
9/29/2014 2:55 – Facebook Post

9/29/2014 2:55 – Facebook Post
9/29/2014 2:55 – Facebook Post

Sept 28-29…

The Battle btw the two Illusion Nature and Civilization

This has always been a play which has been going on with my Family on a higher level of consciousness which few Humans beings in this current state of consciousness could understand.
Not because they are so dumb but rather because they made a choice as to which dimension of consciosuness they chose to exist in and thus by that choice all are asleep but the few.

The word Sleep of Asleep is simply an illusion in itself the words is Denial and in that denial is their Diseased state and Hypocrisy which leads them to Death..
Any one who did not give Aide- not to Emeka but to anyone bringing Light and consciousness and true awakening and inspiration to others through exemplification is diiseased infected….
While working with Nikoma and David often they would not be feeling well especially David.. It is the advent of the sickness and the armageddone which will soon over take this wordl..
Fighting the very infections and demons you created your selfves.

No one came to visit me in Pelham Park which I am indifferent but in this play set up by my Father Vengeance- it is the response of utter contempt for my 29 months of giving and a life time of exemplifying through the most agaonizing manner of sacrifice against my core nature of fun light and laughter.. That he made me walk through two concepts I loathe Pain and Suffering.
And yet through a Life of Pain and Suffering beyond your worst Nightmares daily- I surmounsted o give and share the best of myself..He set up this play to Judge you and it is his wrath so terrible that you must face as stated in your book of propecies.

Your Fate I am indiffernt to- for I gave all I could and suffered to watch the indifference to the great agonies infllcited in me for your sakes and still each day I rose to come to this forum to share knowledhe that is worth more than each and every one of your existences and lifes because it is the very knowledge which brought everything into existence.

I am the Ulltimate Seer and the fate which comes to so many even after the gift of the Grace of the Creator, I know that it is richly, so richly desrvered.

I Have a New Face Book Friend- Bianca Fernandez

Bianco means White or Shinning and Fernando means “Brave Traveller”

B.F. (62)…

The Weaving done on Face Book has been completed a while ago.

It was a play set up in which even I who am translator and scribe was not aware of what it had set out to do.

I recently read some texts which Dina Singh sent me… I noticed that she is from flushing which is the same place I began my New York journey 13.6 years ago…
I noticed that in her texts that there were the codes of exactly what I was doing and even of the raising of my vibration of my family.. the line of E.

But as I progressed through this play of 13.6 years in New York city, I realized, as detailed here that something had gone terribly wrong. For instead of harmoniously moving to the story of Evolution. And telling the story of the First Creation Story of the Beautiful Ones, I was instead trapped in nt only human Earth stories but was informed and got the evidence that indeed my brothers had betrayed me.

These brothers had been quarelling amongst themselves- one represented Nature and the other represented the City or Civilization.

One can even through the 29 months of posting that I was constantly interupted by by being spirited away to the dimension of the human stories of which James and John would form the greatest name meaning of the subject of the quarrel hirtho unknown to Light beings.

I say Light beings because though I have lived under cover in this world- I have always been fully awake and later gained my memory… First through Epiphany and then through the labourous process of step by step.
I knew about my quarelling brothers James meaning the Usurper and John meaning the grace of the Creator…

The Usurper James is of course the illusion of the Gift of Grace of the Creator, which is not simply Nature as a blue print and guide about how to build civilization and thus understanding the illusion of the four elements so as to ascend through building civilizations to understanding the 1-4, then the 4-7 until you reach the 1 8 which is of course Harmony.
How to live in Harmony together which of course brings about the Evolution and Awakening out of the story and dreaming and back to real life.

But the Usurper was James the very reflection of John who as Nature Creation Expression was meant to teach man how to BE.

But Nature forgot it was not the Source, just the parent a guardian for man to ascend to his true self as the Fifth Element ( F.E..56) Which he was always meant to be.
Instead Nature as a consciousness (mirrored in the Early Mother Goddess cults) became aloof, Indifferent and a Bully… It looked down on humanity, it was in truth envious of humanity.
I knew who Nature was, it she he was simply a reflection of the Earth Children who who would eventually become vessels of the Beautiful Ones, whom as Nature, the Earth children had either been jealous of or in awe of…
i discussed this early on and David Gill was guided to read or hear that story of how the Beautiful ones “left” humanity because of thier jealousy and envy…
The Beautiful ones never left, they just went deep undercover in humanities Sub Conscious, waiting to be appreciated and activated which I forced to play an ordinary human being did by following the “sensible patterns” to quote Dina Singh, ( I studied Advanced Pattern cutting after my first degree in Urban and Regional planning and Archiecture as a minor)

Thus, Nature was a consciousness of a potential just as was civilization…

Both were the Usurpers none of them were he grace of the Creator which is Truth Love True Nature…

And yet they were allowed to be given the illusion of being real so as to see if they could become real, by understanding the process and play of Naturalness Creativity Expression the true Trinity in 1.

