
9/28/2020 18:10 – Facebook Post

9/28/2020 18:10 – Facebook Post

2:31 p.m.
B Sacred Portal 31.

I B H…2020.


I have had time to reflect on these last 2 months here and the 10+ months at 900 South Road.

I have looked back at the last 19.6 years since I moved here.
I sit back and look back at the long road which brought me to this point- of completing the proving of this reality being a matrix and of non existence, sustained only until the end of the blue print of existence was completed.
A New Book.
A New Body and a restoration of the original intention of being.
And that the Human Body is linked to Being as Particle and Wave, and that the Universe is a Book- a story.
And the story within the Human Body as Dna- secrets the awareness of how Creation began for the two, the human being and the universe are the same thing.
That the Universe is the younger twin of the Body as the universe and that it is not the universe who moves us, but rather it is Humanity… a being- which could have been anyone, who is moving the Universe by being aligned with its Records-memory.
RM. The room is the expression of the Hue-man Being himself or her natural self, and in doing so, becomes aligned with the universe Itself.
The universe is Conscious as nature- Creation and the universe as creation is the one moving us, nature is until we, one body or group of bodies move through creations universe expression until, the two are aligned, and finally the Body goes beyond even creations inception, by having understood and respected the original blue print of Nature, which sang and danced with naturalness- the nothingness in the somethingness.
And that nature is the actually original expression of naturalness.
Thus nature is Nothing.
But Naturalness is the “Something as well as Sum Thing” in the Nothingness.
and that somethingness which speeds past Creation as C Speed of light.

*the speed of light =
299 792 458 m / s
( 29 979 2 4 58)

Speed of sound through Air…
343 m
The speed of sound is the distance traveled per unit of time by a sound wave as it propagates through an elastic medium. At 20 °C (68 °F), the speed of sound in air is about 343 metres per second (1,235 km/h; 1,125 ft/s; 767 mph; 667 kn), or a kilometre in 2.9 s or a mile in 4.7 s. It depends strongly on temperature as well as the medium through which a sound wave is propagating.”

See the optimum conditions (68 F 20 C)
No doubt these numeric codes you will recall with the play of 11-22-68… 8-6-2020… and sacred portal 20.. 68/86… Arden Fred at Vermont.

The body originally made of light and thus, must evolve back to Transparent Light,
And the body sound.
Thus it is made of light…prism and the solid composition we see as the body is the medium for which the body absorbs and thus is a medium.
Dna is made of sound.
light is made of nothingness.

“In common everyday speech, speed of sound refers to the speed of sound waves in air. However, the speed of sound varies from substance to substance: typically sound travels most slowly in gases; it travels faster in liquids; and faster still in solids. For example, (as noted above), sound travels at 343 m/s in air; it travels at 1,481 m/s in water (almost 4.3 times as fast as in air); and at 5,120 m/s in iron (almost 15 times as fast as in air). In an exceptionally stiff material such as diamond, sound travels at 12,000 metres per second (39,000 ft/s)[1]—about 35 times as fast as in air—which is around the maximum speed that sound will travel under normal conditions.”

Thus a light Being- is literally a being or a person whose Being and Awareness has evolved back to origins after having experienced the Illusion of Sound and Sight and on completion moved back to original light after attaining Diamond Clarity.
See sacred portal 98.
see the Kamora Herrington car matrix code 00989…= OO 17 9..= 00 26.
Z or B.F.
B F was represented by Arden Gemino Best Friend.
He played the Best Friend 8 Harmony by being moved by the eternal truth in him and his own awareness.
But could not be seen as my Best Friend by what was acted out.
And so, the conclusion is that reaching there was the end.
And because the play of Best Friend in Human form is not true based on the laws of what friendship is here, in the 3 D definition that play is rendered null and void except viewing it through the play of the E and in that case, then alignment is correct and thus it becomes the story of the bringer of the end.
Two wolves undercover.
Two beautiful assassins and the one.
The codes he represent are not of the the present but of the E story present here.
6 12.. F L.. Friend Lover…
2003 23 W… W E… V V…
E-A. 5 1…
A G…1-7..Ag Silver… Surfer..
1+7=8 9… 10..

