way to the E Harmony Line..
And the 50,000 Who will finally become the E as Huemans…
the few.

Welcome Okeke Tochukwu..

Meaning of Okeke is Man or Male… And Born the very first Market Day…M.D..
The day of rest.. Sunday? Friday? Mon-day….Every day..
all 4 and 7 and 28 days in a month are of he as well as the extra 2 and 3 days in the western calendar….2.3..B.C..
Jonn just bought me a mag with B.Colbert on the Cover..

I do believe it is his Espirit affirming that we are aligned..
and that 23..W..VV..will rise..Double you..The E line who has been waiting inside… Odin-nani…within..
the Body- Grace..
Within the Earth… Earthquake..
NOME Alaska..the 49 state DI…IS…

Man is the First Born E.K.E…
Tochukwu means “The Gift of God- Nature- Order And Harmony..
G.N- O.A.H…7 14 15 (O) 18…
H..A.O…NG…8 1 15 (O)..147…

* you will observe by the codes that this is a full Circle of the Expression to the Energy to the Place to the Person and Personality..the Source…

Homme “Be” M.A,N (NNAMDI- I.D…MAN..N)
Moira Judith Mann..M.J..
Mawa Jim…M.J.
Mary Jane…
“Love is the Gift of Grace of the Creator..

Which is what the name “Tochukwu- My mothers “late” brothers Lord Charles- First born sons name..- actually means…

OK..E..KE ( KE means to Create or have already created)…
To Chukwu…The Creator…

Who Kills the Virus and raises the Dead to Rise with E consciousness..

Dibia Shamans are the greatest scientists- for they are Artists Mystics, who quietly apply what they know…
The Go see… for themselves..
What Exists..
Warrior E-spirit Kings of Peace Harmony..not Celibate Priests

p.s my Red Cap is the Color of Wine Red..
More befitting of Bach-us
Soma Kali For Nia
Michael O’Donnell
Soma means the Intoxication”- from the Energy expressed by the Moon..
The Deep seat of Pleasure…

Prostrate Glance..

5;59 PM

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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