
9/29/2014 3:19 – Facebook Post

9/29/2014 3:19 – Facebook Post
9/29/2014 3:19 – Facebook Post

At 2O4..

Again, I wiish to State for the record, that I Emeka Kolo found myself in the position of the Story of Joun Legend- of Revealtations.. where he was whisked away through his Espirit and Seers ship to see the Future Present of his Species.

In this case, the Species are not mine, for they are infected with Disease and the cure was given to them and through a play IN New York, then for 29 months on Face Book the Cause and effect each response or lack of response, inaction etc,, wove the outcome for a future which already is manifesting.

If anyone examined the 29 months of weaving from the begining one will see that everything which is currently manifesting on the world stage had its seed planted here by the cause and effect of some taking responsibility and most taking this as a joke and not paying attention.

It did not Need your participation, but it would have greatly benefited from it.
In all honesty I am truly disgusted by what I saw take place here.. And I know that your children wiill read this and be so ashamed of those of you who did nothing to prevent that which could have been prevented.

Some ppl rose and made me feel proud, but in truth most made me wish to lie down and never rise to this world, to only awaken when it is dead and replaced by my family and our truth… The Truth you destroyed so easily for an arrogance in being so sure of being superior to a consciousness which you should have learnt to understand first before judging.

It is the consciousness of the all seeing Eye and the vibration of the essence of every part of your being.

There was so much potential so much beauty in you all that I fell in love with you so often desired you so mcu to make love with you and celebrate with with you.. But each time you would fail to rise to the responsibility of simply sustainingthe truth of the beautiful you…
I expect another to do it for you..

Every one of you will live to see the cause and effect of your speaking out of thinling that you were cunning and clever in keeping quiet.
This is the place it all begins from- your end and for others a beautiful begining.

I truly wished you had paid attention and cared a little bit more for others more than yourselves…

it would have made a huge difference.

I loved you too much and you did not love yourselves enough

Ah oh well


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