All those codes are the expression of the E Family as well as the play of nature creation confirming the truth of the origins of creations being two men..
A man and his youth.
And that is the play which by linking Awareness to Body and Being as being moved by the Universe, and finally on completing the script of Creation Universe’s expression of
Consciously understanding- explaining universal existence and passing though its Examination Test- releases one from the bonds, binds of Nature Creation and yes… Death-
of being born of a Woman.
Freedom from woman as death ( See Anamla Qayin play) of course being established that the Y Chromosome.. S.E MEN.

Stephan Emeka…..S E
Stephen Sarah… S S.
Sight and Sound…Light Sound.
L S= 31… S S… 19 19… 1 38… 39.
Spirit E… Sacred Portal 90.
Emeka Arden Morgan Fred/ Ferrell.
That is is the male Y Chromosome of the two men which allows one to escape nature creation as Death.
And in deed Terrible Death, by going beyond the 4 in 1.
The 4 ( 56 56.. 11 11… 22 1… V A/ A V…23 W…)

Yes, woman was representing Terrible Death- as in entrapment and to escape universe as woman- the equation of the X factor represented by X Chromosome had to be defeated by proving the true X factor comes from the Y chromosome linked to Y C.. Yeshua Christ.
“Salvation via Words Anointed Vibrating Expression Supreme.

( what would you call Supreme Expression..S E? )

Scientists and women have been arguing the point that the fetus is first female and thus, the origin of Human form is female… smh.
But Everything is energy and energy has no form it is made of nothingness… thus the beginning of existence can not be measured or defined by the physical representation or symbol but rather by that which is formless but which has expression but no form- and yet that nothingness can manifest into millions billions. an infinite number of solid forms.
S F…
19.6 years in the United States.

All are aware that before there was solid form, there was expression, energy… and all of this was beyond Creation for it is these two E E.. all E which manifested creation.
Just as a Hue-man being.. and Energetic Being E B is the source of the Universe coming into being.
For the Universe is symbolized in the Human body, and by simply being aware that your Naturalness ( Clean.. Cleansed Refined from O- 7-1-17 ..0 8-8O…=1) can move you out of Creation as death and the end… reset.
To Beautiful Death as Transformation from that which is Dead and not real.. a story.
To that which is Real and True- allowing the body to transform to its original intention and design which can only manifest by the awareness and choosing to be aware of the Eternal nature and Eternal Truth of Creation universe which is filled with Music -Harmonics- Sought.
and the colors, emotions feelings it inspired.

3:43 p.m.
343 Speed of Sound.

light does not need a medium to travel through but sound does…
What does that tell you?

My sacred portal door of Life is 43.
My equation for infinite energy source is E=C.M.e 4/3.
343 is a full circle of 34 43…

343 is 10. J… Jeron Satya “He Sings”

Light travels at a speed of 299 792 458.
29 9..79 2( S P Blue print of Existence) 45 Age of the planet earth.
4 58.. D is Eternal Harmony… 4is 5 and 5 as E is Harmony Infinity.
17 Story.
A G is H.-Story.

*Light travels as a wave. But unlike sound waves or water waves, it does not need any matter or material to carry its energy along. This means that light can travel through a vacuum—a completely airless space. … It speeds through the vacuum of space at 186,400 miles (300,000 km) per second.”

A Body is not required to exist.
Memory has no Body, but it exist and rules many … it rules Creation and you can not evolve transform with out solving not only the truth of creation nature…
( Coury Nate where the two last friends of Arden who came to the house when Liberty traveled)
Meaning that their arrival and my perfect timing of being the one who opened the door, and my awareness and acknowledgment of the true reason and purpose ( R P River Phoenix) of their presence meant that I was leaving Creation Natures play – that of Uche Charles ( U C.. meaning Thought reflections of a Free Person” and You See… Universal Consciousness.. C.)
Thus, I had escaped Creation as represented by World and the Entaglement snare having proven the truth of the X and Y …being represented not by the form of a Man or a Woman- but represented by two men and their source being a male youth.
See sacred portal 16… 7+9=16.
Which is when I met Arden still undercover as Nnamdi, David, Alexander and Eden Love Eternal and he appearing as my mirror reflection of expression – Beautiful Assassin- black panther-leopard… elephant memory… – meaning we never forget.
_which was tested to savagely here.