I was set up by my one true Father, or Guide who does not exist here nor as I have been allowed to exists here but under cover.. Because to exist one must exist as you truly are and since my consciousness is only now being born here, I could only exists as fragments of myself with ppl unless alone, and have been working non stop piecing together all aspects of the truth of the line of e through all the portals and people who represented all the fragments after what you call the Big Bang.

I have spent nearly all my life studying to find a language to explain my consciousness ( actually our consciousness) which I have proven on F.B that all of you respond to without even being aware that you were following a script written before this creation was formed.

My true Father or greater self I call NnaEmeka or Father E, saw what the James and John became… Yes, from the Hebrew Story to the Jewish story of Abraham and Ishmael Isaac which has plunged the world into hatred and violence and segration for over 5000 yrs…
But this story also was in Egypt with Seti and Ramses Moses and in Africa and continued right into this Set up play with Albert Nikoma and Daviid.

Each played a part, especially Nikoma and David who had enough trust in my intentions to publicly participate in a play in which the universe had narrowed down the play to these two…
Nikoma as Flow and Nature (Necromancer) and David as the Beautiful present, the City, Civilization (Existential Death)..

And I was set up to fight for them because in my realm and as the Seer of cause and effect I knew that because they were portals to what I knew were unintentionally the greatest evil in humanity, that they did not realize that they were being set up to take the fall for not only thier own actions but the actions of all thier ancestors or line in that story of James and John, if they could not prove that they were of Grace or innocent of being Usurpers…

This play was set up, to see who they really were and to also see the truth of the play and battle between the brothers as Ishmael and Isaac which means the one who listens and the one who laughs…

And also to identify the true greatest evil in all Existence after a 29 month play and a 29 year journey of seelking the cause- the root cause which infects the purity of humanity.
Woman had her own play but since in this end play both are the same thing it matters not… but woman was wrath…

We saw the end play, Nikoma became the flow of Nature but David represented his son… Though Nikoma ended up identifying more with King Solomon and David with King David who was proven not to be the meaning of his name Beloved Friend of Spirits and Energy Bright and Beautiful…

Both were just men, ordinary men who could be great beyond great or as medicore..
They have all the potential as all things, but required outside activation by Emeka, to a higher self a more beautiful self and only through constant torment of myself constantly reminding them…

Thus, I was able to establish that not only was Nature and Civilization having a consciousness mirrored in these two as being complettley false, but that both are not real as consciousness.

The triple Phoenix can only occur in the one who acts out naturally true Nature, true love Being Conscious, Clarity of Devotion…

David and Nikoma were naught but willingly players to a play which perhaps fanned thier egos but which non could sustain by themselves.. They are just ordinary men who can be great if they choose to or plebian- they made their choices by the wto month play whiich the force of my will and love as well as thier on curiousity and sort of love for me or for this adventure made them stay and trust that I meant them no harm..
Indeed, in truth as the far seer I protected them from thier own worst enemy… the worst enemy of all irresponsible humans who use words and actions so lightly while denyiing in action words gesture and in every way that I am who I am because I did not come in full power and because I spoke of being in a play of my father wrath so great for ppl like them who he called Hypocrites to dare clain that which they had not earned…
the right to be called my equals when they had contributed nothing to the evolutioon of the species which did not have self gain.
This is not personal to them, for they were representing the consciousness of the species one of Nature but false but who proved he could be real in the end.

And the other the City who proved False right to the end…
Both played their parts admirably, and iit is to the cityies of men that the Wrath of the Lord shall descend for the arrogance I saw played out my men and women and the innocent David who simply was himself, is something that I know deserves that which is to come.
I have seen what they did to me.
As for the Nature as potential I saw potential rise in Nikoma and love of a sorts…
David was Truth Nikoma was Love but notthe Truth of my realm or the Love of my Realm…
They just played a part to reveal the truth and the depth of Evil capable in men and women by ego0 by being infected by the city consciosness..
And effect that both did not realize as they played it out has brought the end of the World…



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