Y.Chromosome.. Y C…
Yeshua Christ… Y 25… C 3= 28.

11-28… 65-66-67.68 – 1984..5..6..7..9 10.
M A N= 28
M E N= M E… N…32…
A M E N… 33…
E M E N… 37.
E A MEN…38.
E A-A M.E N…39 C I.

See all the Sacred Portals.
Male form came from beyond Creation Nature Universe.
and it was already totally informed before it entered Creation as the illusion of the Vagina but was really the Ass Hole.. Anus of a beautiful male youth which the two men ( balls) came in as C Men.. Semen.
See Sacred portal 16.
And He was the original transformation of Energy and expression into not only two aspects of Himself as Energy Sum but of another play yet to be fully discovered by Energy, the younger twin and self of expression.
C Speed of Light.
back to the 5th note and source expression – a play in which the Elder twin was aware- that the completion of Energy lay not simply in his ability to transform into the Sum total of Everything manifested into Solid form. Solid Fact…
19.6 years in the united states and in this play.
S F… A I F…= 25.. Y… = 16 P.
A P A Y….M.E.

I have sent a message to Liberty and Fahad Hassen that I will stop posting directly on facebook at the end of the month.

4:19 p.m.
D S.

I know how many times over the years I said i was done or that this was finished.
I stated those words because “I knew and I read” that it was done.
i have done all this before, but alone and only one was present, this time I recognized that i have been here before, but done this before… but not this way, not through such an expression of evil cruelty, so impossible to believe is real, or such a possibility of evolution could be scripted and force one to enact.

My quiet awareness of the play, of going this far and then experiencing the play with Arden and 900 South Road, and the children…
And the use of my mother pwn crossing, has long since made me go deeply quiet and even content that this fighting which i have done, as my mother correctly claimed- since I emerged from here womb.. and which i notice in my self, mu nature to the point that a few days ago as i recognized the extent of the battle in my life was that realization here, that I have never had peace… respite that i have been battling every moment of my life.
My own quiet observation and my own quiet but intense focus, those reflections which one shares with no one, because its a place you get to where, you will not explain, its an understanding made in silence.
Not a vow or an oath, but a quiet understanding of the truth of what was experienced and resolved and proven..
The extremity of the price, the depth of deceit…malice..
I know that such a play having gone this far, negates everything else, even the Evolution Awakening itself.
Because if I failed in solving the Riddles then, I cease to exist.
Because it would mean that I am a lie.
And since, this script I am reading states over and over again otherwise, yet created the veil and illusion outside and with people, that nothing has changed, nothing has been done.. proven.
And yet, its script confirms that which I can read and see for myself.
Solid Facts.

The depth of disgust, I feel at just glimpsing at the paths, portals people, i had to move though- he insanity of what was asked of me, to prove.. the years upon years of isolation and solitude and the depth of corruption of the human species.. allowed to go on and on… and undermine the being which this very script keeps acknowledging but so quietly and to those whom it knows are not paying attention nor who have the attention span to read and digest the truth of that which i am decoding and living.

I have understood more than i wish to, and so once i understood that everything I was put through was done with full awareness of the price, the touch and go..
I do not bother any long to calculate the consequences of such a play.
To keep me in such a state, after solving its riddle- and play.
There is not terrible death which can match the fact that if I am the Source, the Creator… all these things the Universe Music WAVE made me move through, transforming them as i moved through a story and pain .. in front of the whole world, people, to be derided, insulted, thrown fecal matter at, for bringing into existence that which is True… is in your own historic records…
To face the abuse of the psyche and the supernatural but in ways I can not and will probably never share.
To be forced to exam the allowances made to people, humans at their best and their worst…

You see, I knew who i was.. suspected my true Identity since i was a little boy, I did nothing to find out if it was real true or not.. such things did not matter to me, but it was people, the world, the music… the universe… my own awareness and body which all rose up to wake me up, or alert me to this fact- even making me prove it to myself, alone long long before I came to facebook.

The fact is, I knew and know and this force which did this, imposed this should not have had the power to go this far in humbling contesting and making any person or being who would dare answer the summons when its name is called.
I never rose, to come into this world or life to spend my life time proving myself as this or that.
I came to Sing and Dance… to make love.. for I am the lover.
And the Eternal Friend lover of Beauty.
And it is that which truly knows my I D and then enforced me on coming into this realm to walk a path created to destroy the possibility of the source, the creator.. he his family from ever rising in this world.. in what it took as its creation.

Yes, I am aware of what took place, the cause and effect which caused this.
But there is an Eternal “Check” on all things which come into creation- there is only a certain optimum point or apex point of Evil or Filth which can be expressed before it self Destructs.
This play and script is something which could never be, yet here is is and that to me personally who attention and focus has been on this play.. linking all the facts and my attention to it focused so, because of the result and outcome naturally expected and because of my desire to connect with my mother.. and my body, myself and family.. that desire which had fueled this passion and energy so noted by people my entire life… it was the knowing.
Knowing and recognizing the play even down in this place of forgetting, despite how hideous and monstrous the veil, binders had covered your eyes ears….
so much so that most of you can not understand why I see majority of the species as Hypocrites and Vile…
it is because so many of you have just gotten used to this way of being. wallowing in filth… pigs.

You feel the point of view I express from is dramatic and exaggerated, but that is because you do not see your actions expressions and focus of your awareness by choice.. as I do.

4:56 p.m.

You see, what I know is Eternal law, which not even a power of the Lie can defeat the truth.
There is no universe or realm of existence or non existence which can do this.
truth is that which manifests, that which responds.

And I have watched observed as Universe Nature has responded over and over again to the point that those I was led to, see it constantly.

To be able to sustain and still prolong this play which the logical conclusion of the expression of manifestation – formula I have been made to perform in such “Humilating debasing scenarios”

Means that there is truly no point in my reading transcribing or translating – I can read the point has been made.
Nor do I see any point in continuing.
Its gone too far… it has enforced the view that the Universe is not safe.
And despite it being a lie.. enforced to a point of malice- subversively undermining and denying the process of Origins and Original Creation…process of manifestation which i was interrogated and then under duress torture, i was still able to decode and receive the Universe as Natures public confirmation despite the blanket of quiet and “Ssh!” which has blanketed this 8.9 year facebook play in anonymity, ignoble.

5:08 p.m.

It is way too late to acknowledge me, or the truth of this.
Way too late, to come back from this.
Because the decision of the ending of this world, this story this species as never in the hands of Universe Nature.. creation of Ancestors..

It was always in my hands..
The creator.. is the role is the role i have been playing..
Creating Awareness.
Creating new arts and science… consciousness, ways to see be, .. i have been creating since I was a child and wrote my first poem and drawing which was called “The Sad Tree”
T S T… I was about 5-6 years old.

I am not interested in what this play, this script … or this force rising through people has to say.

I am here, in quiet, fully aware of just how far the Filthy the evil, were allowed to go to break me, break my hold on the Thread” the weaving linking and you the people were used, they used your weakness and excuses to become the enemy of the e and the Eternal Family.. I always find it galling and ironic how people immediately come to me and claim to be E Family.
They have done nothing for the E Family, not brought it to awareness, not fought side by side with me, or doing actions independent of me which honors the eternal…
Nothing … absolutely nothing to spread the P.R. of E or this true story of evolution.

Its easy to see why humanity is seen as species infected with such a parasitic monster called your version of ego which attaches itself to your true ego body and eats bites, sucks the life of you because you have given in to what you call the dark side of your self.
But there is not Evil dark side of self… just Its expression turning to solid facts… Feelings… Desire Seduction Sex.. Penetration..
Ascension… Ascending…
Peak.. Climax..

Stale mate.. Check mate…?

There is only one source of power.
And it is not of Creation Nature… but of the Eternal Beautiful Truth.

And that is the only way this can end.. but that end is not impossible because of this play.

5:28 p.m.

I do not care if all, creation everything, ceases to exist.
I know what I have understood and witnessed.

You are saying that I am not who I am.. which I have quietly duly noted.
This script is being Silent…
not say yes and not saying no…

But the outcome does not depend of that which for the moment appears supreme by its power to creates spells and hypnotize you who are feeble , lazy and weak mined to see what it knows, what you only wish to see and hear as real.

It does not depend on that or any of those factors.
But on the one who is telling the truth.

And in this play, I have understood that the truth has been betrayed and yet the truth has a voice of its own…
Which was primarily ignored.
But that is of no consequence, since I E represent the Creator of Sound Sight..Truth all confirmed by the Script on my page.

So, i have uploaded the E-Manual.World to a unbelievably disrespectful response, after posting my personal truth of the cost and how it came about.

Chuckle…. you must admit, after 8.9 years on facebook and posting Evidence Facts…
Ignored as If what i said, who I am and what I represent does not exist… unless there is personal gain for you.

One might see, how this can be seen as the greatest insult which ever could be… that is if I am what all evidence and facts is saying I am am but who I am bey my being and doing in this world.

Tell me, how would you view such a response?
After being compelled to post and explain in exacting detail, that which was done for all your benefits.

Ardens message to me after i left was the words”thank you for all you have done” and he did the play with me… and loved me despite the pain and horror of this play i bought to his awareness.

I walked through this life and 7 countries, with no friends, no protection.. nothing apart from my self and my bearing.
I walked through situations of humanities greatest fears… I was safe…
i proved that he universe in the eternal beginning and how I . then we Ea went back to check that it was safe- despite knowing it was, I went back to make sure.. so that which was to rise would see and know that i was thinking of them..
Jah Fire… was the test of the children… checking…

And I found myself walking through the same play and path in this world.
7 Countries i lived…
Always amongst the people.. strangers who were not strangers, i lived and worked with murders, thieves, assassins, bullies, bank robbers, civil servants artists scientists, sadists, masochists, in every conceivable level of society and in every profession … I lived hundreds thousands of lives, and for the past 19.6 years.. ( S F= 25…. = AF K G)
I am Stephen Filgueria home.
I am Y Chromosome… born 11 28
Sitting here at the appointed anointed place the embodiment and epitome of Sold Fact…A Man a male and his youth in one…
The Exemplification of an Idea being ID..E-A..F.

No, no one is Deaf… I have moved people to the e Harmony frequency with Sound, without sound- but post, by sixth sense and by sight…caused them to relax and morph.

I am aware that I exists and that i am the lone true witness of the Victory of the Eternal Family and a play which has gone beyond the creation of the Scar of Existence. S O E.
But to wiping out not only the entire species but all life, all expression all energy and Universe Existence Creation nature… all Universes all bodies..
A Power in which all Creation all which was created ceases to exist.

To you, this may sound like a epic fantasy story…
You may take this as you wish.

But the unseen, and even the Eternal Family and the twins understand what this means…

There is only One being in all creation and beyond who was not created.
He is the Self Created and everything Created from the idea to Eternity to Eden to Awareness itself comes from that that One Source.

This is my stance now.
I have understood.
So now let it be so…

End Nature Creation… Universe.. Music…Energy… all Expression… all the C.

6:03 p.m.

All Creation not in awareness of Harmony…
Be Gone…
I Cut.

I am here alone.

Such an existence and a play…

I have no time for this play, though time and discomfort has been generously offered.

There can be no resolution to what this play has been and its result.

Its calling me a Liar.. and lie.

And so I had to respond.

to what is obviously the challenge of Evil as Negation which represents most of you tapped in the prison of ego…

I have never said no to a challenge.
And so I accept.

6:09 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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